
By Ywingscum, in Star Wars: Destiny

I'm excited for Iggy. I think this is a toon worth building a deck around. But there aren't too many yellow weapons/equipment right now. Gaffi stick, flame thrower, jet pack, and thermal detonator. And what ever comes in SoR. Yhere are some useful events coming. Plus ace in the hole, armed to the teeth etc.

Cant wait to make an Iggy deck. Not sure who the sidekick will be yet though

Yeah, may have to wait a set or two before he gets the weapons he needs to shine.

Jetpack for free and possibility of using Thermal Detonator over and over for 1 is worth his cost. IG-88's dice are Vader's/Luke's class, can't be cheap. I saw all legendary characters so far and IG-88 and Palpatine are my favourite.

I'm super disappointed that IG-88 was unique. Seems like a flavor opportunity that was such a layup, and was still somehow missed. I really wanted him to read something like:

IG-88 : Assassin Droid

Yellow Villain / 9 Health

10 - 13 Squad Points

[1] Ranged

[2] Ranged

[1] Shield

[1] Resource

[*] Special

[ ] Blank

*Special: Deal X damage to a character, where X is the number of characters named IG-88 you control.

*Special: Give X shields to a character, where X is the number of characters named IG-88 you control.

Who on the FFG design team DIDN'T think it would be awesome to run a set of 3x IG-88? *sigh*

Oh well, the one they did end up making looks fun too....I guess. .

...pffft...unique IG-88, what a misplay. /grumble

He doesn´t look to resource driven, so looks good paired with Death Trooper in Emperor´s Throne Room. Then you get access to a better set of guns. F11-D and DH-17 are cheap enough with Detonator and Jet Pack. Add Personal Shield too and his survivability heightens alot. Finally don´t forget Armed to the Teeth as he gets to pick up the stuff he tosses at people and the odd Neutral Ground to secure use of the BG..

At 15 points there's enough room for two other characters instead of one, but you'd be trading solid damage for extra health. Might still be better off running Phasma at that price point. Possible mates (for both) include an FO 'trooper and any one of the following: TIE Fighter Pilot, Bala-Tik, Guavian Enforcer, or a Nightsister. Those are actually some pretty solid options. Either way, it seems to me that you're taking IG-88 for his die; the ability is just gravy that might occasionally come in handy.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

I feel like I would want him elite, at 20. So maybe a death trooper wing man