"Group's Contribution Rank" on character sheet?

By Wall Screamer, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I'm a relatively new GM starting a new campaign. In the past, I've run the core set twice, and started but didn't finish a full campaign. I'm looking over the character sheets of my new group of four to make sure they did everything correctly at character creation. Under Obligation, there's a box that says "Group's Contribution Rank." I can't figure out what they're supposed to put here, let alone what it even means.

You're looking at a sheet built for Age of Rebellion or with it in mind. Age uses a system called Duty that ranks up giving a benefit to the group.

If you're just playing Edge with only Obligation, just ignore it.

Weird; it's an official sheet that says "Edge of the Empire" on it, but it doesn't quite match the one in the back of the core rulebook. Either way, I'll ignore it. Thanks!

one of the older versions of the downloadable character sheet to Edge had som misprints that mixed it with the design of the Age of Rebellion sheet

Although I guess that field could be used to track something like "15 obligation out of the total 85 points of group obligation" which has some value.