A group of local players in my home town organized a road trip to a monthy tournament at a gaming club in Aalborg, an hours drive from where I live. The setting is casual and I figured it would be a good chance to try out a few of the ships that had gone directly onto the shelf after being bought mostly for the upgrades - the U-wing and Sabine's Tie.
The format was 4 rounds of swiss with no cut or finals. 14 players total.
The list - fancy name pending
Heff Tobber (24)
Collision Detector (0)
BoShek (2)
Cassian Andor (2)
Anti-Pursuit Lasers (2)
Pivot Wing (0)
Thane Kyrell (26)
Jyn Erso (2)
R3-A2 (2)
Alliance Overhaul (0)
Captain Rex (14)
Biggs Darklighter (25)
R4-D6 (1)
Integrated Astromech (0)
Total: 100
View in Yet Another Squad Builder
The concept is a merry mess of blocking and ramming with Heff, and having Thane and Rex work to keep Biggs alive with extra focus tokens from Jyn and supressing fire. The list has more triggers than you can shake a stick at, and I'd struggle to remember them all, especially flipping the pivot wings at the appropriate time after moving with Heff.
Round by round reports below.