Which Decks you like/dislike playing against?

By Alphastealer, in Star Wars: Destiny

2 hours ago, isthar said:

Han Solo and Ambush spam is so freaking annoying.

Han and Rey, your head will explode. :P

Edited by Amanal

I played against a Millennium Falcon/Hyperspace Jump/Emperors Throne Room combo the other week and was devastated by it. However, I did not know at the time that the use of Hyperspace jump does not activate the chosen battlefields claim ability. I wish I would have consulted my copy of the rules reference during the match but I put it off until the event was over.

You can break the hyperloop by removing the falcon dice. It is not ideal but can be done.

The hyperloop will hurt against Vader with the auto discard or even Palpatine with auto damage on dice resolution.