No tickets left

By TryerImp, in Star Wars: Destiny

Well that sucks ****.

30 minutes before tickets are supposed to be on general release , and ALL Destiny tickets are sold out for worlds. Every other system still has tickets left.

Are you in a time zone that doesn't conform to DST - time 'jumped' forward this weekend. General registration opened 43 minutes ago...

Google the tz difference last Friday and it said cdt was 6hr behind gmt.

At least I got my IA ticket and didn't wait until 6pm.

Its the only system to of sold out as well :(

Edited by TryerImp

@TryerImp Do you follow daylight savings time where you are? because this past sunday morning in CDT we jumped up an hour because of it

yep clocks not gone forward yet. 26th March they go forward

Well, they just went forward an hour on the 12th here in Illinois.

Shame that, oh well. Side events only for this system then.

what is the tourney player limit?