Vassal Freshman Spring 2017 [NA SECTOR]

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

On 3/24/2017 at 0:39 PM, RStan said:

@RStan vs @ryanabt will be Saturday March 25th at 9:15 AM Central Time.

Reschedule incoming.....

Stand by.....

Edited by RStan

@RStan vs @ryanabt rescheduled for 730 PM Central Time TONIGHT!!!

On 3/21/2017 at 9:31 PM, Captain Weather said:

@emsgoof vs @Captain Weather scheduled for Saturday 7pm Eastern (Sunday 10am Australian Eastern).

Weather won as player 1, played Dangerous Territory, 304 MoV for a 10-1 win.

@RStan vs @ryanabt at halfway point of game going into Turn 4! Tune in tomorrow (Sun March 26th) at 730 pm Central Time for the second half of this slobberknocker!

@emsgoof cheers for the good game! Sorry if it was a little one-sided.

Played Goof's DT.



Mid Turn 3


Mid Turn 4 When We Called It

Ended up 331 (ISD with Jerry, Demo, 2 Defenders, and 3 tokens) vs 27 (TIE Advanced, 1 token) for an MoV of 304 and a 10-1.

It was a good game, and my first on vassal. I apologise to Goof if I was a bit slow, as really I was just trying to come to grips with the system.

Activation advantage, Demo, and more Squads were pretty obviously the killers here. Hard to beat when you're down on all fronts.

Thanks to @Ginkapo for running me through a turn last night. It really helped, cheers!

Undeadguy (1st player) vs Hystarr: 7-4 (MoV 121)

We played Hystarr's Minefields.

Edited by Undeadguy
7 hours ago, Captain Weather said:

@emsgoof cheers for the good game! Sorry if it was a little one-sided.

Played Goof's DT.



Mid Turn 3


Mid Turn 4 When We Called It

Ended up 331 (ISD with Jerry, Demo, 2 Defenders, and 3 tokens) vs 27 (TIE Advanced, 1 token) for an MoV of 304 and a 10-1.

It was a good game, and my first on vassal. I apologise to Goof if I was a bit slow, as really I was just trying to come to grips with the system.

Activation advantage, Demo, and more Squads were pretty obviously the killers here. Hard to beat when you're down on all fronts.

Thanks to @Ginkapo for running me through a turn last night. It really helped, cheers!

Excellent stuff! There is a little screenshot button on the top bar of the table window (a little camera icon) if you want to keep from taking phone pics.

11 hours ago, RStan said:

@RStan vs @ryanabt at halfway point of game going into Turn 4! Tune in tomorrow (Sun March 26th) at 730 pm Central Time for the second half of this slobberknocker!

Slobbernocker= two players slowing circling one another and tapping each other lightly on the chin. Don't worry, turn four promises to be a doozy.

On 3/21/2017 at 3:52 PM, Paindemic7708 said:

@Q-DOWg VS @Paindemic7708

We plan to play 2pm eastern time on Sunday the 26th.

Q won 190-147. I took some screenshots, so thoughts to come.

23 hours ago, RStan said:

@RStan vs @ryanabt at halfway point of game going into Turn 4! Tune in tomorrow (Sun March 26th) at 730 pm Central Time for the second half of this slobberknocker!

RStan defeats ryanabt with a 9-1 win with a 154 MOV.

I definitely enjoyed my first full game on Vassal online. Turn 4 and 5 were the huge fighting rounds that had difficult decisions for activation on both sides. I look forward to my future games and wish ryanabt good luck in his future games.

Edited by RStan
5 hours ago, RStan said:

RStan defeats ryanabt with a 9-1 win with a 154 MOV.

I definitely enjoyed my first full game on Vassal online. Turn 4 and 5 were the huge fighting rounds that had difficult decisions for activation on both sides. I look forward to my future games and wish ryanabt good luck in his future games.

Hey I'm no expert, but did you mean a 254 MOV? Wouldn't a 154 MOV be less than a 9-1 (like a 7 or an 8)?

43 minutes ago, Captain Weather said:

Hey I'm no expert, but did you mean a 254 MOV? Wouldn't a 154 MOV be less than a 9-1 (like a 7 or an 8)?


254 would be 9-2.

154 is 8-3.

3 hours ago, Captain Weather said:

Hey I'm no expert, but did you mean a 254 MOV? Wouldn't a 154 MOV be less than a 9-1 (like a 7 or an 8)?

I'll have to double check with @ryanabt on that because I'm not familiar with how this scoring system works. I know what died and what lived and that's about it.

33 minutes ago, RStan said:

I'll have to double check with @ryanabt on that because I'm not familiar with how this scoring system works. I know what died and what lived and that's about it.

According to the document I saw, an MOV between 151 and 220 is a 9-1, but I could be wrong. I did all the calculations. We also forgot to add his 30 points for tokens, so his MOV is actually 184.


So upon researching how this scoring system works in the Armada Tournament document, I calculated it and I'll break it down below to make sure it looks right.

@RStan killed/gained:

-Raider I w/ Flechette Torps (44 pts)

-Raider I w/ Flechette Torps (44 pts)

-Arquitens Light w/ DTT (54 pts)

-Valen Rudor (13 pts)

-3 Dangerous Territory tokens (45pts)

Total: 200 pts

@ryanabt killed/gained:

-AWing Squadron x2 (22 pts)

-Lancer Pursuit Craft (15 pts)

-1 Dangerous Territory token (15 pts)

Total: 52 pts

So according to the PDF, that should be a 8 - 2 148 MOV right? (EDIT: WRONG)

EDITED: 8 - 3.

Edited by RStan

May have the old scoring system document there. The points used to add up to 10, but they changed it so it should be a total of 11 points now.

3 minutes ago, emsgoof said:

May have the old scoring system document there. The points used to add up to 10, but they changed it so it should be a total of 11 points now.

Ah, you are correct, so it's an 8 - 3.

Fortunately you can click references on Vassal and you get an up to date mov table....

Its on the right of the dice and turns buttons

15 hours ago, Paindemic7708 said:

Q won 190-147. I took some screenshots, so thoughts to come.

Paindemic vs Q-DOWg

Game 1 of the Vassal Noob Freshman Tourney

Hi, my name is Adam, and I’m a slow player… seriously, I am, and I hate it, but hopefully getting in some more games through Vassal will help that (Armada is my first serious minis game, and I’ve probably still played less than thirty games in the past year and a bit). Anyway, on to the report…

First off, setup – it took a little bit to get going. We both had our fleets pre-created, but still had some hiccups; for instance, I was unaware we had to name our ships. Thanks to @Ginkapo for letting me know. There were other things, but eventually we got going.

I created a Madine Liberty fleet for no other reason than I felt like it. I have a bit of a bid, and Admonition, because I’ve loved Admo since the first time I flew it, and Admo prefers to go first. So, the other two options being unpalatable, I chose Contested Outpost.

Q was flying a double ISD list, so basically Liberty’s worst nightmare come to life. My thinking in choosing CO was that if he parked on the outpost with his ISDs, I could swoop in from behind and do some murdering with Admo and Endeavor going after the rear of an ISD or two, and Jaina’s Light attempting to take out his Gozantis.

As far as squadrons go, I expected mine to get murdered, but to tie his up for quite a while, as Biggs can live through quite a bit of negativity in the form of blue dice. However, my small fighter screen (thanks Cannot Get Your Ship Out!) was seriously outgunned by his Medium+ that was primarily anti-squadron.

Round 1: No combat, obviously, just positioning. I placed my Endeavor and Jaina’s on my left, my transport with squadrons somewhat in the middle, and Admo on the right. The pic below shows end of round 1. My only real regret there is where my squadrons are. I left them too far to alpha strike his squadrons. With his squadron composition, tying his squadrons up with mine probably would have won me the game. My squadrons still would have died, but his bombers would have been stuck, which will become very important later on.

Round 2: As you can see below, he’s managed by the end of round two to take out Jan with an IG-88 double-tap (7 hits in two rolls - darn you Jendon!), thus tying up my fighters and allowing his bombers to go on their way uncontested. That makes me sad.

In happier news, however, Admo is enjoying the view of both a Gozanti and an ISD’s butt. JL is attempting to catch up to the Gozanti flagship, my transport is now largely useless (more bad flying), and Endeavor is looking to do a sharp turn into an ISD’s flank.

Round 3: Forgot to do a screenshot, so no pics until end of Round 4. I went first with Admo, doing lots of damage to the Gozanti, but no accuracy (there’s definitely specifics of my fleet I’d like to change) so scatter happened. JL caught up to the rear Gozanti but no ET shenanigans yet. My transport continued to flee, and Endeavor made its swing in.

Admo took a lot of shots this round, including from his bombers that I failed to tie up. At this point I believe he has two tokens from the station.

Round 4: Alright, so between multiple rams (including JL ET dirtiness), plus Admo finally rolling an accuracy, both Gozantis are gone. Bye-bye Motti! My squadrons are already gone by this point, too, having taken IG-88 with them.

Endeavor is stuck on debris, though in a rather good shooting position, but I screwed up Admo’s commands, so it’s about to die. Basically, I RBD’d Admo back to full health, and SFO’d into a repair command – so far, so good. However, when setting my dials, I repaired again, whereas I should have navigated. I repaired again next turn, and then promptly ran into Endeavor (thus removing the health I had just repaired), leaving me vulnerable to Rhymer. Admo blew up from the last couple of squadrons, which wouldn’t have been able to reach it if I had navigated.

Round 5-6: There were two big things here: Admo died, as mentioned above. And his left ISD escaped with one hull. He got out of my front arc with a nav token, and my long range side shot did two damage, braced to one – I needed three so he could only brace to two.

Overall, I’m reasonably happy with my initial setup, as the Liberty class definitely is disadvantaged against ISDs. I think better squadron play in the first and second round would have won me the game, as tying up Rhymer for even a round or two would likely have kept Admo alive. I believe I chose the correct objective, as we both ended up with two tokens.

Hopefully, this game is the beginning of a lot more Vassal games for me, as I love this game, but don’t get nearly enough in-person playing time. Thanks for everyone who watched and helped, and to my kids, for letting me ignore them for hours!





Mattorium vs AdmiralYor

Mattorium first player Capture the VIP

AdmiralYor win 201-184

Only 1 match left:

@GiledPallaeon vs @moodswing5537

I haven't seen any scheduling info. Is this game happening or not?

6 hours ago, Green Knight said:

Only 1 match left:

@GiledPallaeon vs @moodswing5537

I haven't seen any scheduling info. Is this game happening or not?

AFAIK, we're still on for tomorrow night, starting between 6:30 and 7:15 CST. @moodswing5537

8 minutes ago, GiledPallaeon said:

AFAIK, we're still on for tomorrow night, starting between 6:30 and 7:15 CST. @moodswing5537


1 hour ago, GiledPallaeon said:

AFAIK, we're still on for tomorrow night, starting between 6:30 and 7:15 CST. @moodswing5537

yes, I am finally back in town and baring bad weather, this game will happen.