Leak Thread Deleted By FFG

By dpb1298, in Star Wars: Destiny

8 minutes ago, player1750031 said:

It's not a contracted translation company, but the actual publisher that publishes Polish versions of FFG products and acts as an exclusive distributor of FFG products for the entire country. A head or multiple heads will probably roll, but I seriously doubt we'll see a complete termination of partnership. The piece of cake FFG would be giving up is too big to make such impulsive decisions.

Got ya, I miss understood the relationship.

Still nowhere near as bad as Arkham, which had every card + box rules insert spoiled for an expansion that hadn't even been announced yet.

16 minutes ago, Network57 said:

Still nowhere near as bad as Arkham, which had every card + box rules insert spoiled for an expansion that hadn't even been announced yet.

Arkham is a different story. The majority of the player base actively doesn't want to see the scenario cards. They just want to see the player cards.

13 hours ago, player1750031 said:

It wasn't 'leaked' per se, not intentionally by anyone affiliated with the company at least. It was a matter of supreme negligence in keeping a work-in-progress version of the translation files accessible via a cloud storage service website with no password or added security. Someone likely forgot to delete them after sharing with the translation team. Eventually a random person just stumbled upon them, realized what they were, made copies and shared them on the internets.

Apparently that folder contained more stuff than just Destiny cards. Reportedly there was also a similar file with cards for a yet-unannounced Arkham LCG expansion and possibly other stuff.

What Im saying is that regardless of how it got out, leak or just plain negligence, FFG CANT stop it from being shared or posted about everywhere. They should just accept its out and allow it on their own threads. Drives more traffic to the thread and gives people something to discuss on here. The part about the leak was IF thats how it occured, which Im assuming isnt right now, then they would have action on the person who signed a NDA and not really on anyone else.

As far as I have read the full 60 new dice cards and can compare them as I managed to get all the info saved and analyzed it quuicly in Excel today.

Despite the impression I had during preview articles, Heroes are not much in better position. Overall, I found out, that the set itself is definitely not power creep and in terms of usefullness of the cards, half of them are IMO crap.

Regarding characters: most of the new characters does not improve old pairings much or at all. Most of the new characters are expensive and low health, so you can forget about too many new 4 dice pairings. eVader from Awakenings has a new viable blue pairing, however it is most probably not better than Tusken Raider. Jango does not have viable new 4 dice pairing at all., you can maybe think about the new elite Stromtrooper with him, however you have to change the deck to some melee/ranged mixture. Aurra Sing is definitely best new yellow villain character. However, good potential in play of 3 dice Aurra+Jango or 4 dice Aurra/Jango + Bala-Tik with Fight Dirty is still not interesting, as all of the new yellow upgrades are with exception of low damage capacity yellow gun, strictly control oriented or melee and expensive.

From what I can see, the most gifted colour in SoR Villains is Red. They have cheap characters, dice which improve what they already had in Awakenings and some already strong options like ePhasma + Trooper + another one for 8 is going to rock. Also I start to beleive that eVees can be now a fun deck oriented on vehicles, however I am pretty sure that it will not be competitive, as vehicles remains slow, no matter the Quadjumper.

Hero side from character point of view is total mess and except Jyn and Maz I really do not see anything worth playing. For example new Obi-Wan is really a disappointment, as despite the fact that the card is strong, it does not have any suitable pairing. If you play regular Obi-Wan, there is very little to play with him as an elite pairing for 14 or less, most of them are sidekick character not able to do anything on their own... Red hero does not have cheap combat characters for its a trap deck at all, except the non-uniqe commando I do not like any of them as Baze is expensive, Mothma and Temmin are control oriented. Blue is only colour with melee for heroes in SOR, however most of them are far too expensive (Luminara is Good but QGJ point level) or can not use force abilities (Chirrut hello). The same issue Obi-Wan has, works also for Chewbacca. His only reasonable pairing is Rey.

Regarding the new upgrades and supports, apart from few very powerful and cheap cards, I do not see much. C_3PO and Temptation of the Force are definitely beasts because of their brutal flexibility. I do not believe that new vehicles will be competitve.

I have to admit, that this said above is given from the current meta perspective. Do not expect to significantly improve your current deck, as really, SoR is totally different. Only deck that can become broken and I expect to go over the limit is Poe. There is stupid amount of cards where he can abuse that special and I am really not sure how many ways we will have to stop him. I can also see a major improve of discard and disrupt control decks and it can be a thing now. It has to be playtested.

If I could have a look into future, I suppose there will be two tpe of decks in meta - heavy disrupt and discard controls and really cheap aggro decks. I really do not think that expensive combat decks like Luke is now, will be competitively playable in the future. Discard and disrupt is probably going to be real issue.

9 hours ago, Vitalis said:

They were not hacked. They had it in public folder... just like that accesible for anyone who took his time to browse some cloud stuff out of boredom.

If it wasn't put out there for the public, it is a hack. Security through obscurity doesn't always work. So putting a file on an unprotected cloud drive isn't okay, just because you think no one knows about it.

As for the cards themselves, well some of them may not look so good now until someone finds a way to abuse them. It will take a few weeks after the May release before we can pass a verdict on this set.

I think that this article confirms that Asmodee is behind the silencing of the spoilers. Here's a link from the page that collected them and was forced to take them down. For those asking, Facebook and personal files is the only option to view these spoilers.


1 hour ago, dpb1298 said:

I think that this article confirms that Asmodee is behind the silencing of the spoilers. Here's a link from the page that collected them and was forced to take them down. For those asking, Facebook and personal files is the only option to view these spoilers.


Actually Facebook isnt even safe. Supposedly at least one person, through their own claims so take with a grain of salt, was sent a notice to delete posts or their account would be banned. The supposed reason for this ban is that someone claimed "Copyright Infringement". If this is true, once again grain of salt, Asmodee is pulling some GamesWorkshop levels of "you cant have generic named space knights on giant wolves cause we had that idea but have NO models for it" bull there.

Edited by GamerGuy1984

Well they did put a lot of work into the whole roll out, with the slow coming articles, exclusive press reveals on sites no one has heard of and of course the 20 stores doing the prerelease event that few can attend. Of course they will put a lot resources into squashing this hack. FFG likes collecting bad publicity tokens.

Mep has turned to the Dark side.

47 minutes ago, johnwiser said:

Mep has turned to the Dark side.

the dark side is better they have cookies

LOL. So does this mean Cookie Monster is of the Dark side as well? Or he IS the Dark side...

Nah, I just think it is funny that FFG is playing a real life game of netrunner and all they can do is lose agendas and collect bad publicity tokens.

23 hours ago, GamerGuy1984 said:

Actually Facebook isnt even safe. Supposedly at least one person, through their own claims so take with a grain of salt, was sent a notice to delete posts or their account would be banned. The supposed reason for this ban is that someone claimed "Copyright Infringement". If this is true, once again grain of salt, Asmodee is pulling some GamesWorkshop levels of "you cant have generic named space knights on giant wolves cause we had that idea but have NO models for it" bull there.

Except this is actual leaked material. Not fan made stuff that kind of looks like stuff the company makes. It's not as if FFG bothers with the dozens of alt-arts people create and promote on Facebook and elsewhere. Do you really see a comparison between not wanting actual leaked content from upcoming products shared on social media sites and going after vague knock-offs of products the company doesn't even make?

Edited by ScottieATF
29 minutes ago, ScottieATF said:

Except this is actual leaked material. Not fan made stuff that kind of looks like stuff the company makes. It's not as if FFG bothers with the dozens of alt-arts people create and promote on Facebook and elsewhere. Do you really see a comparison between not wanting actual leaked content from upcoming products shared on social media sites and going after vague knock-offs of products the company doesn't even make?

No. The guy had posted the ACTUAL leaked stuff and was notified by Facebook that someone had filed a "Copyright Infringement" Complaint and to remove the posts or his account would be banned/terminated.

Also it wasnt likely FFG as even one of the Destiny sites said that they had been contacted by ASMODEE reps to remove the leaks. I doubt FFG has a problem with it, its Asmodee that is getting there panties in a twist if its true.

Edited by GamerGuy1984
17 hours ago, johnwiser said:

LOL. So does this mean Cookie Monster is of the Dark side as well? Or he IS the Dark side...

who do you think snoke is :P