Three New Spoilers from The Jedi Trials Podcast

By davidhaus, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hey everyone! This is DHaus from the Jedi Trials Podcast. We were going to wait to do a nice surprise this weekend with our spoilers, but with all the leaks being posted, we wanted to go ahead and get our 3 cards online. Check us out and like our page at and listen to us on iTunes or at!

What do you think of these 3 new beautiful options?!?! (See the other two on our Facebook page!)


Edited by davidhaus

I only see one

Please don't say anything!

With all the high costed cards coming, I'm still not seeing how we are getting the resources for all them

2 hours ago, ozmodon said:

With all the high costed cards coming, I'm still not seeing how we are getting the resources for all them

Maybe Yellow cards can get the resources with the transport card, blackmail legendary, and characters with more resource sides.

We will see but at the moment my 30 cards have a resource cost of 30 and do just fine. Looks to me that by time a 5 cost card makes play someone is already dead. But I'm looking forward to the carnage.

These spoiler topic are kinda funny when some of us already saw whole set :D

2 hours ago, Vitalis said:

These spoiler topic are kinda funny when some of us already saw whole set :D

Most of us have. However this is ffgs forum and they're deleting threads about cards not officially spoiled.

You are not special. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else. We're all part of the same compost heap.