Mists + Rust - Change of tactics?

By Sidious78, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


My play group is finishing IA and going back to play Mists of Bilehall + Chains of Rust. Both of them have been out for a while, and I¨'m curious as to what experiences overlords have from playing these two expansions.

I notice that the OL victory conditions very often is "If all heroes are knocked out...". To me, this suggest a significant change in strategy towards "maximum dps". I cannot even remember having been able to knock out four heroes at the same time. Are the tainted cards really that powerful?

How has this changed your choice of OL-decks/cards? Do you consider "bad" plot decks to be more relevant in these expansions?

I'm really curious - because I'm not sure I look forward to having to knock out 4 heroes at the same time! :o

The thing to remember about tainted cards is that stand up actions cease to exist, and recive actions only work if the hero doing the helping is not tainted (hasn't been KO yet).