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By scoddyboy, in Star Wars: Destiny

Durdling doesn't sound especially fun to play against.

As is common for a game at this stage of its existence, aggro decks are the primary influence in the meta at the moment, in so much as a meta exists. There needs to be balance in Destiny as well as the Force.

I'm ok with them adding some healing.

Edited by Starbane
6 hours ago, CBMarkham said:

So you're saying that the secret to winning battles it to teach Wookies to use the Force?

Sounds pretty scary. Seems legit.

We call it "The Way of the Far Paw."

5 hours ago, Ywingscum said:

That lone operative, while I get it's a card that helps when your down a character, I hate heal effects. I already don't like Sheild decks, heal hurts even more. I do so much to lay some damage and you just heal it. Dam. I hope this is the only heal card we see

Heal effects are basically like dice control you can only use on damage sides and are reactionary instead of proactive. Nothing wrong with them imo

On 3/18/2017 at 5:00 PM, CBMarkham said:

So you're saying that the secret to winning battles it to teach Wookies to use the Force?

Sounds pretty scary. Seems legit.

There was a wookie padawan in the clone wars series after all.