Tournament Play - Options? Variants?

By Impulse411, in Star Wars: Destiny

With (some) issues seemingly resolved regarding supply/demand (although seeing is believing), I thought I'd open the discussion for different types of play options in tournament play. Right now, the only option seems to be the MTG equivalent of "Standard," meaning you build a deck out of whatever you own and bring it in - play against people until you ultimately have a winner. Is there any other method that seems feasible or that anyone has seen in the real-world?

One of my favorite ways of playing MTG has always been the Limited variant, where you build a deck out of the cards you open at the event. I just can't see that setup working for SW:D with their current model for starters/booster packs. The closest I could see is if you were each given 1 starter and...I don't know, 6 booster?...and told to make 1-deck of 30-cards. I suppose you could modify this to 20-card deck too (since MTG modifies from a 60-card deck to a 40-card deck for Limited), but that is still really difficult with such a focus on rares as your main source of damage/options in Destiny. Any way to make this work or has anyone seen some method of this work?

My main purpose is thinking how to get more into the game once the supply/demand issues clear up (which will hopefully be sooner than later). Multiple ways to play the game could help with that. With preview events, prerelease, and release events - I assume they have to have some kind of variants lined up to take advantage of the new cards or utilize them in some capacity before people can purchase boxes of them. Trying to think of the newbie/beginning player/person on a budget!



In all seriousness though. This game just can't fairly support any other regulated style play other than what it is currently doing. Boosters and Starters do not function the same in this game as in other CCG.

I've been running a league in our area that encourages playing different decks each week and promotes a more social aspect than tournament play while also providing the competitive aspects as the top 8 will play in a tournament at the end. With everyone having a chance a prizes even if they don't make the top 8, it seemed more inviting to new players.

The first season I ran was short, only 4 weeks right when the game came out, no tournament at the end, some small prizes for everyone. It was just to try it out see if people would be interested in something like it. They were.

The second season I made some tweaks, it's 8 weeks long your best 5 weeks count towards your total. Top 8 tournament at the end, $10 entry. We had 20 people in this one, this is the last week of it.

We still ran a monthly tournament for the OP kits as well as packs (until those dried up). It was a nice complement to the normal tournament structure.

I'm already working on plans for Season 3 and making a few more tweaks to the format.

The players in our area seem to really enjoy it, and I can see it growing in our area as product becomes available again this Summer and we can grow our community.

Edited by netherspirit1982