I am hearing a lot of complaint against zero cost upgrades, as if they are ultra powerful.
A number of people have said things like Force Speed or Fast Hands should have at least a 1 resource cost.
What I think these people are missing are the downsides to these zero cost upgrades.
Firstly, they do no inherent damage and rely on character or other upgrades to be useful. While they may assist with action economy, simply having a string of actions is not all that unless there are good damage dice somewhere in the mix.
Secondly, because they cost zero they are useless for ramping into 3 or higher cost upgrades. SoR seems to have a number of great 3 cost cards, which may be too costly for the average aggro deck.
If I have a zero cost, a 1 cost and a 3 cost upgrade in my starting hand, in a number of cases the 1 cost upgrade will be a better option to ramp into a turn 2 upgrade of 3 cost, unless I am confident of gaining resources.
I predict that the game is going to evolve into 2 different deck strategies. Strategy one is to string multiple actions together each turn and ensure you claim the battlefield.
Strategy two will be to have a deliberately slower deck that seeks to do more actions overall, via supports and through resolving a variety of different dice sides, as apposed to all ranged or melee damage. These decks will not worry about the battlefield and will seek to do their real damage after the opponent has claimed the battlefield.
Decks that may suffer to the rapid action decks are mill decks, as the rapid deck will get enough rerolls and resolve dice before losing cards becomes a problem.