The Change Cube spoilers

By unlimitedpower, in Star Wars: Destiny

New Orders is interesting. It´s good with something that can neuter BG-based strategies aswell as foster them. Fast Hands begs for consistent non-modfied Dice, not the easiest to find. "Snap" is a nod to Control, which was needed. Overall not over exciting stuff.

I really wish Snap's ability would have been on a melee character.

QGJ + Snap + Resistance HQ is so close to where I want to be.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
37 minutes ago, Scactha said:

New Orders is interesting. It´s good with something that can neuter BG-based strategies aswell as foster them. Fast Hands begs for consistent non-modfied Dice, not the easiest to find. "Snap" is a nod to Control, which was needed. Overall not over exciting stuff.

New Orders kills Hyperloop for at least a single turn, as you switch the battlefield. Someone in another facebook group also make an interesting point with it. It says "brought to the game", not "part of your deck". Specifically, it says "a battlefield that is not being used (but was brought to the game). NOT "the battlefield that is not being used....."

So, it implies that you can bring every single battlefield released and switch it out with them, and not just the battlefield you brought to the game that is in your deck. If so, that would be one heck of a rule breaking card.

Fast Hands is ridiculously balanced. Taking an upgrade slot without a die means you'll only have 4 dice at most to work with, so you'd better have some consistent sides. I think the best action would be resolving a focus into multiple black damage to force an opponent into mitigation.

Or couple it with Force Speed and get a 50% chance of double Ambush?

Snap is such a dumb character to pick. I'd rather have Nein or Atsy. The Farce Awakens bias is obvious.

Edited by dpb1298

eMaz, Snap, Rey might be decent for four dice over three characters. Probably too underpowered though.

28 minutes ago, emmjay said:

New Orders kills Hyperloop for at least a single turn, as you switch the battlefield. Someone in another facebook group also make an interesting point with it. It says "brought to the game", not "part of your deck". Specifically, it says "a battlefield that is not being used (but was brought to the game). NOT "the battlefield that is not being used....."

So, it implies that you can bring every single battlefield released and switch it out with them, and not just the battlefield you brought to the game that is in your deck. If so, that would be one heck of a rule breaking card.

The rules say otherwise. From page 12 of the RRG


In addition to characters and a deck, a player selects one battlefield to bring with them to the game.

Edited by Starbane

Snap is cheap control character and can help to build a hero mill deck. He can also prevent fast decks from claiming battlefield. He looks interesting for me.

Already thinking about Hero Control/Mill with Ackbar/Padme/Snap on Lothal (New Orders if you're in a pinch). Add some Fast Hands and Lone Operative/Diplomatic Immunity/Second Chance and you're tankin'. Put on Commando Raid, Outpost, and Cunning and you're milling the crap out of your opponent. Snap's ability can assist in more battlefield control too so your opponent isn't milling you. This set will open up a LOT more options. Thanks Chance Cube and FFG!

The combos are starting to fall into place

34 minutes ago, dpb1298 said:

Snap is such a dumb character to pick. I'd rather have Nein or Atsy. The Farce Awakens bias is obvious.

He is the re because he in teenage is one of the main characters of Aftermath Book Trilogy.

Fast Hands is going in my Jabba Crime Lord deck. Jabba activates, and gets a re-roll if you don't hit the CL special, then use Fast Hands to resolve with no chance for opponent to mitigate.

On 3/23/2017 at 8:31 AM, Starbane said:

The rules say otherwise. From page 12 of the RRG


In addition to characters and a deck, a player selects one battlefield to bring with them to the game.

Looking at that rule entry, I'm guessing they used " a battlefield" to correctly support 3+ player games.