MOTF Batrep episode 9 | Ozzel vs Jerjerrod

By Irokenics, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

On top of the Wave 6 article goodness here's another battle report from us!

We took on board some feedback about wanting to see deployment. I've added an elegant (i think) solution to show the deployment whilst still being engaging.

Enjoy. Feedback welcome.

Edited by Irokenics

Eloquent? ;P

Or is that elegant? :P

Haha thats my auto correct for ya

In terms of the deployment phase, I think I prefer it when you guys explain why you've deployed where you have (maybe include some thoughts behind your choice of speeds).

Anyways, love the videos... Just need to find out now if my local opponents will let me play bare foot too! ;) :lol:

Edited by HoundsTooth
20 hours ago, HoundsTooth said:

In terms of the deployment phase, I think I prefer it when you guys explain why you've deployed where you have (maybe include some thoughts behind your choice of speeds).

Anyways, love the videos... Just need to find out now if my local opponents will let me play bare foot too! ;) :lol:

It's genuinely just so comfortable! It was kind of weird for me at Nats and Worlds playing in shoes.

We'll definitely keep that in mind! Maybe both is the best way :)