New SoR Spoilers

By CBMarkham, in Star Wars: Destiny

My biggest issue is that this promotes the style of play I just don't like. The game is already, "Can I activate out before my opponent can mitigate." This makes it more so. It's not only a great card in it's own right, but it's also great with every other action advantage card. Played with Rey, Tactical Mastery, Jango, All In or any other action accelerator, now you not only get to resolve your dice before an opponent can mitigate, you can also mitigate their dice in the same window. Not hard, considering it costs zero to play. I'd have considered this auto-include in blue decks even if it costed two resources. Zero is just stupid unless there's a better version of Confiscation coming that we don't know about.

Awakenings printed entirely too many control cards that mitigation decks made the game less fun than it should have been. Players responded by warping the meta into action advantage decks. Now they're just feeding those, which are also less fun to play against than the game should be. The action/reaction component of the game is it's backbone and they're pushing it out.

The game is about action economy/efficiency at its heart. Extra actions can lead to very advantageous plays. However, having extra actions doesn't guarantee success. You also have to get tangible value out of them.

It's a slightly upgraded Blue version of Hit and Run which is zero cost also, or Tactical Mastery which is one cost. Those trigger when you play them. For this to really be good you have to have other good dice to resolve and it only works %50 of the time, while those other cards work all the time for lesser effects or resources.

It's good, but I think I'm seeing some overreactions on its power level. There are already ways to chain several actions in a row for minimal or no cost. I'm excited to use this card as removal bait. If this rolls out alongside some damage, your opponent has to decide which is the better choice to remove. If you have a 2, +2 and +3 damage showing, its probably still better to remove the 2 damage result, but if you have a couple showing native damage, should they reduce the damage or remove your chance to do several actions? Can be a tough choice depending on game state. And even if they have rolled a bunch of modified damage, you're giving them a chance to reroll or change a result and then resolve it OR two chances to reroll.

That's where I think it will see the most mileage. It will disrupt and stall your opponent for a moment, as they will want to remove it. Similar to how cards like Cunning make your opponent rethink playing good upgrades or activating characters with specials. Getting two free actions is obviously good, but messing with your opponent's strategy or coax them into considering making a possibly suboptimal choice is also quite powerful. And if they can't remove it, you get your two actions.

It toes the line, but I think its fine.

Edited by Engine25

One new spoiler. A180 Blaster. Very viable. Three special options. 9:18 is where the discussion starts for the new card.

Edited by dpb1298
23 minutes ago, Engine25 said:

It's a slightly upgraded Blue version of Hit and Run which is zero cost also, or Tactical Mastery which is one cost. Those trigger when you play them. For this to really be good you have to have other good dice to resolve and it only works %50 of the time, while those other cards work all the time for lesser effects or resources.

It's good, but I think I'm seeing some overreactions on its power level. There are already ways to chain several actions in a row for minimal or no cost. I'm excited to use this card as removal bait. If this rolls out alongside some damage, your opponent has to decide which is the better choice to remove. If you have a 2, +2 and +3 damage showing, its probably still better to remove the 2 damage result, but if you have a couple showing native damage, should they reduce the damage or remove your chance to do several actions? Can be a tough choice depending on game state. And even if they have rolled a bunch of modified damage, you're giving them a chance to reroll or change a result and then resolve it OR two chances to reroll.

That's where I think it will see the most mileage. It will disrupt and stall your opponent for a moment, as they will want to remove it. Similar to how cards like Cunning make your opponent rethink playing good upgrades or activating characters with specials. Getting two free actions is obviously good, but messing with your opponent's strategy or coax them into considering making a possibly suboptimal choice is also quite powerful. And if they can't remove it, you get your two actions.

It toes the line, but I think its fine.

When evaluating cards in a vacuum, it's usually a good idea to assume that your opponent is at least as competent as you. So unless you're an idiot (that's a general you ), "it plays mind games!" is a poor metric to judge cards by. I've seen the same argument fall flat on its face in too many spoiler seasons.

I expect the card will be powerful in much the same way as Sith Holocron; it's a cheap enabler that does almost nothing on its own. Remeber how some people insisted that Sith Holocron was broken at launch? It's like d éjà vu all over again.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
9 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

When evaluating cards in a vacuum, it's usually a good idea to assume that your opponent is at least as competent as you. So unless you're an idiot (that's a general you ), "it plays mind games!" is a poor metric to judge cards by. I've seen the same argument fall flat on its face in too many spoiler seasons.

I expect the card will be powerful in much the same way as Sith Holocron; it's a cheap enabler that does almost nothing on its own. Remeber how some people insisted that Sith Holocron was broken at launch? It's like d éjà vu all over again.

Oh I don't disagree with any of that. Spot on, in fact. Mind games are nearly never a metric of strong cards, which adds to the doubts if this card's world ending OP-ness. Mind games are, however, quite fun. And I'll add that anytime my opponent does decide to remove this die instead of a die showing damage or a die I can reroll into damage, I'll be ecstatic. And when they don't, I'll get to take two free actions.

Edited by Engine25

Would also like to add that it's basically only one free action. You get one action anyway, with which you play The first of the two actions, which you'd have likely done anyway, and then a second.

2 minutes ago, Engine25 said:

Would also like to add that it's basically only one free action. You get one action anyway, with which you play The first of the two actions, which you'd have likely done anyway, and then a second.

That is of course assuming you don't have other specials to resolve along with the Force Speed special.

8 hours ago, CBowser said:

Force Speed is good, but not "OMG THIS CARD IS BUSTED" good. Essentially it gives you a 50% chance giving your next action ambush. So while taking extra actions is good (see Han/Rey), it doesn't guarantee success. Also it is much easier to mitigate this effect than the Holdout Blaster on Rey. You can either mitigate the Force Speed die, or you can mitigate the dice they would be resolving with their extra actions.

Of course you can play this on Rey, then play a Holdout Blaster on Rey, then active Rey, resolve the Force Speed die for two more actions, and go nuts with activating and resolving your other character. So there is the potential for some craziness. But I don't think it will find a home in every blue deck, just like Tactical Mastery doesn't have a home in every red deck.

just because it's not guaranteed to work dont make it not op, not saying it is though

8 hours ago, CBMarkham said:

Agree. This card isn't game breakingly powerful by any stretch of the imagination, but it is much too good for a card that costs 0.

Essentially, all blue decks now have 2 legendary cards that are auto-include (that's not a money grab, right?) and you now have 2 cards less that you actually have to make decisions about (for the time being). To me, that detracts a hair from the game. Not enough to ruin my enjoyment of the game, but at the very least, it seems like a poor design choice.

2 legendarys is not all that much

1 hour ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

When evaluating cards in a vacuum, it's usually a good idea to assume that your opponent is at least as competent as you. So unless you're an idiot (that's a general you ), "it plays mind games!" is a poor metric to judge cards by. I've seen the same argument fall flat on its face in too many spoiler seasons.

I expect the card will be powerful in much the same way as Sith Holocron; it's a cheap enabler that does almost nothing on its own. Remeber how some people insisted that Sith Holocron was broken at launch? It's like d éjà vu all over again.

I'm impressed with your statement. I can't wait to put it on Jango, with a Sith Holocron of corse!


Salvo, don't just think two player, think 4 player.

As for the Blaster, 4 sides deal damage, 2 of them unblockable damage.

Edited by Amanal
1 hour ago, ozmodon said:

I'm impressed with your statement. I can't wait to put it on Jango, with a Sith Holocron of corse!

You may, but give Jango 3 guns and I would be worried more.

Omg, again freakout show on forum...

Buhallin can you pelase enlighten me on your gaming experience? Did you won some serious tournaments or you are just an internet troll? Because your over-reaction is just hillarious.

Force Speed is just ok legendary. The biggest issue of it is the fact, that it is perfect card to play on sidekick character to your main, in the same way as Holocron is used in Vader/Raider deck. Force Speed really does not allow you to have it on big blue character like Vader, roll him and resolve which means that it is highly losing potential. You are definitelly not cheating like Jango does and it is also worse than Tactical Mastery, which allows you to roll + resolve your main character on the beginning of the turn no matter what you have on table. You have to play it on blue character, so I really do not see too many decks where to play this. I can imagine Rey + Poe to be good target for this and than maybe Rey + Han (however in both you just want to activate Han/Poe before Rey, so still it is very limited). Chirrut looks also like good sidekick, but guess what, he can not posses this. Blue Villain does not have good blue sidekick character, only exception will be maybe Kylo with New Vader, however that deck will be anyway **** because of lack of resources and disrupt fragility. Other than this, it is usually nothing interesting and unless they will reveal some really usefull high HP low cost blue character, than this card is fine. I will not even play it in my blue deck and I am definitelly not going to play it in Palpatine deck.

Main problem is that the card has 0 cost. At that price point it should not have focus side, the shield one is probably ok. Any die for 0 resource is always awsome, that is the biggest issue of the card, its effect is not game braking, but somewhere in good/mundane range.

6 hours ago, Amanal said:

You may, but give Jango 3 guns and I would be worried more.

Oh it's free so it would be there just until the 3rd gun came out.

18 hours ago, Hawkman2000 said:

There's literally no reason not to include Force Speed in any Blue deck. Even if it had a cost or only gave one action, it would be powerful. This is a game changer that pushes the pace for only being the first expansion.

I reckon it will get banned almost immediately.

What were FFG thinking? They should know better than this.

think of how much fun it will be when your playing yellow and have cunning out when someone plays this:)

1 hour ago, Chimpy said:

I reckon it will get banned almost immediately.

What were FFG thinking? They should know better than this.

I'm guessing they were thinking it would be a fun card that would see some play.

Define almost immediately. Today, tomorrow, 1 day after release of SoR? We could start a pool.

This thread very much reminds me of the claims that Sith Holocron would break the game, which of course, never happened. It's an interesting card, no doubt. However, the sky is not falling.

In regards to those that like the back and fourth nature of the Destiny round, I hear you and agree that is one of Destiny's best features. Force Speed will not end that. Although it will increase the instances of roll and resolve, FD will not do away with back and forth in Destiny any more than Han/Rey does now. As a frequent H/R player I can attest that there is plenty of back and forth player interaction in my games.

Edited by Starbane

Do you think that FFG would make this card and have plans to have other cards discard or negate this?

I would like to think so.

And like others have said, there are ways of manipulating this die. Rey examples you have given don't always have the biggest damage combos. I have seen most Vader/Raider decks using this and making it nastier (plus Dooku and Kylo). But in those cases you have the chance to manipulate the dice pool.

It isn't broken in my opinion

1 hour ago, Darth evil said:

think of how much fun it will be when your playing yellow and have cunning out when someone plays this:)

True but you have 1 in 6 to roll it and they have 1 in 2. Likely they would roll first, do everything then claim while you are working on rerolls.

Here is the image of the blaster that Tiny spoiled yesterday in his video quoted above.


To expensive despite the 4x2 damage sides. Guns basically have this formula: if highest damage side is higher than cost of the upgrade it´s good and if it costs more than it´s highest damage side its bad. Hold Out is equal, but good because the bonus action. I wish they'd left the Disrupt out and lowered cost by 1 instead.

It's a plus 2 instead of a plus 3. But, it has 4 damage sides, and versatility. I like it just marginally better then IQA-11 blaster rifle. Except this is hero only. So my villains don't like it.

57 minutes ago, Scactha said:

To expensive despite the 4x2 damage sides. Guns basically have this formula: if highest damage side is higher than cost of the upgrade it´s good and if it costs more than it´s highest damage side its bad. Hold Out is equal, but good because the bonus action. I wish they'd left the Disrupt out and lowered cost by 1 instead.

And put what where the disrupt is? Another blank? another range damage modifier? Then it would be too strong with another damage modifier. I am sure upgrades will be able to have their cost manipulated. Isn't that the progression of such games?

Such a lack of imagination for what this thing can do :(
