Which Decks you like/dislike playing against?

By Alphastealer, in Star Wars: Destiny

So far I have been quite lucky to play against a large variety of decks, both in store and on TTS.

I like the challenge of Vader Raider, Dooku Kylo, Luke Ackbar, Phasma Troopers, Padme Mill.

Decks that annoy me are those that seem to abuse the extra action mechanic, I am thinking Leia Ackbar (Its a trap), Han Rey, Jango Veers.

I hope that the designers limit the amount of ambush type effects as this can lead to situations where you watch your demise with no ability to interrupt it.

I played a gainst a Luke Rey deck the other day. It had 2 holdout blasters in for no other reason than to use as a ramp to activate and resolve Luke before mitigation.

I am not fully opposed to this mechanic but feel it needs to be very limited or else provide some form of interrupt.

Wonder if an 'Interrupt' mechanic would be an answer to Ambush effects.

Dislike: Jango anything.

Like: Anything not Jango.

Dislike: Jango

I'll pick the low hanging "hyperloop" fruit. I'd much rather play against a jango deck. Sure, its annoying, but it still feels right - it feels like its in the spirit of the game. Hyperloop matches feel broken and simply aren't fun.

I like to play against almost everything except a "hyperloop tactics". I don't mind hyperspace jump card or even Falcon + hyperspace as long as there is no Emperor's Throne battlefield involved.

The Jango/Trooper/Bala is just too dominate right now. SoR will mix things up for a while until a new dominate deck comes out.

Jango, but aggro decks in general, not really him specifically. I find games that are over fast to be quite irritating. It reminds me of Hearthstone (pre-pirate nerf) right now. If you don't/can't kill a character in the first 3/4 turns of the game, you may as well not bother in many cases. It just makes it skew towards rolling well/drawing well early which is not very fun. I am very afraid that the existing aggro decks getting more efficient characters/upgrades will make this worse.

Hyperloop. Not because the deck is particularly dangerous in general, but because when they accomplish the combo the game gets pretty infuriating.

EDIT: Those are both dislikes. of course. As far as Likes go, basically anything else but specifically:

Mill Decks - Because its interesting and it makes you think differently

Control-y decks like Vader/Raider - Because again, it takes thought and while the punishment for failure can be harsh, you feel like you have more control over it.

Combo decks - I suppose Hyperloop technically fits here, but I am specifically talking more about decks which seek to abuse a specific interaction or card without going infinite.

Edited by Hida77

I have enjoyed all my games, don't care what is in your deck: Mill me, kill me or just Hyperloop me.

It's a game, I am playin' it and having fun.

7 hours ago, Ywingscum said:

Wonder if an 'Interrupt' mechanic would be an answer to Ambush effects.

Dear God I hope we never see anything like that in Destiny. That is the very thing I HATE about MTG. You build a deck, finally have the mana to put out that big 7 cost spell only to be stopped by a 1 mana Interrupt. (And there are 5 billion ways to do this!!)

I like the fact that in Destiny when it's your turn, IT'S YOUR TURN (and is not when it is the other player's turn).

1 hour ago, Stone37 said:

Dear God I hope we never see anything like that in Destiny. That is the very thing I HATE about MTG. You build a deck, finally have the mana to put out that big 7 cost spell only to be stopped by a 1 mana Interrupt. (And there are 5 billion ways to do this!!)

I like the fact that in Destiny when it's your turn, IT'S YOUR TURN (and is not when it is the other player's turn).

I think he's specifically referring to those cards that break the 'your turn/my turn' routine - e.g. Jango activating and then resolving a bunch of damage that you can't do anything about. And yes, I'd expect them to introduce some kind of way to mitigate that (not neccasarily negate it), and that making it a reaction might be the way they do it.

1 minute ago, Abyss said:

I think he's specifically referring to those cards that break the 'your turn/my turn' routine - e.g. Jango activating and then resolving a bunch of damage that you can't do anything about. And yes, I'd expect them to introduce some kind of way to mitigate that (not neccasarily negate it), and that making it a reaction might be the way they do it.

Sigh... Lost my Vader today to an 8 damage Jango god roll that is completely uninterruptible.

Hate playing against Jango, but I gotta suck it up because I think he's going to be around for a Long, long time.

Any deck the beats me :lol:

decks that does 10+ damage on turn one :P fells over before the game starts.

cards like no mercy is guilty of that in mono blue, yes you have to ditch your hand but in a game were you can draw up to 5 at end of the turn that is not that high a cost.

Deck I have largest challenge against which I am 5 - 3 with Skybar is eJabba/Vader. I dislike the idea of losing my whole hand every turn. Jango isnt too bad, but can get rev'd up pretty quickly and those "god rolls" just suck in general.


Anything Vader or Jabba. Knowing you're playing with, at least, one less card every turn is depressing.

I can counter Jango with Ambush and smart decisions, which feel like real advanced play. Same with Hyperloop and working around MF's die. While Jabba works on a similar premise, Vader's just there, looking pretty and burning you out.

Poe/Rey also gets me "ehh..." with Holdout/H&R rushdowns but, hey...still have fun nonetheless.

+1 for Jango, just echoing the same sentiment that in a game where you take actions turn about Jango get to break that every single turn often with a potentially game changing roll that you can do literally nothing about (yet). I'm not a fan of Han/Rey for similar reasons but at least that not as consistent as Jango.

Having said that I play Dooku in most of my decks which a lot of players find his damage mitigation effect immensely frustrating.

not sure there's a particular deck I do like to play against, Vader/Raider is often a good old fashioned slugfest which I do enjoy though.

for some odd reason i don't have trouble with Jango, he just has pretty ordinary dice that my aggro decks obliterate

7 hours ago, Stone37 said:

Dear God I hope we never see anything like that in Destiny. That is the very thing I HATE about MTG. You build a deck, finally have the mana to put out that big 7 cost spell only to be stopped by a 1 mana Interrupt. (And there are 5 billion ways to do this!!)

I like the fact that in Destiny when it's your turn, IT'S YOUR TURN (and is not when it is the other player's turn).

Thats the point of "Control" it controls how the game goes.

Rey is usually garbage until I'm playing against her

Dooku can go and get bent

1 hour ago, theagentcoma said:

Dooku can go and get bent

Here's your feel good moment.


6 hours ago, GamerGuy1984 said:

Thats the point of "Control" it controls how the game goes.

And it "controls" how often I play MTG now.... which is never.

When I get the chance to reroll someone's die, I wave my hand over and say "you will be blank" haha

I don't actually have a deck I hate to play against, cause in casual atmosphere the best decks we run are tier 1.5 or 2, or lower even. Sometimes we play double downed starters

Han Solo and Ambush spam is so freaking annoying.

"So I tap infamous and I play this card... oh look a shield... and after that card I play this other card, oh look it has Ambush so oh another shield, now I do this effect and... oh, right, your turn. Sorry he now has +2 shield. You were going to hit me w/ that 3 melee right?"

Edited by isthar
added a story
1 hour ago, isthar said:

Han Solo and Ambush spam is so freaking annoying.

"So I tap infamous and I play this card... oh look a shield... and after that card I play this other card, oh look it has Ambush so oh another shield, now I do this effect and... oh, right, your turn. Sorry he now has +2 shield. You were going to hit me w/ that 3 melee right?"

I love playing with my Han for that reason. It's a shame they didn't let him and quigon pair. It's off by 1 point either way u spin it. Would have been some rediculous turtle game going on lol