(very brief) Tournament report

By Elkerlyc, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Note; only 10 people attended. Including me.

My list:

  • Vader; VI, Engine & ATC
  • Inquisitor: Title, AT & a score to settle
  • Stridan: Adv.Sensors, systems officer

Game plan; make as many green moves with the shuttle as possible. Add a free TL, on top of the free action handed to Vader or Inq.

Outmanoeuvre enemies and shoot em dead and hear the lamentation of their wimmenz.

Round 1 vs Scum:

  • Assaij Ventress (various upgrades; chosen as the one to settle a score with)
  • Fenn Rau (AT/ptl/title)
  • Jakku gunrunner (intel agent/spacetug thingy/patter analyser)

I intended to focus down the Lancer and it worked like a charm.

Used the shuttle with 4 naked dice due to giving free tl to either Vader or Inq. allowing them both the hurl heavily modded attacks without skimping on their defense.

the Lancer went down in 2 turns of concentrated fire. After that I could remove the gunrunner while chasing the slippery fenn. But Vader at PS11 was an uneven fight.


Round 2 vs Rebels

  • Stresshog Y
  • 2*K-wings PS2 loaded with extra munitions, Cluster (and other assorted) mines with adv.slam. One carrying Sabine ofc. Otherwise identical.

In the initial approach some mines were dropped but the shuttle allowing the ace an action before even revealing his dial allowed me to barrel roll out of harms way.

One K-wing got hammered badly and died rather soon. Vader got 2 stress from the Y-wing and fickle green dice meant he lost his shield and got some damage as well.

He was out of the fight for 2 turns but this also meant he could not be shot at. The shuttle and Inq murdered the damaged Kwing in exchange for some damage on the shuttle on top of a pile of stress.

With Vader returning to the fight the multi-stressed Y died and I safely got a win. Gave half points for the shuttle and one K-wing survived.

(73-19 iirc)

Round 3 vs Rebels

  • Poe (regen)
  • Ahsoka (PS9, recon specialist)
  • Sabine
  • Rex

My opponent was a bit tired and it showed immediately when Sabine went through debris in the turn where we engaged each other.

I could remove her with Vader and Inq combining fire on her and had a plinking (and promptly regenned) shot on Poe.

The turn after I got to surprise him with a pre-dial barrel roll on vader allowing him to end up on an unsuspecting Poe at range 1. With focus and tl.

Between Vader and the shuttle at range 1 (with tl) Poe went the way of the dodo.

after that it was mopping up. Uneven in the worst possible way.


Round 4 vs Imperials

  • Vessery with ion cannon and 2*PS1 defenders (all twin ion engine)

Disgusting game. Dicewise. I had red hot red dice and he got zero evades the first two turns. Vessery died spectacularly fast.

After that it was over even if the dice rubbed it in a few more times. Had I not been flying an evil Sith Lord I would have felt sorry for him.


What can I say? I did not have a 'cold dice game' all day.

Vader killing aces, Inquisitor gunning for turrets and the shuttle making these two sing and occasionally hurling 4 red dice make me feel this Stridan is here to stay.

One thing I'd change after meeting the stresshog is adding an inspiring recruit and downgrading the advanced sensors to a pattern analyser.

Nice my only suggestion to your list is to drop adv sensors to pattern analyzer like you said, and then also change VI to adaptability so you can give Inquisitor Juke.

Or alternatively give Inquisitor VI so him and Vader are both PS10 giving your movement options. Then with those two points you can give your shuttle the title

Nice dice

Edited by Sir13scott