Multiple Card Questions

By hobomagic, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hello all, have a few questions with stuff that came up in one of the first games I've really had opportunity to play.

I. For character cards such as Darth Vader or Luke, you must resolve their special immediately, correct? You can't activate Vader, wait a turn and then make an opponent discard a card right? As a follow up, if I forget to make my opponent discard a card, or with Luke I forget to draw a card right away, how long could one go into their turn before it's too late to play the "oh crap, I forgot to do this" card? I'm sure it's house rule on that, but in a tournament style play, is it the very first thing you must do after activating a character and if you forget you're just SoL?

II. With the blue card, "Power of the Dark Side," it says 'Exhaust this support do re-roll one of your dice etc...' this must be a die that you have in your active dice pool? My brother thought it read as though he could re-roll a die he had already used.

IIb. Whenever a card says roll one of your dice, that means currently active in your dice pool? When a card says re-roll "a die" or turn "a die" that can be any die in my or my opponents pool? In example, "Use the Force," I can rotate one of my own or one of my opponents dice?

III. With "Prized Possession," you claim a character die. If I claim the only character die my opponent has, is he still allowed to roll his upgrades? Say I take his one Vader die, but he has two light sabers and an Immobilize upgrade, he can still roll or must you have a character die to roll to roll and resolve upgrade dice?

IV. With "Deflect," can I choose any die that shows the range icon? This includes a +3 modifier to do 2 damage to a character? What about the AT-ST's 5 Damage for a resource to do 3 damage?

V. With a card like "Firepower," where you increase a die showing ranged damage, can you apply this to a modifier, so basically a +2 modifier to a ranged weapon would be +3 with this card? Again, what about the AT-ST's 5 damage for 1 resource which would make it do 7 damage?

VI. Any time a card tells you to turn a die or make an adjustment to a die with a ranged or melee side, can this die be turned to modified damage or resource based damage or is it only base melee / ranged damage?

Thanks in advance for taking time to answer these questions!

1. Vader's ability says "MAY" so, you activate him, roll the dice and tell your opponent to discard a card. If you won't do that then you cannot ask for it later. Luke's ability is mandatory. When you forget to use it then it's a misplay. You should ask your opponent if it's ok for him/her to correct it or leave it as it is.

2. You can re-roll dice in pool only.

2b. Yes, re-roll or turn dice in pool only. When card says "a die" it can be any die in pool, yours or your opponent's one.

3. When you activate character you roll all of its dice, both character and upgrade even if you don't have character die because of Prized Possession.

4. Yes, you can deflect any dice showing ranged damage symbol. It can be +3, it can be 5 for resource. Doesn't matter.

5. No, you can't. Do what card says. Resolve one die. You can't resolve modifiers without base. AT-ST's 5 for resource will do 7 but you still have to pay that resource.

6. Yes, it can. Dice showing damage means dice with range or melee symbol. Can be base, modifier or with resource cost.

Edited by NetCop

Important difference is remove a die or resolve a die. When it says remove you can use modifieds and costed sides. If it is resolve then you cannot use modified sides. And you would have to pay the cost on costed sides.

when retooling it's always dice in the dice pool

Awesome, thank you so much guys!

With the Guardian keyword, I understand that you basically activate a character, lets say a Trooper in a Phasma deck... you activate him, force the opponent to resolve a base damage die which will render modified dice potentially useless. Question that came up tonight in a game:

I rolled Jango's dice and all I got as far as non modified ranged damage was going to cost me 1 resource for damage. My buddy activated one of his troopers and opted to force me to resolve that resource based damage. A: is this a legal action and B: if I don't have the resource to spend, does he basically make me resolve that die and take no damage if I don't have the resource to spend? If I have the resource, do I have the option then to spend it to do the damage to his trooper?

Thanks again!

Click the link above. The rules for guardian are on page 16.

I made sure to before I posted this question and it only says, "Before a character with Guardian activates, its owner may remove a die showing damage from their opponents pool to deal damage equal to the value showing on the die removed to the activating character." So with this I understood the part about you do this before you roll for that trooper, but it doesn't clarify if you can do it with +X damage or X damage for 1 resource. The main thing I was hoping for clarification on was if you can force a die that costs one resource, and if so... if I don't have the resource to spend, then he makes me resolve that die without doing the damage. But if I do have the resource I can spend that resource to resolve the damage.

Maybe I am missing something here...

Another thing I noticed reading the rules references you posted, under Redeploy it says this ignores play restrictions when attaching to a new character. So if I have a weapon that is Blue Only... they die I can then place on a Red or Yellow character yes?

You quoted the correct portion; 'remove' and 'resolve' are two very different things.

And yes, that's how redeploy works.

Ah okay, now I get it. If it said "Resolve," then it would mean yes... pay the resource. Because it says "Remove" it just straight up does the damage.... At least that's how I am interpreting this.

Thanks for putting that in perspective for me!

Right. Don't go getting confused over the reminder text on the card itself, it's a misprint and the RRG takes precedence.