Looking for Destiny tourney deck ideas for Yoda's Hut videos

By yodaman1971, in Star Wars: Destiny

I don't post on this site that often, but for those of you who don't know me for about a year I have been posting videos with commentary for Star Wars LCG game play. After Destiny came out, my commentary partner (Queklaine on cardgamedb boards) and I have started doing videos for Destiny game play as well. My Yoda's Hut youtube channel can be found here for anyone who's interested to see what we've been doing. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH8QFflM4tm-rI6tKgPkLTA?guided_help_flow=3

Just as a head up, we are not doing anything that flashy in terms of graphics, but I think we provide fairly solid commentary on the action and analysis overall.

One thing I have done for quite some time with the Star Wars LCG game and my Yoda's Hut youtube channel is post threads asking for deck ideas, then I pick some decks and record myself playing them. I'm planning to go to a Destiny tourney tomorrow barring anything unexpected coming up and I really don't know what I want to play. At the last tourney I went to I played Elite Bala/Jango/Trooper and finished tied for 1st after it was decided that we wouldn't play the finals match of the top cut since the prizes were the same for the top 2. I want to play something different than that so I thought it might be interesting to try asking people to suggested decks for my Destiny tourney tomorrow.

Suggest a complete decklist (including battlefield) and I'll pick one to play. As long as there is enough space, the store holding the tourney should allow me to set up a camera to record my tourney games. After that, Queklaine and I will do commentary as usual and I'll put the videos up on the Yoda's Hut youtube channel.

Even though I don't have the entire cardpool, I have at least 2 copies of all commons and uncommons and I have at least 1 of all but 6 cards (5 are legendary).

The cards I do not have any copies of are:

Black One

Han Solo

Jabba the Hutt

Kylo's Saber

Thermal Detonator

Survival Gear

The cards I only have 1 copy of are the following (nearly all are legendaries)

Captain Phasma


Commanding Presence

Darth Vader

Crime Lord

Luke Skywalker

One with the Force

Millennium Falcon

Holdout Blaster

So if you have some time and feel up to it, suggest a deck using my available card pool and I'll pick one to play tomorrow. I'm looking to have fun since the store is using the same promos I already won as prizes at the last tourney.

Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to suggest a deck.