New SoR Spoilers

By CBMarkham, in Star Wars: Destiny

All the whiners about Sith Holocron and Force Speed need to realize that all it takes is upgrade removal which I think we will get a bunch this set.


I don't think its whining when a solution hasn't been presented yet. Saying there may be dice/upgrade removal options in the future to counter Force Speed only helps to enhance and illustrate the idea that Force Speed is OP.

1 hour ago, Rogue 4 said:

And put what where the disrupt is? Another blank? another range damage modifier? Then it would be too strong with another damage modifier. I am sure upgrades will be able to have their cost manipulated. Isn't that the progression of such games?

Leave out means remove it.

11 minutes ago, Hawkman2000 said:

I don't think its whining when a solution hasn't been presented yet. Saying there may be dice/upgrade removal options in the future to counter Force Speed only helps to enhance and illustrate the idea that Force Speed is OP.

Yes and no. It's not OverPowered, but it is a very strong card. But every card game needs strong cards. You can't make 300+ cards across two sets where everything is weak to mediocre. There are naturally going to be top-tier cards - Holocron, Jango, I think Dooku is in that tier. But OP is a card that is an autoinclude and requires very specific strategies to counter. There's more than one way to counter Force Speed, and it's the same strategies people already need to counter.... well, pretty much any heavy-hitting die your opponent may have. Force Speed is very strong. It's not meta-breaking.

13 minutes ago, Hawkman2000 said:

I don't think its whining when a solution hasn't been presented yet. Saying there may be dice/upgrade removal options in the future to counter Force Speed only helps to enhance and illustrate the idea that Force Speed is OP.

I think it just might be whining when the complaining starts a month plus before the card has released.

Has anybody on these forums played it yet? How can anybody claim there needs be a solution when it hasn't even been released? Cart before the horse, I think.

It seems reasonable to allow the public to get their hands on it and play test it before proclaiming its brokenness. At least in my opinion.

Another spoiler from Tiny:

What is up with that hat?

11 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

What is up with that hat?

Image result for Walter White hat



*tips hat*

this is a discussion board there going to be discussion about the potential brokenness or uselessness of a card, that's the purpose of these boards to discuss.

also if I read the new location right, if your opponent has no shields when you claim and you do, you have to remove your shields since there is no may or opponent anywhere in the text.

8 minutes ago, soviet prince said:

also if I read the new location right, if your opponent has no shields when you claim and you do, you have to remove your shields since there is no may or opponent anywhere in the text.

I believe battlefield claim abilities are always a "may" ability.

Yeah, that's in the RRG.

4 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

What is up with that hat?

Eh, I give him a pass because he actually seems a pretty normal bloke as far as gamer nerds go. Good analysis, too, really like his podcast.

On 3/21/2017 at 2:51 PM, GoldLead3r said:

There are still many cards left to spoil. People really should not freak out over one card until the entire set is known.

This. it's way to early for everyone to lose there **** minds about one card.

21 hours ago, HoodieDM said:

All the whiners about Sith Holocron and Force Speed need to realize that all it takes is upgrade removal which I think we will get a bunch this set.


First of all, any upgrade removal played on Holocron or Force Speed plays into your opponent's hands, since you are expending resources to counter a card they have paid nothing to play.

Second, I have it on good authority there won't be much upgrade removal in the set. Expect balls-to-the-wall aggro decks to get even more balls-to-the-wall crazy, so if you don't like fast DPS decks, you'll be out of luck when SoR hits.

Edited by player1750031

"Good authority."

... and by "good authority" he means "amateur hacker". :rolleyes:

... and WAAAGH, you read the rules!

... and it doesn't say a character needs shields to remove them. Just remove zero shields from a character.

Edited by Mep
20 minutes ago, Mep said:

... and by "good authority" he means "amateur hacker". :rolleyes:

... and WAAAGH, you read the rules!

... and it doesn't say a character needs shields to remove them. Just remove zero shields from a character.

I only read the rules when you tell me to.

Just now, WonderWAAAGH said:

I only read the rules when you tell me to.

Nice, now we just have to work on that whole tying of shoes thing.

On 3/23/2017 at 0:07 PM, WonderWAAAGH said:

"Good authority."

Ive got the entire set list and he is right. From all the cards ive went through translating, its in Polish/dutch, there is maybe 1 upgrade removal card. Also there is actually a neutral grey upgrade that says when you lose a upgrade, may be specifically a weapon cant remember, you discard that upgrade instead.