New SoR Spoilers

By CBMarkham, in Star Wars: Destiny

Just in case anybody missed these:

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114-loth-cat-and-mouse NEW Spirit of Rebellion Spoilers


Pretty sure Force Speed is OP and potentially game breaking...

Edited by netherspirit1982

This is fake, right? Someone please tell me this is fake.

Is this legit??? If so Force Speed is very OP.

Source please.

6 minutes ago, netherspirit1982 said:

Pretty sure Force Speed is OP and potentially game breaking...

Feels like it. No coincidence that FFG also made it a Legendary. The amount of action shenanigans with this card is going to be crazy.

We already have Jango that operates outside the normal rules flow and I feel like a card like Force Speed should have come along in a later expansion. There's literally no reason not to include Force Speed in any Blue deck. Even if it had a cost or only gave one action, it would be powerful. This is a game changer that pushes the pace for only being the first expansion.

And the art should have been Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan running from Droidekas rather than Luke taking a swing.

Edited by Hawkman2000
6 minutes ago, Hawkman2000 said:

Feels like it. No coincidence that FFG also made it a Legendary. The amount of action shenanigans with this card is going to be crazy.

We already have Jango that operates outside the normal rules flow and I feel like a card like Force Speed should have come along in a later expansion. There's literally no reason not to include Force Speed in any Blue deck. Even if it had a cost or only gave one action, it would be powerful. This is a game changer that pushes the pace for only being the first expansion.

And the art should have been Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan running from Droidekas rather than Luke taking a swing.

One action would be pointless, it would have had to do something in addition to granting one action, like doing 1 or 2 damage or something. Basically a die with Ambush.

Two actions for free is insane. Han/Rey decks are already able to generate so many actions that make them unfun to play against because you often don't have a chance to interact, this seems to make it even worse.

Edited by netherspirit1982

I love the art on Salvo . It's a nice Rouge One addition.

Also, didn't FFG say that they wouldn't make the best cards legendary. I'm not seeing that being the trend. Although I expected nothing less.

3 minutes ago, netherspirit1982 said:

One action would be pointless,

Not strictly pointless - it would basically combo with any other special to say "Take another action after this one". That wouldn't have been great, but also probably not unplayable.

This thing is... Honestly, I've never had a lot of faith in FFG's sense of play balance, but this is going off the rails at an alarming rate.

I'm not convinced they are real just yet, Boba on a blue card and the cat and mouse looks sketchy, but we will see soon enough

2 minutes ago, ozmodon said:

I'm not convinced they are real just yet, Boba on a blue card and the cat and mouse looks sketchy, but we will see soon enough

It's not Boba. It's Boba getting his butt kicked by Luke. Totally blue card art.

16 minutes ago, netherspirit1982 said:

One action would be pointless, it would have had to do something in addition to granting one action, like doing 1 or 2 damage or something. Basically a die with Ambush.

Two actions for free is insane. Han/Rey decks are already able to generate so many actions that make them unfun to play against because you often don't have a chance to interact, this seems to make it even worse.

If it only gave one action, it wouldn't be pointless. You could action to resolve specials and then get another action. Assuming you have a couple specials to resolve, you're still getting some mileage. Yea, no where near as powerful as the current version, but that's the point.

6 minutes ago, Buhallin said:

Not strictly pointless - it would basically combo with any other special to say "Take another action after this one". That wouldn't have been great, but also probably not unplayable.

This thing is... Honestly, I've never had a lot of faith in FFG's sense of play balance, but this is going off the rails at an alarming rate.

That force speed card is hilarious. This game is heading right back into the dead lands or a serious ban list. Action economy is too important in this game and blue is handing it out like candy. Hope ya'll like playing blue decks cause it won't take much after this to make every tournament level deck blue.

Glad to see you still defending logic Buhallin.

Force Speed is re-fricken-dikulous. And... I kinda like it. I think this is the card I was looking for to make Obi-Wan Viable.

-Now for them to reveal the Farm Boy Luke to go with him :P

Force Speed is good, but not "OMG THIS CARD IS BUSTED" good. Essentially it gives you a 50% chance giving your next action ambush. So while taking extra actions is good (see Han/Rey), it doesn't guarantee success. Also it is much easier to mitigate this effect than the Holdout Blaster on Rey. You can either mitigate the Force Speed die, or you can mitigate the dice they would be resolving with their extra actions.

Of course you can play this on Rey, then play a Holdout Blaster on Rey, then active Rey, resolve the Force Speed die for two more actions, and go nuts with activating and resolving your other character. So there is the potential for some craziness. But I don't think it will find a home in every blue deck, just like Tactical Mastery doesn't have a home in every red deck.

5 minutes ago, CBowser said:

Force Speed is good, but not "OMG THIS CARD IS BUSTED" good. Essentially it gives you a 50% chance giving your next action ambush. So while taking extra actions is good (see Han/Rey), it doesn't guarantee success. Also it is much easier to mitigate this effect than the Holdout Blaster on Rey. You can either mitigate the Force Speed die, or you can mitigate the dice they would be resolving with their extra actions.

Of course you can play this on Rey, then play a Holdout Blaster on Rey, then active Rey, resolve the Force Speed die for two more actions, and go nuts with activating and resolving your other character. So there is the potential for some craziness. But I don't think it will find a home in every blue deck, just like Tactical Mastery doesn't have a home in every red deck.

I do think that this will be part of Every Blue deck. This card opens new options for Power of the Force to be played now that we have a (0) cost upgrade. No, this is not a busted card, but I do see this being used like the Holocron of Hero Blue decks. (Basically auto include)

I mean, why not throw in a 0 cost upgrade?

10 minutes ago, Virtigo said:

I do think that this will be part of Every Blue deck.

I mean, why not throw in a 0 cost upgrade?

Agree. This card isn't game breakingly powerful by any stretch of the imagination, but it is much too good for a card that costs 0.

Essentially, all blue decks now have 2 legendary cards that are auto-include (that's not a money grab, right?) and you now have 2 cards less that you actually have to make decisions about (for the time being). To me, that detracts a hair from the game. Not enough to ruin my enjoyment of the game, but at the very least, it seems like a poor design choice.

16 minutes ago, CBowser said:

just like Tactical Mastery doesn't have a home in every red deck.

Tactical Mastery is no where near this good. Again, having the potential to playoff the Specials and getting actions is way OP. Think about this with Force Throw, Mind Probe, etc. Blue has tons of upgrades with Specials, which only enhances how powerful this card is. And for zero cost.

In fact, you've to attached it, instead if a damage upgrade card. So basicly, you've more actions, less damage potential.

Hero blue suffered from a lack of action economy outside of Rey, and even then it was dependent on playing an upgrade.

Yellow and red have a number of ambush type cards, so blue is finally getting some love.

Also, hero blue needed a holocron type card to make hero blue a viable alternative to villian blue. Currently most high level players agree that villian mon blue is significantly better than hero mono blue largely due to holocron. This just evens things out.

I agree it can see abuse in Rey + another deck, but generally Rey has rubbish dice, so I do not see this as any worse to Mono Red hero 'Its a Trap' or Hyperloop.

Hero are going to need some serious action economy if they are going to stand a chance at dropping ePalpatine.

1 minute ago, CBMarkham said:

Agree. This card isn't game breakingly powerful by any stretch of the imagination, but it is much too good for a card that costs 0.

Essentially, all blue decks now have 2 legendary cards that are auto-include (that's not a money grab, right?) and you now have 2 cards less that you actually have to make decisions about (for the time being). To me, that detracts a hair from the game. Not enough to ruin my enjoyment of the game, but at the very least, it seems like a poor design choice.

It has the potential to run my enjoyment of the game, part of my love of the game is the back and forth nature of it. I go, you go. Occasionally taking an extra action via Ambush is fine, but decks that can abuse extra actions mean you just have to hope they can't kill you, because there's nothing you can do about it. Han/Rey can already do that, same thing with Jango. While both are beatable, sometimes they just go "Oops, I win."

Adding this card to the mix has the potential to make it even worse.

I hope I'm wrong but at first glance, this seems too good. We'll see how it goes I guess.

On the plus side, it could make ePalp pretty dang good.

1 minute ago, Romesnow said:

In fact, you've to attached it, instead if a damage upgrade card. So basicly, you've more actions, less damage potential.

First, this only applies once you've hit the limit, and if you're concerned about it you can easily override it.

More importantly though, it actually INCREASES your damage potential by allowing you to resolve dice without your opponent being able to do anything about them. Activate/resolve. Reroll/Resolve. Play Use the Force then resolve. Being able to get your dice resolved before your opponent does anything about them is what makes Jango so powerful, and it's going to be a much bigger benefit than you'll get out of one more potential damage die.

27 minutes ago, CBowser said:

just like Tactical Mastery doesn't have a home in every red deck.

Yeah - those would be hero decks.

Seriously, who doesn't include Tactical Mastery if they can?

18 minutes ago, CBowser said:

Force Speed is good, but not "OMG THIS CARD IS BUSTED" good. Essentially it gives you a 50% chance giving your next action ambush. So while taking extra actions is good (see Han/Rey), it doesn't guarantee success. Also it is much easier to mitigate this effect than the Holdout Blaster on Rey. You can either mitigate the Force Speed die, or you can mitigate the dice they would be resolving with their extra actions.

I think you are under-estimating this card. How many cards have ambush now? How many in SOR to add? How many are 2 cost or less? This thing opens a crazy early game advantage in speed, pretty much the defining characteristic of tournament power, and yes it might be a vanilla ambush but nothing stops you from ambushing this. So drop this first move, activate second move, resolve and empty your hand third move. That is all dependent on the 50/50 chance you cited with very little chance of mitigation. Considering goldfishing is already retarded in this game this card WILL warp the meta. May not kill the game but it's going to hurt it.

Rey just makes this even worse because she can subtract one card to subtract one step by ambushing first and activating this card all in one go. That is just opening salvo almost uncounterable outside the 50/50 chance and then it gets real stupid as long as you built cheap cost heavy.

33 minutes ago, CBowser said:

Force Speed is good, but not "OMG THIS CARD IS BUSTED" good. Essentially it gives you a 50% chance giving your next action ambush. So while taking extra actions is good (see Han/Rey), it doesn't guarantee success. Also it is much easier to mitigate this effect than the Holdout Blaster on Rey. You can either mitigate the Force Speed die, or you can mitigate the dice they would be resolving with their extra actions.

It's a free blue upgrade with a die. This means more fuel for Power of the Force or Armed to the Teeth, free resources off Mos Eisley Spaceport and free fuel for paying 'remove your dice' effect costs.

And on top of that, an incredibly powerful special. Which, if controlled by the opponent, actually leaves you ahead in the exchange, because you paid 0 for that die and chances are they paid more for their control effect, which is also one-use most of the time.

It is busted. This is the Holocron all over again. If Force Speed or Holocron had no special ability and all their specials were blanks, they would still be played in every single blue deck. Having 0-cost dice is borderline OP in its own right. Why FFG insists on putting the most game-changing effects on top of 0-cost dice is beyond me.

Other than that, regarding general design I have to say I am disappointed with the direction Destiny is taking. The most interesting aspect of this game for me was the alternating actions mechanic. It gave the game a tense push-pull structure and made it so neither of the players was ever hand-locked - there was always the potential for counterplay. Between Focus chains, Rey Ambush trains, Special resolution shenanigans, Holocron Raider, Jango, Maz, Force Speed etc, seems to me the game is steadily veering off in the direction of winning via cheating the alternating system and robbing the opponent of any counterplay.

Edited by player1750031