Vassal Freshman Spring 2017 [EURO SECTOR]

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Round 2 complete - well done people!

Two players have opted to withdraw: @NairoD and @Kikaze , leaving 12 players for the final round.

While some players are clearly out of the running for 1st place, the fight over the top 4 slots is going to be pretty intense. Only a few points differentiate between 1st and 5th place.

The deadline for round 3 is Thursday, April 20th.

I've head reports of some very long games (6+ hours) in the previous rounds. That's too long for one game of Armada. Since this is the 3rd round you're all more experienced now and should be able to play a game at a reasonable pace. Make a plan, stick to the plan. Do not overmeasure or overthink. Play, like you would on the table. I guarantee it will be more fun. According to my own standards 3 hours is more than enough, especially if running a voice chat.

Good luck with the final round!

Round 3 player rankings:

Rank Name Score MoV SoS
1 @Villakarvarousku 17 450 1.7222222222222223
2 @Plagueis 16 315 2.277777777777778
3 @Tokra 15 400 2.2222222222222223
4 @thecactusman17 14 400 2.8888888888888893
5 @anothermorat 14 189 2.5555555555555554
6 @ManInTheBox 12 24 1.8888888888888886
7 @Visovics 11 24 2.222222222222222
0 (D#3)@Kikaze 9 263 4.166666666666666
8 @NobodyInParticular 9 140 1.7222222222222223
9 @Rocco79 9 74 2.277777777777778
10 @bmhuhman 8 0 2.777777777777778
11 @PodRacer 7 0 2.7777777777777772
12 @Irishmadcat 6 0 3.0
0 (D#3)@NairoD 1 0 4.333333333333334

Round 3 pairings:

1: @Villakarvarousku VS @Plagueis
2: @Tokra VS @thecactusman17
3: @anothermorat VS @ManInTheBox
4: @Visovics VS @Rocco79
5: @NobodyInParticular VS @bmhuhman
6: @PodRacer VS @Irishmadcat


Even when it is a little late, i have some statistics from the EU and NA sector lists i want to share:

Average Fleet Points:
NA: 394,86
EU: 395,29

Average Squadpoints:
EU: 83,86
NA: 74,79

Average Ship activations:
EU: 4,79
NA: 4,57

Average Squadron number:
EU: 6,00
NA: 4,79

Min. number of ships:
NA: 2
EU: 2

Max. number of ships:
EU: 8
NA: 7

Min. number of squadrons:
NA: 0
EU: 0

Max. number of squadrons:
EU: 10
NA: 8

I find it quite interessting, that the EU sector has such a higher number of squadrons and as well the higher number on ship activations (even when 4,79 and 4,57 are nearly the same) in the lists.

And i am really surprissed to see such a low averge number on squadron numbers in the lists.

NobodyInParticular vs. bmhuhman (a.k.a. @Doc Jedi ) scheduled for 3 PM GMT Tuesday April 11th. We have a 2 hour window, so hopefully we can finish the game then. If not, we may have to schedule a continuation at a later date.

Edit: Sorry if I caused confusion, the game is to take place in the evening, not in the morning.

Edited by NobodyInParticular
5 hours ago, Tokra said:

I find it quite interessting, that the EU sector has such a higher number of squadrons and as well the higher number on ship activations (even when 4,79 and 4,57 are nearly the same) in the lists.

Really? You are suprised? You are in the EU sector if you hadn't noticed....

23 minutes ago, Ginkapo said:

Really? You are suprised? You are in the EU sector if you hadn't noticed....

Ok, such a higher number of squadrons in EU compared to NA :).

And on the other hand, an average of 6 is still lower than i thought. But this might because of the great unique ones that are used these days. Quality goes up, quantity goes down.

Visovics vs. @Rocco79

Match will happen tomorrow (11th) at 16:00. The showndown between a CR90B ram list against the tankiness of a Motti double ISD, who will ultimately survive? Who will take the victory? Watch to know (or simply come here tomorrow night to see the battle report, but it won't be AS exciting)

The Battle for the wooden spoon commences thursday night at 9pm.

11 hours ago, Visovics said:

Visovics vs. @Rocco79

Match will happen tomorrow (11th) at 16:00. The showndown between a CR90B ram list against the tankiness of a Motti double ISD, who will ultimately survive? Who will take the victory? Watch to know (or simply come here tomorrow night to see the battle report, but it won't be AS exciting)

This will be really interessting. 14 hull ISDs vs. 7 double ramming CR90.

We will have our match (No Squad vs. Goza) as well on the 11th. But we start around 18:00 GMT (plus minus 2 hours because of timezone confusion ;) ).

25 minutes ago, Tokra said:

This will be really interessting. 14 hull ISDs vs. 7 double ramming CR90.

We will have our match (No Squad vs. Goza) as well on the 11th. But we start around 18:00 GMT (plus minus 2 hours because of timezone confusion ;) ).

if the damage was ram-only, my Avenger would survive with RBD on my side and his GR-75 on his

NobodyInParticular vs. @Doc Jedi postponed to 10:00 AM GMT on Friday the 14th of April. There may be some delays getting started, but hopefully not.

Result from Visovics vs. @Rocco79

Victory for Rocco with a Mov of 68, so a 7-4

Playing with my Corona, the 7 CR90Bs stayed in a horizontal line in deployment, with the lifeboat behind, whilst Motti's ISDs went facing away from the bright Corona. The hammerheads proceeded in speed 4 to quickly start ramming Motti's ISD by round 2. Unfortunately for the Empire, Motti was attacked right in front of the station, receiving the ramming as the CR90 remained intact. Rhymer's bombers shredded one of the CR90's to 1 Hull, but it got to the station before it's end. By then, the Avenger's pilot seemingly drunk, very badly maneuvered not close enough to the fight to unleash the black die, while also hitting a few obstacles. Shara faced a few squadrons in the station as well, destroying the jumpmaster quickly after it was countered. The fight continued and Motti brought down 2 CR90's with a 9 and 10 dice incredible shots respectively, but not stopping the Zombies from ramming him. Motti came down gloriously with it's ship, but not without a 3rd Cr90 casualty. Shara massacrated the bombers after being very badly placed engaging with them when a Corvette landed on it, leading to a firework spectacle for the station, ultimately the Shara zombie also took out Tempest, who were unnefective for being in the station, preventing escort from working. In the end, Avenger and a TIE defender survived, but suffered against the undeniable power of Rieekan's command of Zombie ramming Corvettes.

Soon-to-be Fleet Admiral Visovics, signing out.

hi Visovics,

Thanks again for the match ... nice sum-up.
I just did the math again and come to a different conclusion, but it shouldn't change the result in points:

You killed 3 CR90Bs with engine Techs and Shara, which is 158 pts. According Your Squadlist, the ISD2 was worth 171 pts, your destroyed squads 69 pts. This makes 240 pts in total.

This should give all together a MOV of 82.



Edited by Rocco79

Tokra Vs Cactus: 425-103 to Tokra for a 10-1 Win. We played Tokra's Fire Lanes.

Tokra used excellent control and tactics to avoid attacks from the ISD and Demolisher before destroying them with squadrons. With the two big hitters out of the game, his single-die Gozantis proceeded to hold the loose tokens and the Lambda had an opportunity to move one that was almost lost over to his range on turn 6.

edit- also, this time I actually remembered to get the log file. GK, how can I get this to you? Can I send it through the PM system?

Edited by thecactusman17

It was really a great and nice game. I am just a little sad that our lists were such a counter to each other. My squadrons were way to much for TCM to handle. The second raider nearly died as well in the last round. He was out of range by half of a millimeter (Stele is looking for a new technician now. He killed his last one, because the Defender was not flying fast "far" enough).

Fire lanes was a evil Mission as well. Because he had to fly in like mad to get to the tokens. So he flew right into the bombers, who killed the demo and one raider in the second round.
3 Bomber Commando Center and 7 Bombers are just to much for these ships.

But TCM was flying great on the right side to keep the one objective token contested.

The match was a bit under 3 hours. So it was fine. We startet a bit late because the was a problem with the maps. But the matches become faster each time ;) .

3 hours ago, Tokra said:

It was really a great and nice game. I am just a little sad that our lists were such a counter to each other. My squadrons were way to much for TCM to handle. The second raider nearly died as well in the last round. He was out of range by half of a millimeter (Stele is looking for a new technician now. He killed his last one, because the Defender was not flying fast "far" enough).

Fire lanes was a evil Mission as well. Because he had to fly in like mad to get to the tokens. So he flew right into the bombers, who killed the demo and one raider in the second round.
3 Bomber Commando Center and 7 Bombers are just to much for these ships.

But TCM was flying great on the right side to keep the one objective token contested.

The match was a bit under 3 hours. So it was fine. We startet a bit late because the was a problem with the maps. But the matches become faster each time ;) .

Eh. I think going for you ASAP while you still had a ball of ships for the ISD to wade into was critical. Oh well. For what it's worth, I realized that my old Devastator/Demolisher build would likely have drastically altered the game due to the extra reach on those blue dice.

Edited by thecactusman17

Match between myself and @anothermorat pencilled in for 6 pm on Easter Monday.


Like any proper Norwegian I'll be spending the extender Easter weekend up in my mountain cabin.

I have internet, but will probably be busy hiking/skiing/stuffing my face, so if I don't reply you know why...

Alright. I am on Ginkwatch in GKs absence then.

Sorry for not mentioning this earlier, but Villakarvarousku vs. @Plagueis is about to start now.

NobodyInParticular vs. @Doc Jedi ended in a 7-4 victory for myself, score of 251-154, MOV: 97. We played my Superior Positions. It was a fun game and I enjoyed playing it. Doc Jedi also was enjoyable company, and I hope to play him again some day.

The game started out rather slowly, with the Imperials finding safety in numbers. They gathered together in formation of Goz, Vic, Demo , Vic, Goz) on the top left corner of the battlefield (from my point of view) carefully avoiding the obstacle field which was located along the right half of the engagement area. In response the dolphins were positioned directly opposite them in such a formation that would enable them to either flank the enemy battle-group or fly between the various elements so as to pick off several exposed weaklings as the situation dictated. Owing to a major tactical error, Oh, Why Me? was positioned too far to the right to be of any use until turn 5.

The first few turns of the game consisted largely of the Imperials moving forward and the dolphins beginning to flank on the enemy right, Dolphin leading and Narwhal tailing in the rear of what was developing into a 3-dolphin conga line. It was at this point that the dangers inherent in Oh, Why Me? 's foolish placement became apparent, when the entire enemy fighter wing (4 defenders and 2 Interceptors) ganged up on Narwhal and began stripping the poor beast of its shields and defense tokens. Owing to Demo's proximity it was taken for granted that Narwhal would not survive round two of fighting, much less round 3, and that thus the statistical death of one dolphin for every turn of actual combat would be adhered to. But (lo and behold!) Demo made the interesting strategical decision to fly after Dolphin and gain some VP tokens, leaving Narwhal to the fighters. This enabled Narwhal to escape, and indeed do some very useful damage (ironically, my anti-squadron die was a hit every time but the last few, which would have otherwise been killing shots. Oh well. . .). After this miraculous exception to the Rule of Dolphin Death, some serious hurt was laid upon Enterprise , the enemy flagship, which perished that turn to withering dolphin fire from Cheetah (Is it just me, or does it get confusing, with all the animal names? Perhaps my original names (MC30cs: Thoughtless Illogic , Belated Hindsight , Ghastly Oversight , and Neb-b Regretted Past ) were better?), though through a fascinating and rather unscientific event 'Uncle Jerry' returned from the afterlife to affect Hornet's movement later that round in an oddly spiteful after-death revenge action. . . or maybe he was so surprised at being dead it took a turn to register?

Anyways, moving on, after the fall of their leader the Imperials seemed to lose the will to properly navigate, which led Demo to skirt the board edge for the remainder of the game, Hornet to mindlessly fly away from the action, GZ-Bravo to turn its back on the close-range broadside of Narwhal (and thus perish), and GZ-Alpha to nearly fly off the board, only to be rammed to death by Narwhal (or Dolphin , one or the other, either way, Narwhal was my MVP, despite that fact that the funeral dirge for its crew had been sung in round 2). Meanwhile a vicious squadron battle had developed, in which X-Wings would fly into range of the defenders and DIE. It was miserably disappointing to watch all those potential pilots get chewed up and spit out by the likes of Maarek Steele. . . by the end of the day only Jan Ors survived, and not one squadron die had been rolled against a ship (thanks a bunch Oh, Why Me?).

Log file

P.S. if any part of the above narrative does not conform to reality, then we are sorry, but reality is to blame.

Edited by NobodyInParticular

Villakarvarousku vs. @Plagueis ended in a 7-4 victory for myself, MoV of 123

Told you @Tokra :)

After the second round i would have tought of a 9-2 or 10-1 for Plagueis. The forsight sacrified itself way to fast.
The admo could have died 2 rounds later. But plague went after the yt2400 with the squadrons.

i will not complain, this result is better for me :).

14 minutes ago, Tokra said:

After the second round i would have tought of a 9-2 or 10-1 for Plagueis. The forsight sacrified itself way to fast.
The admo could have died 2 rounds later. But plague went after the yt2400 with the squadrons.

i will not complain, this result is better for me :).

I moved Storm in to fast and should have held him for round 2 and then I would not have panic'ed over the YTs and stayed on the forsight..... but in the heat of the game mistakes are made but there was a lot of things I can take away from the game.

Going to make a few little tweaks to my list and give it another run out as I want to be taking my Inter to Euro's

Edited by Plagueis