Vassal Freshman Spring 2017 [EURO SECTOR]

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

14 minutes ago, NobodyInParticular said:

I'd like to add that I too greatly enjoyed the game and hope thecactusman17 and I might play again soon.
On a related note, I'm trying to upload the log file of the game but it's too big to add as an attachment. How else might I make it available to everybody?

The best way to share is to link to an external file.

For logfiles I just keep them in my Dropbox and share the link. Many other do too.

Myself and @Visovics are squeezing in our game just before the deadline on Sunday 9th. Time TBC, probably starting around mid day/early afternoon.

NobodyInParticular vs. @NairoD tentatively scheduled for Sunday the 2nd of April, 8 PM GMT, pending final confirmation by NairoD.

Rescheduled for Thursday the 6th of April at 9 PM GMT.

Edited by NobodyInParticular


@bmhuhman is no longer a valid member tag; looks like his account has been deleted.

Villakarvarousku vs. @thecactusman17 on Tuesday the 4th at 17:00/5pm GMT.

2 minutes ago, Green Knight said:


@bmhuhman is no longer a valid member tag; looks like his account has been deleted.

This is of particular concern to @anothermorat

I hope you can get hold of him. If not, it counts as a walkover, and you get 8 points and 140 MoV. Not exactly ideal, but that's the rules.

3 hours ago, Green Knight said:

This is of particular concern to @anothermorat

I hope you can get hold of him. If not, it counts as a walkover, and you get 8 points and 140 MoV. Not exactly ideal, but that's the rules.

I changed my username to something a little less personal. I'm tentatively scheduled for a match with @anothermorat on 3 Apr at 1100 (GMT -4).

10 minutes ago, Doc Jedi said:

I changed my username to something a little less personal. I'm tentatively scheduled for a match with @anothermorat on 3 Apr at 1100 (GMT -4).

Glad that's been cleared up!

Rocco is unavailable til next wednesday at the earliest. No confirmed match yet.

Hopefully we have enough time to complete in time im gonna keep my schedule as clear as possible but it my birthday weekend that weekend and diary space will dissapear fast.

Hopefully thursday as im free all day.

@Tokra VS @Irishmadcat

475 vs 70.

So a 10-1 and MOV 400 for Tokra.

The mission was Precision Strike, i was player 1.

i was lucky in the last round, because the Foresight was chasing Tarkin and had a problem with the turning and flew off the map. It would have been 87 (+ a few squadrons that i might have not killed in the last round) less points if he would have stay on the map.
in the end it was a mess in the middle both of his transports were near the station as well. Only the foresight was on the far left edge of the map.

Sorry for the small map. But i had to get it into the 190 kB limit.

Edited by Tokra

Game vs. @anothermorat delayed until Wednesday due to RL issues.

354 vs 280 defeat at the hands of rocco and his reeikan rammers! the imperials fought bravely and crippled the opposing fleet but alas it was for nothing as raw number of hull points won the day!

well played rocco!

@Villakarvarousku beats @thecactusman17 273 -156, for a 117 point MOV and 7-4 tournament score. We played his Dangerous Territory.

I started rather conservatively, which let Villa get several early tokens and set the pace of the game. Villa had excellent spacing on his smaller ships to maximize the effect of General Cracken, which meant that often my ships didn't have optimal shots. Excellent work for such a fast-moving list.

Relentless was taken down by a smart combination of concentrated fire from the CR90s, YT-2400s, and Admonition. Foresight, worked to trap Demolisher in a corner, but made a fatal mistake and drifted just a bit too far as it ran around behind. Demolisher started the next round by catching Foresight with the side and rear arcs, putting three damage into the hull with a lucky Structural Damage from its Assault Proton Torpedoes. A Raider corvette revealed a navigate on the same turn, and deft maneuvering and a courageous captain drove through an asteroid field to deliver the final blow with a ram into the damaged hull section.

Towards the end, I returned the favor of Villa's careful maneuvering and Demolisher took a risky move, running through a Debris field on the last turn to obstruct Villa's YT-2400s. But not before putting a side shot into General Cracken's Bright Hope to Intel the scatter off, setting up the following Raider corvette to hit him with a barrage for damage then avoid leaving the combat area by ramming Bright Hope to death. The Raider captain no doubt appreciated the irony.

Villa was an excellent opponent, extremely friendly, and worked with me to organize a great game that worked with our schedules on nearly opposite sides of the planet. He also showcased a player getting the most from an unusual list, and I really look forward both to playing him again and seeing General Cracken on the board more often.

Many thanks to @thecactusman17 for the great game, the excellent write-up, and for being so friendly and forgiving of my moments of analysis paralysis. He played very well, and I was surprised to squeeze out a lucky victory. It's been a lot to take in for my first tournament and first Vassal experience at the same time, but so far I'm having loads of fun. Speed 3 all the way!

I'd also like to apologise at this point for the strange Finnish username: I was just planning on lurking when I signed up and couldn't think of anything else. :D

I have watched the last two rounds of the match, and have to say, really interessting.

Great flying in the end with the saving of the GSD and the raider. But even if the GSD had flown straight down, and not hitting the debris (if it would have made the turn), it would have been enough. With 2 damage less and the redirect, it would have been safe from the 4 black dice.
But as well some bad luck with the black dice of the YT2400 in the 5th round. 2 Hits out of 4 black dice was to low. In the end it was this damage that was missing for a chance to kill the GSD.

And there was one little think (imo error) in the end from Villa. The navigate command on the CR90 was not so good. A concentrate fire would have the chance to kill the raider (no matter where he would go to). Especially with the CF token it still had. But it is always easier to say something like this after the match ;) . It was a great match for sure, as well great to watch.

33 minutes ago, Tokra said:

And there was one little think (imo error) in the end from Villa. The navigate command on the CR90 was not so good. A concentrate fire would have the chance to kill the raider (no matter where he would go to). Especially with the CF token it still had. But it is always easier to say something like this after the match ;) . It was a great match for sure, as well great to watch.

Yeah, that was definitely an error. To be honest, I just didn't do the maths – that and the fact that when I was giving the final commands, I thought it was only round 5 for some reason...

As i said. Easy to complain after the match.
Most likely i (and maybe 95% of all others) would have done the same error during the match :D .

Edited by Tokra
On 3/30/2017 at 8:42 PM, NobodyInParticular said:

NobodyInParticular vs. @NairoD tentatively scheduled for Sunday the 2nd of April, 8 PM GMT, pending final confirmation by NairoD.

Rescheduled for Thursday the 6th of April at 9 PM GMT.

Owing to issues with real life, the game is (alas!) indefinitely postponed (though of course we hope to get it in by the deadline).

@anothermorat vs @Doc Jedi

338 to 167

We played my contested outpost. @Doc Jedi thank you for a good, relaxed game.

I camped the station flanked by the kittens, Doc took a while to maneuver in with his demo and victories while the Gozanti and squads moved forward. I took the opportunity to take out his squads after they bombed one of the kittens and the Gozanti before the rest of Doc's ships could engage. Then he slugged my ISD down but not before I took out a victory.

Euro sector is down 4, 3 to go:

As with the NA sector we have several players coming back from a round 1 loss.
Name Score MoV SoS Record Byes
@Villakarvarousku 17 450 3.75 2 / 0 0
@Tokra 15 400 5.0 1 / 1 0
@thecactusman17 14 400 4.5 1 / 1 0
@anothermorat 14 189 5.75 2 / 0 0
@Kikaze 9 263 2.25 1 / 0 0
@Rocco79 9 74 4.0 1 / 1 0
@Plagueis 8 175 1.75 1 / 0 0
@bmhuhman 8 0 5.0 0 / 2 0
@PodRacer 7 0 4.25 0 / 2 0
@Visovics 6 24 2.0 1 / 0 0
@ManInTheBox 6 24 1.5 1 / 0 0
@Irishmadcat 6 0 5.25 0 / 2 0
@NairoD 1 0 4.25 0 / 1 0
@NobodyInParticular 1 0 3.5 0 / 1 0

The game between @Visovics and myself will kick off about 1pm today.

Match 2: @Kikaze concedes. 8-0 MoV 140 to @Plagueis

Edited by Green Knight

Match 7: @NairoD concedes. 8-0 MoV 140 to @NobodyInParticular

Edited by Green Knight

ManInTheBox (1st Player) played @Visovics , 22 Mov to myself, so a 6-5 win.

Visovics was running a twin ISD build with a Rhymerball, commanded by Motti. I was running a triple MC30, 5 ship MSU with Mothma in command

Visovics had initiative and chose second player so I chose his Solar Corona. My obstacles were set up to encourage his deployment at one end of the map, whilst I set all of my ships up on the opposite corner to fork around his ships. As hoped, the ISDs took the setup on the clear end of the map, with the corona behind them.

On the first turn the rebels forked their fleet to flank on both ides. The Rhymerball made its first move but made the mistake of moving some ships out of activation range and leaving the only source of Intel on the edge off the ball. In turn two an alpha strike from a lucky YT-2400 killed the Jumpmaster outright, which meant that the bombers didn't fire a single battery shot the entire game.

Despite having first/last, fear of the Christmas tree ISDs lead me to maneouver poorly and flank far too wide, leaving the rebel fleet out of position for the entire game. All the points were made on squadrons and the rebels gradually took apart the Rhymerball, leaving only a Defender alive that had been chasing down Mon Mothma's flotilla.

Two of the Shrimps didn't ever fire their battery Armament and the other two ships took a couple of long-distance pot-shots. No ships died and all the points were made on squad shots. The rebels definitely had the luck of the dice on a couple of crucial rolls and the slim MoV could easily swung the other way if the luck had been reversed.

I'd like to thank Visovics for being such a pleasant opponent and a great sport.


Edited by ManInTheBox
1 hour ago, ManInTheBox said:

ManInTheBox (1st Player) played @Visovics , 22 Mov to myself, so a 6-5 win.

Visovics was running a twin ISD build with a Rhymerball, commanded by Motti. I was running a triple MC30, 5 ship MSU with Mothma in command

Visovics had initiative and chose second player so I chose his Solar Corona. My obstacles were set up to encourage his deployment at one end of the map, whilst I set all of my ships up on the opposite corner to fork around his ships. As hoped, the ISDs took the setup on the clear end of the map, with the corona behind them.

On the first turn the rebels forked their fleet to flank on both ides. The Rhymerball made its first move but made the mistake of moving some ships out of activation range and leaving the only source of Intel on the edge off the ball. In turn two an alpha strike from a lucky YT-2400 killed the Jumpmaster outright, which meant that the bombers didn't fire a single battery shot the entire game.

Despite having first/last, fear of the Christmas tree ISDs lead me to maneouver poorly and flank far too wide, leaving the rebel fleet out of position for the entire game. All the points were made on squadrons and the rebels gradually took apart the Rhymerball, leaving only a Defender alive that had been chasing down Mon Mothma's flotilla.

Two of the Shrimps didn't ever fire their battery Armament and the other two ships took a couple of long-distance pot-shots. No ships died and all the points were made on squad shots. The rebels definitely had the luck of the dice on a couple of crucial rolls and the slim MoV could easily swung the other way if the luck had been reversed.

I'd like to thank Visovics for being such a pleasant opponent and a great sport.


Thank you for that amazing match.

I have to admit, avoiding the corona with the gigantic front arc of the ISDs is giving away a free flank for a MSU fleet. We ended up flying around each other with red dice fired and A LOT of AA.

May the force be with you in the next round