New SoR Spoilers

By CBMarkham, in Star Wars: Destiny

2 minutes ago, netherspirit1982 said:

On the plus side, it could make ePalp pretty dang good.

How? You can't roll this card out until you roll out the rest of Palp's dice, at which point I just use a control card on one of his character die and net way more value that I should for the price of a single counter card.

Palp seems terrible, although I'm hoping they'll reveal some card(s) to plug up his glaring weaknesses, but so far, I haven't seen them. This card ain't gonna save his bacon, imho.

Just now, CBMarkham said:

How? You can't roll this card out until you roll out the rest of Palp's dice, at which point I just use a control card on one of his character die and net way more value that I should for the price of a single counter card.

Palp seems terrible, although I'm hoping they'll reveal some card(s) to plug up his glaring weaknesses, but so far, I haven't seen them. This card ain't gonna save his bacon, imho.

If it's the only upgrade on him sure, but one Force Speed plus another upgrade or two gives him more reach and speed, IMO. We'll see.

5 minutes ago, Buhallin said:

Yeah - those would be hero decks.

Seriously, who doesn't include Tactical Mastery if they can?

I don't. I feel about that card the same way I feel about Jango, which is fairly underwhelmed.

Some people play for speed, I play for value.

That's kinda what makes this card good, it gives you speed, or other value (from the focus and shield), but doesn't cost a single resource. Too spicy by any metric.

There are still many cards left to spoil. People really should not freak out over one card until the entire set is known.

Edited by GoldLead3r
Just now, GoldLead3r said:

There are still may cards left to spoil. People really should not freak out over one card until the entire set is known.

The potential for the rest of the set to make this look reasonable is even more terrifying.

Just now, Buhallin said:

The potential for the rest of the set to make this look reasonable is even more terrifying.

Terrifying? Really?

I had hoped that FFG would limit the multiple actions in a row effects, but it seems they are just adding more in that direction.

If this is the trend, then we are in serious need or an interrupt mechanic to break these chains, or a support card that limits opponents to a single alternating action.

1 minute ago, GoldLead3r said:

There are still may cards left to spoil. People really should not freak out over one card until the entire set is known.

Other cards aren't really relevant. Unless there is a card that specifically allows you to counter effects out of the Action sequence (like a Destiny version of Counterspell), there is nothing that could conceivably mitigate the impact of Force Speed.

And we know for a fact there won't be a card like that, because there is no way for it to exist and work in the basic rules framework.

3 minutes ago, Buhallin said:

The potential for the rest of the set to make this look reasonable is even more terrifying.

I think that GoldLead3r was implying there could be better ways to counter this card, not necessarily overpower it. For example, what if there was a card that dealt two damage to any character with a zero cost upgrade? Or a card that removes upgrades from play based on how much they cost (not return to hand)?

Think about this: eQui Gon / eRey with 2 upgrades like these can stack you up to 4 additional actions where your opponent can't do anything.

From a casual point of view, force speed will be a fun thematic card. I also like salvo, potentially 6+ damage in one die. The cat and mouse is a situational he doesn't like you, and may not make any of my decks. Force throw being legendary means at best I'll get 1 copy likely.

13 minutes ago, GoldLead3r said:

Terrifying? Really?

When considering the future of the game? Certainly.

If this is a random too-powerful card it's a problem. If it's the new standard for power level in this set then we won't be talking about power creep, we'll be talking about how SoR has instantly mothballed Awakenings.

Not that bothered by Force Speed, which doesn´t guarantee good Dice, but a free Ambush action every other turn. Speed is nice, but quality is better. E.g. Jyn Erso turning 4 Dice to damage sides with Never Tell Me the Odds for 2 is scarier as it´ll be tough mitigating all that. Salvo is more interesting as this makes the pricier guns and support better. Imagine shooting "twice" with a 4 dam Milennium Falcon or how dangerous a DL-44 rolling the free 3 dam side will look once this card lands. A gun that alreay was good.

2 hours ago, CBMarkham said:

Just in case anybody missed these:

No automatic alt text available.

@#$($ @#@$ *&$@ just can't @#)$ *$@@ and @#%#% @()$# *(&$%.

All I have to say about that.

The other two look fine.

1 hour ago, Alphastealer said:

Hero blue suffered from a lack of action economy outside of Rey, and even then it was dependent on playing an upgrade.

Yellow and red have a number of ambush type cards, so blue is finally getting some love.

Also, hero blue needed a holocron type card to make hero blue a viable alternative to villian blue. Currently most high level players agree that villian mon blue is significantly better than hero mono blue largely due to holocron. This just evens things out.

I agree it can see abuse in Rey + another deck, but generally Rey has rubbish dice, so I do not see this as any worse to Mono Red hero 'Its a Trap' or Hyperloop.

Hero are going to need some serious action economy if they are going to stand a chance at dropping ePalpatine.

Mono blue hero gets a boost but doesnt catch up to Villians. If you look Force Speed is a NEUTRAL card. Meaning its likely that all or almost all villian decks will be playing 2 Speeds in adition to 2 Holocrons. Also it doesnt really push anything out of Villians as Immobilize was good but not ZOMG good. Speed takes what was a 2 cost mediocre card slot and changes it to a 0 cost really good card slot.

1 hour ago, netherspirit1982 said:

It has the potential to run my enjoyment of the game, part of my love of the game is the back and forth nature of it. I go, you go. Occasionally taking an extra action via Ambush is fine, but decks that can abuse extra actions mean you just have to hope they can't kill you, because there's nothing you can do about it. Han/Rey can already do that, same thing with Jango. While both are beatable, sometimes they just go "Oops, I win."

Adding this card to the mix has the potential to make it even worse.

I hope I'm wrong but at first glance, this seems too good. We'll see how it goes I guess.

On the plus side, it could make ePalp pretty dang good.

Force Speed makes Palp more than good it makes him DUMB, in a good way. Palp rolls and gets 3 range 2 shields and Speed Special. If you DONT remove the Special, or any other dice thats Palp getting 2 shields, you taking 2 divided how you want, Palp dealing 3, you taking 2 divided how you want, in ONE action. Considering I already felt Palp was a good control deck character, he doesnt need extra dice he just has to resolve his, then getting two extra actions and for the cost of 0 resources just gives him a lot more flexibility. Already plan on this taking Immobilizes place if this is legit.

1 hour ago, Mep said:

@#$($ @#@$ *&$@ just can't @#)$ *$@@ and @#%#% @()$# *(&$%.

All I have to say about that.

The other two look fine.

Never seen Mep struck speechless and sent into a rage. This card is so broken lol

I guess Force Speed might be scary once you get some other dice on the table, but for the most part I'd rather have something that actually deals damage. It can't even be swapped out to reduce the cost of another upgrade. The effect is rightfully legendary, but I'll wait until I see it on the table before I do my Chicken Little impression.

One of the times I agree with wonder... I think people freak about any change. It's kinda hilarious. Sounds like a few games last night, every time I played a card the opponent didn't like, "How did this get through play testing that's so op!" As he continued to say nothing about holocrons/no mercy/etc that he played.

If it goes against the grain of something people like or don't play, it's OP and was never play tested.

It is nasty with focus dice. Resolve specials, then focus, then damage. Opponent can't do a thing about it. It will always be the dice you want to go after. If it was one extra action, then it would be niche with some other specials on the table and not really OP. Worst case, you resolve it, discard to reroll and then resolve what you can.

Okay, it does one thing good, it dilutes Jango's ability.

Edited by Mep

At 1 Force Speed would probably be okay - there would be some level of thought/resource management required, but at 0 it's just a little silly. The other issue is Rey, but that ship has already sailed.

I am hoping we see some kind of interrupt/mitigation for additional actions.

Overall Force Speed's effect reminds me of All In. Weaker in some ways stronger in other ways.

Not too worried about it.

I am guessing there will be something that completely negates 0 cost upgrades (both Sith Holocron and Force Speed). Maybe discards them.

Ban Sith Holocron!! :lol:

Oh, I am too late for that?

39 minutes ago, Starbane said:

Overall Force Speed's effect reminds me of All In. Weaker in some ways stronger in other ways.

Not too worried about it.

I hear you on this. However, extra *actions* can be a lot more useful/flexible/devastating than just resolving dice. If you have a great run with All In, then shame on your opponent for having no ability to counter/mitigate/control those 3-5 dice you have set up. The ability to play cards, activate characters, and/or resolve dice could cause some blowout issues.

I don't mean to sound all Chicken Little either, but I could see this card starting the big chain reactions/taking a bunch of actions in a row thing that could lead to NPEs. As others have said, I really do like the limited back and forth that the game mechanic allows for. One thing I didn't like about Thrones LCG was the whole chaining/reactions where your opponent could be killing your characters, discarding all your cards, stealing all your gold, etc based off of one play, and you'd just kind of sit there and be like "ok great just let me know when you're done..."