Casual tournament with Heff, Biggs, Thane and Rex [Pics]

By JaceDK, in X-Wing Battle Reports

A group of local players in my home town organized a road trip to a monthy tournament at a gaming club in Aalborg, an hours drive from where I live. The setting is casual and I figured it would be a good chance to try out a few of the ships that had gone directly onto the shelf after being bought mostly for the upgrades - the U-wing and Sabine's Tie.

The format was 4 rounds of swiss with no cut or finals. 14 players total.

The list - fancy name pending

Heff Tobber (24)
Collision Detector (0)
BoShek (2)
Cassian Andor (2)
Anti-Pursuit Lasers (2)
Pivot Wing (0)

Thane Kyrell (26)
Jyn Erso (2)
R3-A2 (2)
Alliance Overhaul (0)

Captain Rex (14)

Biggs Darklighter (25)
R4-D6 (1)
Integrated Astromech (0)

Total: 100

View in Yet Another Squad Builder

The concept is a merry mess of blocking and ramming with Heff, and having Thane and Rex work to keep Biggs alive with extra focus tokens from Jyn and supressing fire. The list has more triggers than you can shake a stick at, and I'd struggle to remember them all, especially flipping the pivot wings at the appropriate time after moving with Heff.


Round by round reports below.

Round 1

Opponent: Frederik


Fenn w/AT and PTL

Asajj w/PTL, Dengar, EU

Jakku Gunrunner w/spacetug array, Intel agent, Pattern analyzer


I was cautiously optimistic going into this fight. I'd be able to shut down his PTL with the stressbot and Asajj was a nice big target for BoShek to mess with once she got close. On the flip side, stress was not great for me either, and he had the potential to take out Biggs quickly.

Rocks were fairly spread, with a cluster of three in one of his corners. He placed his quadjumper by itself and Fenn and Assaj diagonally from my tight formation.

I slowroll up the edge and he turns the quad away while Fenn and Asajj manuever around the rocks. On turn 2, I turn in to face off against Asajj, who is coming in with Fenn trailing. Her first shot strips 3 shields off Heff when I blank a r3 defense roll.


The following engagement sees a few shields lost on either side, with Asajj boosting past too fast for Heff to block her. I instead try to use him to block Fenn, but fail. On the bright side, I'm able to doublestress Fenn with Thane after he PTL BR/boosts away. The Quadjumper is coming in on the flank, plinking away at Biggs.

Asajj circle round a corner rock to get behind my formation, keeping stress on Biggs so he can't K-turn. I break off with Rex and gets a succesful block, but next turn he's in range 1 of Asajj with no Biggs in range and promptly dies. Heff tries to get away and U-turn, but Fenn has swung around, cleared his stress and finishes him swiftly.


Things are looking bleak, but Fenn has taken two crits at this point, and I bank Thane to get him in rear arc and swing in Biggs to block him. He rolls 5 natural hits to take a big chunk out of Thane before dying, having more than pulled his weight.

In order to make sure I had Fenn in arc I had to turn Thane towards the board edge. Before I can 2-turn him away, the gunrunner zooms in and gives the ARC a shove, sending him over the edge when he turns. With Biggs left on 1 hull, I concede.


Loss 33-100

Edited by JaceDK

Round 2

Opponent: Michael


Soontir w/PTL, title, stealth, AT

Vader w/ATC, title, Pred

Dark Curse


After a rough start, I was relived to see a couple of aces who would not like my stressbot, APL's and BoShek. My opponent admitted to being fairly rusty and my confidence grew.

I set up as usual in the corner, and he spread his tie out across his own edge, with the two aces closest to my ships. This meant that I was basically jousting Soontir and Vader, with the two Tie-fighters flanking and out of the fight for the first rounds. A perfect situation for me.


Sure enough, first round of shooting leaves Soontir unharmed but double stressed and Vader shieldless. Next round I 2-turn Heff and bank the rest of my ships for a block so perfect I could not have imagined it better if I tried.


A tokenless Soontir in range 1 of three tokened up enemies is a dead Soontir, and Vader barely escapes with his life, running the round after. After a few rounds of finishing off Backstabber and Dark curse, with liberal use of stress and blocking, I give chase.

He manages to dodge Biggs and Rex, take out Biggs and then spend 30 mins running form my mostly unharmed list.

Win 67-26

Edited by JaceDK

Round 3

Opponent: Jonas


Rey w/trick shot, Finn, Recon Spec,

Gemmer Sojan w/PTL, stealth, chardaan refit, title,

Green Sq. pilot w/PTL, wired, title, chardaan refit


Another decent matchup for me. I planned on focusing on Rey, shutting her tokens down with stress and using BoShek to keep her in place.

My opponent obliged, setting Rey up for a joust with my formation. Gemmer rushed forward on the flank, and lost both shields and his stealth device when his greens betrayed him against a range 3 shot from Heff.

Then Heff banked in to ram Rey, trapping her in a point blank face-off with my entire list.


Rey rapidly gathered up 3 stress tokens and BoShek did a nice job of having her repeatedly slam into Heff's APLs, but Finn and her rerolls, both on her reds and greens, let her take out both Biggs and Rex before she finally died.

This left unharmed Thane and Heff against the A-wings, both of whom were shieldless. Gemmer got behind Thane, but was hammered by stress and rear fire, and died quickly. The last surviving A-wing soon discovered it was outmatched and spent the rest of the game running away.

Win: 80-40

Edited by JaceDK

Round 4

Opponent: Peter


Asajj w/PTL, Latts, title, EU, BMST

2x Thugs w/TLT and unhinged.


Peter was one of the players from my home town who had come on the car ride, and at this point we were both 2-1. I knew from my first match that Asajj with engine upgrade would be trouble, and TLT's are always bad news, especially for Biggs.

The rocks were placed mostly on his side, and I decided to fortress my ships early on and draw him to me.



My fortress worked, in the sense that it forced all three of his ships to engage from various angles. Sadly, I quickly discovered this Asajj was just as tough to deal with as the first. He chose to stress Thane, effectively shutting down his support of Biggs and his offensive output. And the two TLTs quickly tore up Biggs. Even when I managed to BoShek Asajj, the superior dial on the Lancer and mobile turret meant he had no problem picking a different maneuver.

In no time at all, both Biggs and Rex were dead, and I had only managed to plink a few shields spread out over all his ships. When he finished off Heff with all his ships intact to deal with the stressed and injured Thane, I surrendered.


Loss 0-100

Edited by JaceDK

Roundup placeholder

I like seeing Heff on the mat! Do you feel like you are putting out enough damage? Everything seems to be just about keeping Biggs alive. I usually fly Heff with Zeb crew, so when people bump into him, he gets to TL them then gets a range 1 shot, while they have to shoot at Biggs, helps increase damage output.

Nice report and awesome pics!