So I have finally decided to begin painting my battlelore minis and I have realized this will necessitate storing them in something other than the plastic bags they currently inhabit. I was just wondering what you guys find works well for storage, especially for the army expansions?
To have and to hold
That's one of the reasons I've held off on painting mine. The other reason ... I started Runewars years ago and still haven't finished the neutrals, which are the units I started with.
Oh my yeah I could see doing all the runewars minis as becoming a bit of a slog. I thought about it briefly but decided against it. I have painted stuff in the regular 28mm and also some 6mm stuff but I really find myself liking the different scale of the battlelore stuff. Not to mention I like most of the actual models. It can be hard to get through so many models but I do like the fact that I only have to paint three to have a finished unit
I keep my armies with their lore/scenario/deployment cards and tiles all in these little drawer things:
I find each drawer holds 1 complete army (as in both the undead expansions worth of units).
Strangely enough it seems my wife has one of these although she is using it right now. Does it travel well? These days if I want to game I usually have to go to someone else's place.
2 hours ago, Thulsadume said:Strangely enough it seems my wife has one of these although she is using it right now. Does it travel well? These days if I want to game I usually have to go to someone else's place.
In my experience, no, they do not travel well. My wife and I used to have these instead of a real dresser, and during a move, they kept falling apart. One of our parents said that they are never going to help us move again unless we get a real dresser.
Well they aren't great, I'll grant that. But, I've successfully traveled/taken this places at least 3 or 4 times, plus moving. I just stick the mini-drawer behind the seat in my car so the drawers won't move. I can also put them on the back seat if I drive carefully haha. If you could shut/lock the front, then they'd be perfect. You could also put them in those rolling case things I always see the warhammer and warmachine people use, but I've never tried those.
You might also try the "big monster" card boxes that people use for magic. I use those for my x-wing and armada collections and it works great.
I imagine a layer of minis in each drawer is quite different from having each drawer packed with jeans and such. That's probably why they fell apart on me. If you do go this route, always remember to lift from the bottom (at least, that's my experience).
I did make that mistake once....
Fortunately it was before I left the house and I only had like, 1 army in there. So it wasn't a disaster
Haha I will keep this in mind if I go that route. Some of the card deck holders are really nice but also pricier. A shame because they come in all three pertinent colors. Going to take a little look see today to see what I can find since I finally primed something for paint
A little late to the party, but Walmart used to sell these Plano fishing tackle bags that were either blue or camo that came with 4 plastic cases. One could hold an entire painted faction securely with just a little foam padding, plus all their cards. They just weren't deep enough to hold any of the Legend units so I had to get another solution for them. I think they're similar to the Plano 3750, but they were a great deal along with the bag.
Note that I didn't use the bag for the game however... the opening is just large enough to get the containers out but you had to tilt and wiggle them out and I didn't want to do that with my minis
I like the ability to adjust compartment size on it and using the foam to cut down on jostling. The type I got only come with a single insert for some reason. Perhaps I can track down more or just make my own.