Vassal Freshman Spring 2017 [EURO SECTOR]

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Ah GK. You have to check the program for the dice rolling. It was total insane what he rolled. Killed 3 gozanti on long range with only 4 red dice. Hit/hit, Hit/hit, acc, acc were the average rolls. :D

The first loss was a bit my own fault. But the other two were just insane rolls.

Edited by Tokra
1 hour ago, Tokra said:

Ah GK. You have to check the program for the dice rolling. It was total insane what he rolled. Killed 3 gozanti on long range with only 4 red dice. Hit/hit, Hit/hit, acc, acc were the average rolls. :D

The first loss was a bit my own fault. But the other two were just insane rolls.

Oh, it comes around. It always does. Statistics can't be put off of these days the dice will bite you in the ass :lol:

7 minutes ago, Green Knight said:

Statistics can't be put off forever...

Bite me

Victory against @bmhuhman 24 MoV , so 6-5

The true Imperials defeated the defecators in a close match, where Motti sank along his ISD II, but not without bringing the Demolisher with him, whilst this, the Avenger escorted a brave fighter screen that resulted in the destruction of 2 TIE/Ints and chased and blew the 2 stolen gozantis to space dust. Both stations were defended as 2 Victories fled along Mareek, 2 defender and a interceptor squadrons. Gamma squadron was the only brave survivor of the 4 bomber squadrons in the fight (R.I.P. Rhymer) but they saved the day.

Admiral Visovics, signing out

Question marks over Team GBs selection criteria as BMH drops points. Its Kevin Pieterson all over again.

22 minutes ago, Visovics said:

the defecators in a close match


"Defectors," I think, is the word you're looking for. :)

Nope he means defecator. Utter sh1ts

28 minutes ago, Ardaedhel said:


"Defectors," I think, is the word you're looking for. :)

Just realized that ?

Btw @Ginkapo , I think I join team GB (not exactly british...but live here and want to represent)

4 minutes ago, Visovics said:

Btw @Ginkapo , I think I join team GB (not exactly british...but live here and want to represent)

We are happy to accept defecators.

Glad to have you. Welcome any residents to team GB.

*Dropkicks BMH out of the team.*

3-0 up your game GK.

The game between @Irishmadcat and myself will start slightly earlier at 7.20pm tomorrow.

We just need an official Vassal Freshman 2017 logo so we can print some t-shirts with all the players on and all look absolutely amazing at events to raise awareness of the epicness that is Vassal

On 26/03/2017 at 8:47 PM, Tokra said:

Ah GK. You have to check the program for the dice rolling. It was total insane what he rolled. Killed 3 gozanti on long range with only 4 red dice. Hit/hit, Hit/hit, acc, acc were the average rolls. :D

The first loss was a bit my own fault. But the other two were just insane rolls.

That's what happens when you mess with vader and jonus...

I got very lucky.

23 hours ago, Plagueis said:

We just need an official Vassal Freshman 2017 logo so we can print some t-shirts with all the players on and all look absolutely amazing at events to raise awareness of the epicness that is Vassal

That would be awesome...

thecactusman17 (1st player) vs NobodyInParticular: 10-1 (MoV 400)

We played his Targeting beacons.

Nobody placed his Beacons to cover the central access of the table, and I placed mine stacked on each other in a corner where I could run away from them if I needed to escape.

We deployed on the Western edge of the board, and Nobody deployed his MC30s with the idea of a sweep down the board from west to east but left his squadrons last, allowing me to place my ISD for maximum intercept potential on the far west. Demolisher set up slightly west of center and the Raiders and Screed-zanti deployed in the center opposite his Yavaris and his most eastern MC30.

Nobody overextended with his two western MC30s and the Relentless successfully positioned last to catch both at Medium range. Demolisher stayed at speed 2 to avoid getting close to his eastern MC30. Screed fled east as it became clear that the western side was going to become a free-fire zone.

Turn 2 opened with Immediate Rebel casualties. The extraordinarily Skilled First Officer of the Relentless carefully checked his ranges, and proceeded to Concentrate Fire on the eastern MC30, successfully destroying it with a massive salvo from its SW7 Ion Batteries. The Gunnery Team switched fire to the other MC30, and left it barely alive with a single hull point and a Ruptured Engine. The Relentless attempted a ram, but with all power to weapons it couldn't quite make the turn and missed by scant meters. Seizing the opportunity, the Rebels fired a full broadside into the Relentless which severely damaged its shields and caused structural damage thanks to disciplined fire overseen by General Dodonna. It then was forced to flee the engagement and attempt to loop back around towards the repair station.

It was not to be. Despite a sacrifice of shielding to increase speed and maneuverability with their Ruptured Engine, the rebel frigate was unable to escape from the Ion Cannon range of the Relentless , which used its rear guns to put a weakened yet lethal final salvo into the enemy's exposed hull. Observing a risk of potentially losing control in a gravity well ahead of their position, the Relentless took a hard, full-speed turn to the east as it approached the northern end of the engagement zone. Suddenly, the Rebels risked envelopment from the front and rear. As the enemy Nebulon Escort Frigate moved B-Wing bombers into position, it became clear that Relentless would need some luck to weather the inevitable salvo.

Carefully biding his time for the right moment, the captain of the Demolisher placed himself in a risky forward position just beyond the guns of the final incoming MC30 frigate. Flanked by two Raider Corvettes taking an outside line to approach the Rebels from the rear, Demolisher perfectly executed its trap and the enemy frigate dropped into close range of its forward guns. Demolisher put a salvo into the front of the dangerous Torpedo boat, then positioned alongside its weakened shields on the flank to put the final blow on the Rebel gunline. the Engine Technicians brought the Demolisher back into a position to turn into the final Rebel target, the Yavaris .

Drastically outnumbered and with its Escort Frigates gone, the Yavaris began to accelerate with the hope of escaping through a hole opened in the western side of the engagement area. But it was not to be, as the Demolisher and two Raiders used careful positioning to reappear on the flank. The Raider which had started on the eastern flank of the formation rammed the frigate to disrupt enemy repair crews at the sympathetic nearby space station, and Demolisher finally finished turning back towards the Yavaris, putting a final broadside that broke the fleeing frigate in half.

Despite structural damage to multiple ships and the escape of multiple Rebel squadrons into hyperspace, the destruction of crucial Rebel warships has proven the fleet command capabilities of the 17th Imperial Naval Intelligence rapid deployment squadron.

Edited by thecactusman17


At this point is there any reason for continental europe to keep pretending?

ManInTheBox (1st Player) played @Irishmadcat , 24 Mov to myself, so a 6-5 win.

Very quick batrep; I'll add more details tomorrow and hopefully upload the logfile.

We played MadCat's Precision Strike. Sato (MadCat) and Mon Mothma (me) faced off with two very similar MSU fleets with a total of 5 MC-30s between them. Only 3 victory tokens were scored in total (two to me). All of Mothma's squadrons died to heavy, focused fighter fire whilst shielding the ships from bombers. Ultimately, both of Sato's flotillas were lost to MC-30 fire, including the flagship, and no other ships were destroyed, resulting in a very close game.

My thanks to MadCat for being a courteous and gracious opponent. This was a great first full Vassal game and thanks again to GK for setting up the tournament. Thanks also to @Ginkapo to popping in to help us at the start and bearing with us though some technical problems.

Edited by ManInTheBox

Before I forget to state it explicitly, NobodyInParticular was friendly, a good sport, and played through to the end. Some future day when my schedule is easier to coordinate, I hope to get a game in against him again.

Villakarvarousku (Cracken) vs. @NairoD (Tagge, 1st player): 10-1, MoV 333 (400-67)

I say 10-1 only because NairoD called it a tabling at the end of round 3 – it was getting late, and the two Gozantis he had left were both going speed 1 in close range of my two MC30s with H9s. However, the board state at the time we ended it was 225-67 for a MoV of 158. I haven't played in tournaments before and I don't really know how this stuff works, so I'll let @Green Knight make the call.

We played my Hyperspace Assault. NairoD had a significant squadron advantage, and due to my silly deployment he got a first-turn jump with his Defenders, killing one of my four YT-2400s right off the bat. He also used his two Lambdas to move my hyperspace token (the only relevant one – the other two were way off the engagement area) out of the way, so I decided to hyperspace in Admonition before things got worse. This is the beginning of turn 2:


Admonition entered out of range but managed to swoop in right between two Arquitens, taking a front shot from one of them but forcing it to ram and stay put. Some long-range shots were fired here and there, and my only unengaged YT failed to catch up to the scary Rhymerball NairoD had formed on the left. Turn 3 is when things started happening:


The middle Arquitens activated first and did some shield damage to Admonition, but was unable to escape at speed 1. Admonition fired out of the side and left it at one hull (to be taken out by the CR90 later in the turn), and one shotted the other Arquitens with a totally bonkers roll of 9 damage before parking nicely between the two Gozantis. The bomber cloud obliterated the Corvette near the edge, while the third Arquitens was forced to move barely into close range of Foresight's side arc and get hit by another ridiculous 9-hit roll. A couple more squadrons were destroyed in the squadron phase, and NairoD called it at the end of round 3:


Thank you so much to NairoD for the fun game, and for graciously dealing with my ridiculous luck on the MC30 shots while you kept rolling blanks with BCC bombers. I think it would've been a very different game if the rolls were a bit more even. I'm starting to get the hang of Vassal, and it's quite fun – but now I need some sleep.

Edited by Villakarvarousku

Game was very funny. As I play lots of Blood Bowl i keep rolling blanks with smile on my face. Tahnks for a game. And Yes, You where very lucky with dice :D

On 26.3.2017 at 9:47 PM, Tokra said:

Ah GK. You have to check the program for the dice rolling. It was total insane what he rolled. Killed 3 gozanti on long range with only 4 red dice. Hit/hit, Hit/hit, acc, acc were the average rolls. :D

The first loss was a bit my own fault. But the other two were just insane rolls.

I'm trying to make the dice roller give ME good results. Unfortunately it seems this mostly happens to EVERYONE ELSE!

Round 1 complete, days ahead of the deadline. Amazing work guys!

The deadline for Round 2 will be Sunday April 9th.

Post round 1 rankings:

(let me know if I've goofed up anything)

Rank Name Score MoV SoS
1 @thecactusman17 10 400 0.25
2 @Villakarvarousku 10 333 0.25
3 @Kikaze 9 263 0.5
4 @Plagueis 8 175 0.75
5 @ManInTheBox 6 24 1.25
6 @Visovics 6 24 1.25
7 @anothermorat 6 18 1.25
8 @Tokra 5 0 1.5
9 @bmhuhman 5 0 1.5
10 @Irishmadcat 5 0 1.5
11 @PodRacer 3 0 2.0
12 @Rocco79 2 0 2.25
13 @NobodyInParticular 1 0 2.5
14 @NairoD 1 0 2.5

Round 2 pairings:

(now you see the Swiss system in action - matching players who are close in Score/MoV)

Edited by Green Knight
On 3/27/2017 at 3:54 PM, Plagueis said:

We just need an official Vassal Freshman 2017 logo so we can print some t-shirts with all the players on and all look absolutely amazing at events to raise awareness of the epicness that is Vassal

This would be really cool but I'd love to include the veterans as well. Armada Vassal Defecators.

I'd like to add that I too greatly enjoyed the game and hope thecactusman17 and I might play again soon.
On a related note, I'm trying to upload the log file of the game but it's too big to add as an attachment. How else might I make it available to everybody?

Edit: Thanks @Green Knight . I added the log file below:
Log File of the game

Edited by NobodyInParticular
Added the Log File