Ok noob need advice with a deck:)

By Vitalis, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hello fellow dice rollers :)

I need some guidance where to steer my purchases and collection. As i still miss few cards i wont post full decklists for the decks im wondering about, just general ideas and core cards. I need help cause just one tournament i participated in showed flaws in my deck (i always lost by just 1-2 hp left on enemy). So im more asking for general advice , and possible combos that slipped by me than decklists - advice what decklist to pursue and how.

Few decks im wondering about (and have at least 1/2-3/4 cards to build them):

1. Kylo/Trooper/Bala . I had it blue heavy and that i guess was a mistake cause most of those blue upgrades for Kylo were just dead weight :/ Other than that some blasters and ties to actually deal some damage, but the deck was too slow, it was designed as aggro but playing 1 upgrade per turn or none if i needed the events was not very agrro-ish. Or maybe eKylo/eBala? But i feel Bala is so fragile :/

2. eFinn/Poe. I wondering if should build damage heavy with double Cunning and Datapad to trigger Poe special with Finn dealing raw damage. If so what are the best cards to use with poe? Im thinking Falcon, Black1, Hangar and double Tie along with 2x Thermal, with the rest of the deck being some blasters and defensive events.

3. ePoe/eRey. Same principle as above but with control element switched to blue. Force trainings, and lightsabers along with staple Throw and Jedi Robes. Poe part is the same but i feel i miss some nice yellow cards that suits poe deck more.

4 eAmidala/eAcbar mill. Is it even still playable ? Or it dies to fast?

I know im asking for general advice but hey - need to start somewhere :)

19 minutes ago, Vitalis said:

1. Kylo/Trooper/Bala .

2. eFinn/Poe.

3. ePoe/eRey.

4 eAmidala/eAcbar mill.

1. There are two decks here that I have played against: Phasma/Trooper/Bala or Jango/Trooper/Bala and it is all guns, jetpacks and control.

2. 3 dice decks have to be careful I think. You are looking for cheap quick damage, with some surprise I got a Poe Special and have "this good card" Thermal, Falcon etc.

3. Han gives yellow cards that may give you more control than Poes red.

4. Outpost may help with the right battlefield. But I think this is a deck you play with for fun. I use Leia/Padme and can run all in and its a trap on Leia for damage and cunning on Padme for some extra mill. My best turn so far was 10 cards off my opponents deck. I think this deck may get some legs in SoR....

My advice is to concentrate on getting the cards that fit into multiple decks first. Examples:

  • Holdout Blaster
  • DH-17 Blaster Pistol
  • Jetpack

Then there are some cards that you really need if you are going to play a certain color for a faction. Example:

  • Sith Holocron for Blue Villain

Out of the decks you've listed, ePoe/eRey is the meta call. Very strong, very fast and capable of huge bursts of damage with zero mitigation possibilities. Mandatory cards in it:

  • Holdout Blaster
  • Hit and Run
  • Mind Probe

eFinn/Poe follows the same principle, but it is widely inferior. You do get a pseudo-Hyperloop archetype if you wish, though, so there's that. Then, you would need:

  • Thermal Detonator
  • Millennium Falcon
  • Hit and Run

Mill decks are a fun alternative, but not at the top of the game right now. Ackbar's a little on the low regarding HP and his effect is negligible for Mill strats. I recommend 2 Padawan for a solid squad. They have focus to help Padme and can even aggro the weakest opposing character for end game relief. Cards to consider:

  • Thermal Detonator
  • Second Chance
  • Force Protection
  • Close Quarters Assault

Bala and Kylo don't really go with each other. Kylo's die is not very good, aggro's not a reliable choice for him. Maybe try a different direction?

#1 rainbow just doesnt seem to work as best as 2 or mono color decks. I feel its too scattered.

#2 go for pure ranged damage

#3 everyone plays Poe differently than I see it. To me, Id be pure focus on rolling his specials. ePoe/eRey is good but I prefer ePoe/Padme (3PO) to focus his dice to specials, discard the 3+ cost upgrades/dice cards to do massive dmg and get them back with Starship Graveyard

#4 there is one elite tier mill deck and thats eJabba/Vader. After that eJabba/eDooku is good, but not early as effective, but still competitive to win via Mill.


Save money, wait a month and then it will be more available. Don't buy 3rd party just yet. Prices will come down.