Only one more yellow hero left to spoil.

By WonderWAAAGH, in Star Wars: Destiny

I think Smuggler would be fine

7 cost 8 health 1R +2R disrupt and resource blank blank

ability when you activate this character you may remove a die showing resource and gain a resource or take 1 damage and gain 2 resources.

On ‎3‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 9:52 AM, wakefieldbw said:

Padme's Body double: 2 cost non-unique with Guardian and 3 health. 2 - 1 discard sides, and 4 blank sides.

Sadly that's not possible. Lol. Corde doesn't fit the alphabetical system.

Cordé, Handmaiden to Padme Armidala

Yellow Hero

5-8 Deployment Points

6 Health

1 Resource

1 Resource

1 Shield

1 Shield




Card Text: If Padme Amidala is in play, this character may take any damage directed at Padme.

Make it happen FFG. The day Corde becomes a character will be the day this game dies. It would still be hilarious, so I couldn't help but design this awful character.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the woman that turned in Rey and Han at Maz's place in a New Hope. They seem to be favoring the new movies. After all Bala-tik made it in with 3 minutes of screen time

You can use "Planned Explosion' on Corde. Wouldn't that be fun. Don't forget Sabe... Her first decoy. ( Played by that pirate girl with the big jaw).

Temmin Wexley (from the Aftermath books)

I'd also be REALLY happy to see Jas Emari (Aftermath) and she fits Hero Yellow perfectly.

Originally I thought my favorite character from the Aftermath books, Sinjir Rath Velus, should be Red, but if Finn is Yellow Sinjir could be too.

Bala Tik earned his spot! He survived those monster things! Gia Ian Death Gang for life! Plus those red thugs are cool looking

3 hours ago, Ywingscum said:

Bala Tik earned his spot! He survived those monster things! Gia Ian Death Gang for life! Plus those red thugs are cool looking

Those red thugs grace one of the most annoying (when used against you) cards: Backup Muscle

On 3/19/2017 at 2:18 AM, Ajones47 said:

Alas, L comes before M, so if it was 'Lothal Rebel' then it would occupy number 45 and Maz would be 46.

171 Rebel War Room is alphabetically before 172 Mos Eisley Space Port.

If the alphabet has R before M, I'm pretty sure it also can have L after M.

Edit: double post

Edited by anthonybarnstable

Only if they're keen on making the same obvious mistake two sets in a row.

Question on the numbering. Awakenings had 67 dice cards, 7 starters. So we assume 60 dice cards in SoR. But what seven get cut? There are 7 greys, is that what gets cut, or is it 7 neutrals? Or a combination of?

Finn was the first yellow hero at #45, while Chewie is presumably the first at #43. That makes the first ~50 cards offset by about 2, and 4 of them are gray rarity / starter only. 3 of those 4 are characters, though; we can expect SoR to skip the F-11D slot, but they're not bucking the 4 characters per color, per side paradigm just yet. My assumption is that they're going to dump at least one upgrade or support from each faction (hero / villain).

15 minutes ago, Ywingscum said:

Question on the numbering. Awakenings had 67 dice cards, 7 starters. So we assume 60 dice cards in SoR. But what seven get cut? There are 7 greys, is that what gets cut, or is it 7 neutrals? Or a combination of?

The starter card types are probably no good indication, as they heavily favored blue, and three were charaters which probably won't be reduced in numbers.

With the dice card distribution, I think they may reduce uncommons and commons instead. And possibly leave out several battlefields.

5 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Finn was the first yellow hero at #45, while Chewie is presumably the first at #43. That makes the first ~50 cards offset by about 2, and 4 of them are gray rarity / starter only. 3 of those 4 are characters, though; we can expect SoR to skip the F-11D slot, but they're not bucking the 4 characters per color, per side paradigm just yet. My assumption is that they're going to dump at least one upgrade or support from each faction (hero / villain).

The non-character dice cards were four of each color and faction. I'd be surprised if they decided to un-balance this, any more than with the characters. However I could see them doing away with one hero and one villain neutral which were two for each side and would correlate with Chewie's lower than last set numbering scheme. That would still leave 12 other cards to be reduced, which could end up something like one of each faction and color out of the uncommons and commons.

So who was it?

Outer Rim Smuggler

Thank you, I wasn't even close to that from the polish spelling haha