Vassal Freshman Spring 2017 [NA SECTOR]

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

19 hours ago, CaribbeanNinja said:

Look at these bold Imperial fleets folks! Things of beauty. They are playing Undead's Most Wanted.


For those trying to parse the BatReps, Gryphon is on the left with Parnassus , while Motti is on the far side of Manticore . If memory serves, Demolisher is the forward of the two Gladiators , and Jerjerrod is aboard the Gozanti nearer to it.

For those who are interested:

@itzSteve (Madine) vs. @AdmiralYor (Rieekan) is on for Saturday the 8th at 2pm EDT. That's US east coast time for all you time challenged people. :D

On ‎04‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 7:56 AM, Paindemic7708 said:

paindemic vs @Mattorium is scheduled for Wednesday Apr 5 at aprox 8pm eastern.

@Paindemic7708 Vs Myself

We Played Planetary Ion Cannon.

I won 236-30 for a MOV of 206(8-3) my way.

It was a great game and much closer then the score shows. My Not DEMO!!! glad survived much longer then it should have due to some very bad luck on Pains end.

Dorrin Vs @Q-DOWg goes to me 503-238 for a 9-2 and an MoV of 265.

We played my Fire Lanes.

I had a first in this game, I fired out of both broadsides from an Assault Frigate on to the same ship.

We both forgot where the board edge was and found it while moving, mine was with Ackbar so that hurt.

Ackbar Slash Small.png

I've noted 3 games played, 4 more to go:

Interesting to note that @Undeadguy is the only undefeated player up until now. Which shows that it's definitely possible to come back from a loss in round 1.
Name Score MoV SoS Record Byes
@Dorrin314 14 265 3.5 1 / 1 0
@Undeadguy 14 221 3.75 2 / 0 0
@Mattorium 13 206 3.5 1 / 1 0
@GiledPallaeon 11 93 4.5 1 / 1 0
@Captain Weather 10 304 0.25 1 / 0 0
@RStan 8 154 0.75 1 / 0 0
@Q-DOWg 8 43 5.5 1 / 1 0
@Paindemic7708 8 0 5.25 0 / 2 0
@itzSteve 6 47 3.5 1 / 0 0
@AdmiralYor 6 17 3.25 1 / 0 0
@Hystarr 4 0 3.5 0 / 1 0
@moodswing5537 4 0 2.75 0 / 1 0
@ryanabt 3 0 2.0 0 / 1 0
@emsgoof 1 0 2.5 0 / 1 0
18 minutes ago, Green Knight said:

I've noted 3 games played, 4 more to go:

Interesting to note that @Undeadguy is the only undefeated player up until now. Which shows that it's definitely possible to come back from a loss in round 1.
Name Score MoV SoS Record Byes
@Dorrin314 14 265 3.5 1 / 1 0
@Undeadguy 14 221 3.75 2 / 0 0
@Mattorium 13 206 3.5 1 / 1 0
@GiledPallaeon 11 93 4.5 1 / 1 0
@Captain Weather 10 304 0.25 1 / 0 0
@RStan 8 154 0.75 1 / 0 0
@Q-DOWg 8 43 5.5 1 / 1 0
@Paindemic7708 8 0 5.25 0 / 2 0
@itzSteve 6 47 3.5 1 / 0 0
@AdmiralYor 6 17 3.25 1 / 0 0
@Hystarr 4 0 3.5 0 / 1 0
@moodswing5537 4 0 2.75 0 / 1 0
@ryanabt 3 0 2.0 0 / 1 0
@emsgoof 1 0 2.5 0 / 1 0

Well, this is only becauce there are 3 matches missing, two of them with a win each in the first round.
With swiss system you will always have 3,5 player (on a pool of 14 player) with 2 wins after the second round. It there is no other way.
3,5 because one player with a win will be paired against a player without a win. And Q-DOWg got paired down and lost. So you will have 3 player with 2 wins after the second round.

There is nothing interessting in this this :D .

Coming back after a loss in the first round can only work if these, who won in the first round, does not win high in the second. And you need a high win in the second round if you lost the first.

Hystarr vs Moodswing (1st Player) ended in a 184-114 MOV 66 for a 7-4 to Hystarr

We played minefields

Short report, This was a really fun game. Interdictor G-7, minefields, vs. my VCX strategic crew. I lost Garm due to his ridiculous tottering towards a VSD and bombers, and Yavaris because, well, the target that automatically comes with yavaris. I did manage to take out all squads but Rymer, which Rymer was the swing points since he ultimately took out yavaris. Hystarr was a great opponent and I look forward to future games.


I think Relay will get nerfed to "relay ship must be within short-medium of activating ship". It's stupid with yavaris and Flotillas on the edges. I think this, and I was the one using them.


It was certainly a learning experience for me regarding relay usage. With the new information I would adjust my build slightly for the future, otherwise I think it worked out well. I am grateful for Moodswing for helping me through Vassel. I honestly prefer Tabletop Simulator as it looks great, and is very smooth and has a higher user friendliness level. Vassel does have a better undo function however and on some things like navigation of associating upgrades to ships seems more organic.

As far as the match goes. Mood really used his relay functions to decimate my squadrons and to minimize the effects of my minefield placement. I honestly was very confused about his deployment, especially Garm. I will edit in some pics when I am able to get back to my computer. Again, Mood thank you for schooling me and I feel lucky to have squeezed out a minor Victory.

Captain Weather vs RStan is complete!

I went first player and we played his Dangerous Territory

I wiped his Rebel scum from the galaxy (sorry @RStan ) and picked up 2 tokens for a score of 430pts.

Stan took out a Defender and picked up 3 tokens for a score of 61pts.

MoV of 369

Good game Rstan, I hope you can get your voice chat up soon. I'm much more enjoyable to play when you can hear my stupid banter. Also thank you so much for being incredibly patient about my connection issues. Really appreciate it and good game!

8 hours ago, Captain Weather said:

Captain Weather vs RStan is complete!

I went first player and we played his Dangerous Territory

I wiped his Rebel scum from the galaxy (sorry @RStan ) and picked up 2 tokens for a score of 430pts.

Stan took out a Defender and picked up 3 tokens for a score of 61pts.

MoV of 369

Good game Rstan, I hope you can get your voice chat up soon. I'm much more enjoyable to play when you can hear my stupid banter. Also thank you so much for being incredibly patient about my connection issues. Really appreciate it and good game!

Yeah hopefully next time your connection will be more cooperative. That game was definitely another lesson for me in the power of a Demolisher with last/first capabilities. Brutal. I still got a lot to learn as a new Armada player, but I figured I was doomed when I saw the matchup. I was just hoping to mitigate the damage.

Edited by RStan

itzSteve vs. AdmiralYor is complete!

itzSteve: 147 - 50 AdmiralYor for a 7-4 MOV:97 to itzSteve

We played the Admiral's Capture the VIP.

We wound up deploying directly across from each other in the middle of the board. All the action in this match happened on turn 2 after the Liberty came out hard on turn 1 at speed 3+ET. The Liberty one shotted both ramming CR90s from medium range, and then withstood the barrage to follow. The CR90's shot their arcs at the front of Liberty and rammed it 3 times. The saving grace was a below average short range shot from the Admiral's Admonition side arc that enabled the Liberty to escape in the next round with 1 hull remaining. After the ramming CR90's went down, both of the Admiral's MC30's went after my Admonition. It escaped with it's life on 2 hull, with Lando as the key performer, turning hit/crits into single hits. The rest of the match turned into a navigation game with no shots fired until turn 6, when the Liberty, back up to 3 hull, was able to one shot the Admiral's Bright Hope from its rear hull zone. The only other thing to die was the Admiral's Tycho squad trying to escape at the end, but failing to do so. The admiral's naked flotilla picked up the VIP token and ran away with the points.

The casualties in the game:

AdmiralYor: both CR90B's, Bright Hope, and Tycho.

itzSteve: My whole fleet survived, but the Liberty and Admonition came out of the fight severely scarred and thankful to still be alive.

Overall, the Admiral was a very tough opponent and a pleasant guy to play. I hope he had as much fun as I did. Great game!

Edited by itzSteve

Match 7: @ryanabt vs @emsgoof remains unplayed. Has it been scheduled?

3 hours ago, Green Knight said:

Match 7: @ryanabt vs @emsgoof remains unplayed. Has it been scheduled?

Today at 3 Central Standard Time. Just got the exact time down.

8 hours ago, ryanabt said:

Today at 3 Central Standard Time. Just got the exact time down.

Ryan won, 303-0, played his superior positions.

Edited by emsgoof
7 minutes ago, emsgoof said:

Ryan won, 303-0, played his superior positions.
MSU lists suck.

Ryanabt vs EMSgoof 303-0 MOV (10-1) playing superior positions. EMSgoof had first turn

I made a pincer move. Two Arqs and a raider on one side and Insidious trailed by a delayed raider on the other. My Insidious ( know why) was able to delay so that Demolisher only got one shot oon him. Next turn (turn three) due to some crazy nice rolls (8 damage out the side) Demo was dead. From there, the arqs and raider took out his Insidious along with some help from Bossk and a Deci. His squads having been ganged up on by Ciena, Smiley McSmiley face, Bossk, and the Deci. As for the rest, it was me avoiding the front of the ISD, which I did except for one red range shot onto my raider. I put some more rear shots on him and skeddadled.

I got to 303 because as we were about to call it at turn five, HE realized that I could increase my points victory if we played turn 6 and Bossk got a rear shot on his gozanti. We had previously mentioned that I might be able to but weren't going to make the moves. Then he thought of that and we did. Kind soul.

Enjoyed the game. Sorry EMSgoof had to play two "MSU lists" in a row. I, at least, don't have any flotillas *ducks*.

Edited by ryanabt

I stopped in to see part of it a couple times.

1 minute ago, Hystarr said:

I stopped in to see part of it a couple times.

Feel free to PM me any suggestions that might help my play!

3 minutes ago, ryanabt said:

Feel free to PM me any suggestions that might help my play!

Heh, you nearly tabled poor EMSgoof 303-0....How much more did you want?

4 minutes ago, Hystarr said:

Heh, you nearly tabled poor EMSgoof 303-0....How much more did you want?

To get better? We can learn from victory as well as defeat.

9 minutes ago, ryanabt said:

To get better? We can learn from victory as well as defeat.


Round 2 complete - well done people!

One player have opted to withdraw: @emsgoof , leaving us with an odd number of players for the final round. Let me know if someone else is thinking about dropping; that way we can avoid one player missing a game.

While some players are clearly out of the running for 1st place, the fight over the top 4 slots is going to be pretty intense. Only a few points differentiate the top players (with one notable exception).

The deadline for round 3 is Thursday, April 20th.

I've head reports of some very long games (6+ hours) in the previous rounds. That's too long for one game of Armada. Since this is the 3rd round you're all more experienced now and should be able to play a game at a reasonable pace. Make a plan, stick to the plan. Do not overmeasure or overthink. Play, like you would on the table. I guarantee it will be more fun. According to my own standards 3 hours is more than enough, especially if running a voice chat.

Good luck with the final round!

Round 3 player rankings:

1 @Captain Weather 20 673 1.3333333333333333
2 @Paindemic7708 16 140 2.3333333333333335
3 @Dorrin314 14 265 2.3333333333333335
4 @Undeadguy 14 221 2.444444444444444
5 @ryanabt 13 303 1.3333333333333333
6 @Mattorium 13 206 2.888888888888889
7 @itzSteve 13 144 2.6666666666666665
8 @GiledPallaeon 11 93 2.4444444444444446
9 @Hystarr 11 70 2.4444444444444446
10 @AdmiralYor 10 17 2.888888888888889
11 @RStan 9 154 3.6666666666666665
12 @Q-DOWg 8 43 3.3333333333333335
13 @moodswing5537 8 0 2.444444444444444
0 (D#3)@emsgoof 2 0 5.5

Round 3 matches:

1: @Captain Weather VS @Dorrin314
2: @Undeadguy VS @ryanabt
3: @Mattorium VS @itzSteve
4: @Hystarr VS @GiledPallaeon
5: @AdmiralYor VS @RStan
6: @Q-DOWg VS @moodswing5537
@Paindemic7708 has a BYE
Edited by Green Knight

Just a question. Why does the second player has a bye? Isn't this a bit unusal? Not to mention a really big drawback for Paindemic7708.

The EU one is really close between 1st and 5th. But here it is not this close, or it should be from 1st to 7th. Because 5th and 7th have the same score. :D

11 minutes ago, Tokra said:

Just a question. Why does the second player has a bye? Isn't this a bit unusal? Not to mention a really big drawback for Paindemic7708.

The EU one is really close between 1st and 5th. But here it is not this close, or it should be from 1st to 7th. Because 5th and 7th have the same score. :D

Because, as I wrote, one player has withdrawn, so we have an odd number of players. So paindemic gets a round 3 bye. Sad.

That's what happens when I blindly copy-paste :lol:

11 minutes ago, Green Knight said:

Because, as I wrote, one player has withdrawn, so we have an odd number of players. So paindemic gets a round 3 bye. Sad.

I understand that one player get a bye when you have an uneven number. But i know it this way that the last player get the bye. Or at least someone who has no win so far. And not the top players. In this case it ruins the chances for Pain to win. Or better, it is not in his hands anymore to play against the first player and win on his own.

It is the same as giving Capt. Weather the bye. It makes no sense.

As i said, i just find it strange (as in never saw it this way).