Vorakesh story cards

By Kaaihn, in Runebound

Some of the Vorakesh story cards are hero of such and such place. The instructions say to place zombies on a specific location, then place a token on the card. There is an instruction that tells you what to do to earn the token from the card. Could be spend an action and donate a trophy, or pay 2 gold, or spend 3 actions, etc.

It doesn't say you have to be in any specific place to do the instruction, it just says to put the zombies in a specific place. How does everyone play these? Do you require the instruction to earn the token be followed from where the zombies got put down, or from anywhere? I would assume anywhere, but one of the other players last night felt it should be the other way, you had to be in a certain spot to earn them.

Please read RRG. "story quests" block, to be precise. It has clear answer to this question.