Vassal Freshman Spring 2017 [NA SECTOR]

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Round 1 beings now.

You should IMMEDIATELY get in touch with your opponent (see below) and schedule a time.

When a match has been scheduled, post the date/time here. That way people have a chance to watch and the mentors might pop in to help out too!

You have until the end of Friday 31st March to complete your matches.

After a match is completed, post the results here, using the following format:

Green Knight (1st player) vs Ginkapo: 10-1 (MoV 400)

We played his Fire Lanes. Then add as much description and images as you'd like.



@Captain Weather














1: @Mattorium VS @AdmiralYor
2: @Q-DOWg VS @Paindemic7708
3: @ryanabt VS @RStan
4: @Dorrin314 VS @itzSteve
5: @Captain Weather VS @emsgoof
6: @Undeadguy VS @Hystarr
7: @GiledPallaeon VS @moodswing5537


All lists available as separate tabs in this online sheet:

I've also included some key data on the lists. Will expand up that later.

Edited by Green Knight


3 rounds Swiss: This means everyone plays 3 matches. The first match you are randomly assigned. The next two matches you are assigned to the opponent that most closely matches you in tournament points and margin of victory (MoV). The player with the most points after 3 rounds wins!

Scoring: Standard scoring from the tourney regs. Meaning you can get as many as 10 points or as little as 1 point per match. MoV is used as a tie-breaker.

Conceding: If a player concedes, his opponent scores a win (8 tournament points and 140 MoV). If, however, the winner would score more as calculated from the end state, he scores that number of tournament points and MoV.

No show: If a player fails to log on for a scheduled match his opponent receives the the win (8 tournament points and 140 MoV).

Failure to schedule: If players are unable to schedule a game they both receive a loss (0 tournament points and 0 MoV). If it's clearly the fault of one of the players it counts as a no show instead.

Extension: If you cannot complete a game within the period allotted to a round, contact the TO (Green Knight). We should be able to work something out unless the delay is too large. If you fail to contact the TO this counts as failure to schedule.

Saving and resuming: If a match cannot be completed in one sitting, it's OK to save and resume at a later date IF BOTH PLAYERS AGREE. If they can't agree, one player must concede. It is therefore a good idea to establish for how long both parties can play before starting the match. This rule also applies if one player suddenly has a RL interruption and must leave.

Slow play: Hard to adjudicate on Vassal, especially with freshman players. Just try your best to keep the game moving forward and you'll be good!

Edited by Green Knight

Also reserved.

Mentor ppl: feel free to step forward!

@emsgoof - hello there Round 1 match up.

I apologise in advance for living in Australia.

Alright sports fans, @itzSteve (Madine) vs. @Dorrin314 (Acbar) is on for tonight, 3/21 sometime between 5-6p California time.

Hang on.... Dorrin is claiing Freshman status AND running Ackbar.

I am so sorry Steve, this is gonna hurt

9 minutes ago, Ginkapo said:

Hang on.... Dorrin is claiing Freshman status AND running Ackbar.

I am so sorry Steve, this is gonna hurt

Thanks for the vote of confidence there Gink! I have been wondering how my new list would hold up against the Acbar triple guppys. I guess we will find out...

...and BTW, nothing has hurt more than the beating YOU gave me in my first tourney game ever...LOL ;)

A game I played against Dorrin in my first tourney, probably my fifth ever game still gives me nightmares

I would love to meet the man who shakes Ginkapo's confidence.

He must be the most interesting man in the world.


Tentative time for GiledPallaeon (me, Motti) against @moodswing5537 (Garm) is next Thursdary 3/30, starting between 6:30 and 7:15 CST dependent on an outside factor outside my control that may or may not delay me momentarily.

5 hours ago, Captain Weather said:

@emsgoof - hello there Round 1 match up.

I apologise in advance for living in Australia.

It's a trap... he's not sorry... Australia has beaches and clear ocean water... it was the Club Med Prison of the 1700s (or whatever time period that was)...

8 minutes ago, Q-DOWg said:

It's a trap... he's not sorry... Australia has beaches and clear ocean water... it was the Club Med Prison of the 1700s (or whatever time period that was)...

As an Expat - All the Better for the Great White SharkWatching.

Loving the variety of the lists. Seems like a lot of us went with unusual/underexplored list building strategies.

Also, a pox upon Gink for making CR-90 ramming fleets a thing.

@Q-DOWg VS @Paindemic7708

We plan to play 2pm eastern time on Sunday the 26th.

8 hours ago, Ginkapo said:

Hang on.... Dorrin is claiing Freshman status AND running Ackbar.

I am so sorry Steve, this is gonna hurt

To be fair I PMed Green Knight that I was willing to be a fill in if he needed me, I was worried I was a little too experienced for this. I through the fleet together Monday morning and I haven't run much Ackbar sense wave 2. We'll see how I end up doing. :)

@emsgoof vs @Captain Weather scheduled for Saturday 7pm Eastern (Sunday 10am Australian Eastern).

Dorrin vs ItzSteve went 6-5 MoV of 47 to Steve. We played my Solar Corona. Take aways from this game. Blue squadron attack dice sucked, but counter dice rocked. The only things that died were squadrons 4 2400's for me and Shera for Steve. Well timed Madine Navs kept both Admo and Jaina's Light alive.

1 hour ago, Dorrin314 said:

Dorrin vs ItzSteve went 6-5 MoV of 47 to Steve. We played my Solar Corona. Take aways from this game. Blue squadron attack dice sucked, but counter dice rocked. The only things that died were squadrons 4 2400's for me and Shera for Steve. Well timed Madine Navs kept both Admo and Jaina's Light alive.

Congratulations on 1st game completed in the tournament!

I assume we are following the unofficial questions thread for any clarifications on card interactions?

43 minutes ago, Undeadguy said:

I assume we are following the unofficial questions thread for any clarifications on card interactions?


If that fails: ask a mentor; they'll act as judges if needed.

If that also fails: ask me.

Undeadguy vs Hystarr

Saturday 10pm Eastern

Mattorium vs AdmiralYor is on the books for the 28th, at around 6pm central, don't have exact time yet.

Good, good let the games flow...

@RStan vs @ryanabt will be Saturday March 25th at 9:15 AM Central Time.