Base power of Sets

By Alphastealer, in Star Wars: Destiny

Although we do not know the majority of cards in SoR, the sneak peaks are leaning towards some high powered stuff.

If you were to make an educated guess, which set do you think will win more consistently?

ie: If you built 6 decks using just awakenings and 6 decks using just SoR, which do you think would win more often?

I will revisit this in a few weeks once all the cards are known, but that this stage I think SoR may have slightly better options.

What are your thoughts?

SoR seems to have more powerful cards (event and upgrade) BUT characters are quite pricey and decks are made of both... Too soon to tell

To soon!

I believe they wanted us to get the hang of it all before hitting is with the full storm. So this coming set will rise far above the last. Now that they know it's going to take off, it will be interesting to see what comes next year

Power creep is one way to not have to retire old cards, they just become less and less relevant and phase themselves out with FFG outright saying X cards cannot be used in organized play anymore. That said after a while power creep can get out of control so it will be interesting once we are a few more sets in how things continue to shake out.

Wasn't Holocron one of the early spoilers for Awakenings? Based off just that, you could have assumed that set skewed towards power cards. But as we've seen, it's one of only a handful of top-tier cards, but it's counterable. I'm just thinking SoR has the same level of power creep as any second set would have, and we're only just seeing the really good stuff to keep us hyped. If they had spoiled the Rebel Trooper like that, people wouldn't care all that much.

2 hours ago, Alphastealer said:

Although we do not know the majority of cards in SoR, the sneak peaks are leaning towards some high powered stuff.

If you were to make an educated guess, which set do you think will win more consistently?

ie: If you built 6 decks using just awakenings and 6 decks using just SoR, which do you think would win more often?

I will revisit this in a few weeks once all the cards are known, but that this stage I think SoR may have slightly better options.

What are your thoughts?

Oh, my sweet summer child. What do you know about SoR?