Pulling the Strings Questions.

By Keithandor, in Star Wars: Destiny

The Card says.

"Look at the top 3 cards of any deck. Then place those cards on the top and/or bottom of that deck in any order."

1) Do I have to show my opponent the cards ?

2) Can I put one of top and two on the bottom etc ?


1. No

2. Yes

1. No

2. Yes

I really believe this card is underrated. I've used it to bury key cards at the bottom of my opponents deck and unwanted at the bottom of my own.

I've been testing a copy to find Holocrons when the inicial handout lets me down. Been OK so far, can recommend if you have room for it.

OK thanks guys :)

it's an ok card in a 60 card deck, and would work in games like AGOT but at 30 cards it seems to just make you lose tempo

3 hours ago, Darth evil said:

it's an ok card in a 60 card deck, and would work in games like AGOT but at 30 cards it seems to just make you lose tempo

Agree in your own deck. Great though in a control deck to use against your opponent. Putting those pesky Hyperpsace Jumps/Sith Holocrons/It's A Trap! cards at the bottom can be absolutely devastating to them. :-)
