Hopping to see in the next set?

By ozmodon, in Star Wars: Destiny

I'm in hopes to see some red close combat weapons. The weapon on the cover art would be perfect.

I think they should reconsider their 4 Character / 4 upgrade model as 1) there will be so many characters eventually that most will end up being DOA and 2) there aren't enough upgrades getting printed.

There were only 34 upgrades in Awakenings across all colours and both factions, many of them weak (Particularly the Support cards with dice) so the list of viable options are small. Of that the number of weapon upgrades (tend to have more damage sides) is only 11, so really limited to damage dealing upgrades.

I think adjusting to a 3 character/5 upgrade model would be good to get more upgrade options while at the same time trimming the number of characters they need to design.

Being more specific definitely Faction specific weapons that don’t exist already, Red hero Ranged weapons, Yellow Hero melee weapons, Red Villain Melee etc.

As for specific effects, as others have mentioned they might introduce new die face options, though I suspect that won't happen till the next set of starter decks come with new reference cards etc.

Would be cool to have weapon "Upgrades" like a scope or extended barrel for ranged weapons that you attach to the weapon that lets you reroll like the way Jabba lets you reroll.

Maybe an upgrade like stormtrooper armour that gives you shields when you play it.

(I'm a fan of Blue)

Some one cost melee weapons like Vibro-blades, practice sabers, batons and such.

Anakin's Lightsaber, Force healing, Levitate, Force speed/Jump

Support cards that augment the guardian ability

Jedi saber forms that attach to blue characters (dunno how this would work)

And... maybe, just maybe an increase in Squad point and deck size let's say 40/40 :P

So I just posted this in another thread, but I'll post it here too...

I'd love to see some of the characters from the Aftermath books in the game.

Rae Sloane (Red Villain) has appeared in many new Star Wars comics and books and is the mostly likely.

Temmin "Snap" Wexley was in Episode 7

If and when battle droids are introduced to this game, Mr. Bones should be a part of that set.

Sinjir Rath Velus and Jas Emari have quickly become two of my favorite Star Wars characters.

The Darth Vader comic was AMAZING and I'd love to see: 0-0-0 and BT-1 along with Dr. Aphra.

12 minutes ago, Stone37 said:

The Darth Vader comic was AMAZING and I'd love to see: 0-0-0 and BT-1 along with Dr. Aphra.

Agreed! I'm betting that we will. Well, maybe not in SoR, but soon.

9 minutes ago, CBowser said:

Agreed! I'm betting that we will. Well, maybe not in SoR, but soon.

I agree that they are spanning all thing's . We are going to get so many cool characters and stuff. I hope they keep the quality of the artwork up and don't make anything look to cartoonish

From what I've heard the Aftermath book series is counted as part of the new Star Wars canon so any characters/locations/weapons etc... should be fair game for Star Wars Destiny

In this set? More prequel love. In the future? Extended Canon, lots and lots of Extened Canon please

16 minutes ago, JediGeekGirl said:

In this set? More prequel love. In the future? Extended Canon, lots and lots of Extened Canon please

I know that Thrawn is on his way.

According to the numerical system, I suppose there happened few things.

First of all, because Chewbacca is 43, than I suppose that they moved grey cards behind yellow ones in numerical order, so the sequence is Red Villain - Blue Villain - Yellow Villain - Grey Villain - Red Hero - Blue Hero - Yellow Hero - Grey Hero. This makes sense, as including the neutral cards in the middle was somehow a mess (eventhough it was given by alphabetical meaning of command, force, neutral, rogue). I may be wrong, but in that case, there is only one grey card for hero and for villains instead of 2.

Also there is pretty clear, that each combination has 8 cards, grey has most probably 2. This corresponds to Awakenings set.

160 card set would be aequate to wawakenings, where we had 174 cards but 14 of them were starters. If this is the case, we can expect 60 different cards with die, 17 legendaries and 43 rare.

In such case, there is only 8 cards with die falling into neutral category, expectedly 2 from each colour.

From what we know, we cannot confirm so far, that each faction will still have 4 cracters and 4 upgrades/supports. In each case is so far possible, that there is only 3 characters.

If 4 characters are the reality, than we have some clues to some of the caracters:

1 Red Viillain has to fit aplhabetically between Death Trooper and Director Krennic.

1 Blue Villain has to be alphabetically befor Darth Vader and one will be after Palpatine.

2 Blue Hero will be alphabetically before Obi-Wan (1 of them is Chirrut Imwe) and One will be after Obi Wan.

1 Yellow hero will be after Maz Kanata.

Now my wishes:

I would like to see Assaj Ventress for Blue Villains or Darth Maul or fingers crossed - Supeme Leader Snoke. Kanan Jarrus / Ashoka Tano for Hero side.

We also do not know anything about Red Hero and Yellow Villain (except IG-88). My wish there is Boba Fett and Hera Syndulla.

EDIT: to hype the Aftermath trilogy which I love - Gallius Rax and Mr. Bones would be hot.

Edited by Hennessy

I could definitely go for the Z6 Baton from Force Awakens so that we can team up Storm Troopers as support characters for blue melee villains. That'd be fun.

12 minutes ago, ozmodon said:

I know that Thrawn is on his way.

Yes sir he is. but when I say extended Canon, I am talking about the Canon books and comics. The animated TV shows are amazing don't get me wrong, but they will get their love.

New Yellows are up online elsewhere. Force Speed looks pretty OP.