Sorry, but what are base sets?

By BigCookBen, in Star Wars: Destiny

As per title, sorry I'm new to gaming and would like to know what the base sets are likely to be? Also is it likely the present awakenings cards will be rotated and do no longer useable? My son collects Pokémon and seems to have so many variants of the same character- is this likely to happen with Destiny? Thanks

Base sets at present are simply nonAwakening sets that have Starter Decks attached. They will also be reprinted throughout the year until the next Base Set is released.

Other then that, we don't know what a Base Set involves. That could be all a Base Set involves compared to any other set.

To answer your other questions, yes it's a near gaurentee that at some point Awakenings will rotate out. FFG has not announced their rotation plans as of yet, but they do utilize rotation in their other LCG games. They've listed reasons for doing as such, pretty much all of which apply to Destiny. Especially since Destiny has a quicker release pace and involves product that will, even if they get better at meeting demand, have product that will go out of print. The only major CCG that doesn't use rotation is I believe Yugioh, which uses a prolific ban list instead and also gas a lot if balance and power creep issues as a result.

And yes there will be multiple versions of the same character. The second set is including a Revenge of the Sith era Darth Vader. Presumably at some point we will be 5 or 6 versions of Luke deep.

Usually but not always a base set consists of things that sort of become staples to a game.

For instance you will usually see in Magic Lightning Bolt a very good form of removal has become a staple in a lot of base sets. People like the card its efficient and its played a lot. Pokemon you would probably see something like Pikachu being a staple for base sets. It allows kids who do not have the original one to get their hands on it. In destiny I could see cards like "He Doesn't Like you" or Han, Luke, Leia and Darth Vader being spread out throughout base sets. They would be a reprint of the original not a variant so the people who have been playing for a long time wouldn't need it, it wouldn't be as valuable as the original so people would be more apt to trading it to newer players to keep them interested.

Those are just my thoughts and I really have no clue if that is how it is going to be.

Base sets are intended to be entry points for new players. They're supposed to be more accessible, both in terms of product complexity and availability.

While FFG hasn't told us much, I believe they will use base sets to reprint some cards from rotated out sets so old favorites will find new life. It would give them to tool needed to both rotate out old sets and maintain value (collectability) in old rotated out sets since some if not most of those cards will eventually be rotated back in through a core set. We won't be seeing this happen in the first and probably second core set as nothing has rotated out yet and the card pool is still small.

The base set may also eventually contain far more cards than the expansion sets. I believe they just took set #4 and called it a base set, so the first base set may not do this.

Edited by Mep

I thought base sets were essentially what Awakenings is

Wow there is a lot of opinions here.

According to FFG the difference between a base set and expansion set is that a base set will be printed for a year and have starter decks associated with it. Expansions will print for about 4 months. That's it. Everything about rotations and duplicate cards (or whatever) is all conjecture.

17 hours ago, Ywingscum said:

I thought base sets were essentially what Awakenings is

Well TFA was seemingly a base set but when all the lack of product issues happened it sorta took on something else. I think an official base set will be the first set in 2018. If they handle it right it should be a re-release of all the important cards in the game, probably minus bulk access of the ultra rare cards. This will give new players a starting point and it will balance the game.