Worlds 2017

By CaribbeanNinja, in Star Wars: Armada

13 minutes ago, DabDarklighter said:

@BiggsIRL stayed there last year and look what happened to him.

HA! I was so glad to get the insight during the regional breakfast on that story.

I'll be there! And I heard you should call the Radisson and ask for a special rate for the event.

I tried calling there and asking about a rate and they didn't know what I was talking about.

Way to fast sold out. I had to work at this time. No chance at all to get in.

Sadly i was second on all regionals i attended. So no world for me this year...

But if anyone, who is at worlds, need a list that is nearly unbeatable, i have one


Just need to work a bit on high winning.

I screwed up the time zone differential by an I was 38 minutes late and got my spot. Must have been people releasing them after the 15 minute hold.

2 hours ago, Tokra said:

Way to fast sold out. I had to work at this time. No chance at all to get in.

Sadly i was second on all regionals i attended. So no world for me this year...

But if anyone, who is at worlds, need a list that is nearly unbeatable, i have one


Just need to work a bit on high winning.

This is unfortunate, I was hoping to see you there. I feel that FFG should reserve some amount of tickets for people outside of North America (or to have some kind of advanced sale for them)

4 hours ago, Stasy said:

HA! I was so glad to get the insight during the regional breakfast on that story.

I'm 90% sure that the Murder Bed was not what gave me cancer. The other 10% wishes I just let Chris sleep in the tub, and kept my bed.

Long story short, Chris went and checked his bed for bed bugs and found a fairly large blood stain between the mattress and box spring. Because I don't let a little thing like "someone probably died here" keep me from going to sleep, I volunteered to switch beds with him so he could have the bed that was less likely to be the site of a murder and also didn't have bed bugs (he checked). Then I got cancer. Blood cancer.

I also told Chris the next morning that the ghost of the murdered man visited me during the night. His name was James and he had just wanted to bang a hooker at a sketchy motel. Very nice guy, didn't really interrupt my sleep much at all. I'm probably not possessed by him, really.

In related news, someone is going to have to step up and run Worlds Armada Breakfasts. I'd suggest Chris since he got tickets, but really anyone can do it. I mean, I can set it up and coordinate it from here, but someone needs to send me photos.

I'm not allowed to be near that many people, or fly in a plane, because I have no immune system right now. Otherwise I'd be going.

I'm in!

Alas my partner from the double tournament last year didn't get in so ... anyone interested?

7 hours ago, Thraug said:

Key Inn? I opted for that last year and regretted it. The place is rough and I had to switch rooms 3 times for various scary reasons. Had I gone this year I would have gladly paid the extra for Radisson.

Motel six baby! Splitting it with my IA buddy less than 150 for the week :) It's a block south of FFG

1 hour ago, tgall said:

I'm in!

Alas my partner from the double tournament last year didn't get in so ... anyone interested?

In the off-chance I don't place top 4 I will be looking for a double partner.

7 hours ago, Ardaedhel said:

I've actually only seen accounts of one, maybe two, who really wanted to go but couldn't because it sold out, so far.

My only real complaint is, they dropped in the middle of the work day in the US, and the middle of the night in Australia. I feel like they should do these kinds of ostensibly-international releases with staggered approaches, e.g., at 0200Z, 1000Z, and 1800Z, to give everyone a reasonable shot at them.

I made it in simply because it was lucky enough to be on my rolling day off.

5 hours ago, pt106 said:

This is unfortunate, I was hoping to see you there. I feel that FFG should reserve some amount of tickets for people outside of North America (or to have some kind of advanced sale for them)

I am still sad, that i was so unlucky on all regionals. On one i lost to a MOV of 30 (same points), the second one was the first with 28 points, me 27 (normaly more than enough for any other regional).
There were only 3 regionals in germany. And there is no such good overview like you have in the US for all regionals. So its hard to find out where and when are regionals in other counties if you dont have a general overview. I REALLY hope Asmodee start to rework the OP in europe. Right now it is a total mess.

And i really dislike the Ticket system. A friend told me that the tickets were sold out after around 1 hour. This is total insane.
This way the worlds are not a championship of the best players, but a championship for timezone and fast clicking.

At least last year they had 3 sells over the 3 timezones. This time was total stupid. Even if the timezone was ok for europe. But still. If you work you cannot register. And all sells on one day means bad luck if you had no time within this 1 hour.

Last year there were around 80 seats for Aramada. I assume, that they increased it to maybe 120? Still a joke for a world championship. Especially when the register goes over a ticket system.
But i understand, that a pure qualify system would not work. It would make the player number for the championchip to random and incalculably.

Well, better luck next year.

10 hours ago, Tokra said:

Way to fast sold out. I had to work at this time. No chance at all to get in.

Sadly i was second on all regionals i attended. So no world for me this year...

But if anyone, who is at worlds, need a list that is nearly unbeatable, i have one


Just need to work a bit on high winning.

I cant wait till your list gets battered on Vassal :)

Its about time everyone started including efficient flotilla killers.

4 minutes ago, Ginkapo said:

I cant wait till your list gets battered on Vassal :)

Its about time everyone started including efficient flotilla killers.

What kind of flotilla killer do you want to take, when they start to swarm all over the map and have more ship activation as everyone else?

The new relay allows you to fly the flotilla wherever you want. You do not have to be near the squadrons anymore (this was the biggest drawback). It is even more insane now to hunt down the flotillas.

We did our second round in CC yesterday (no, i dont fly all flotilla in it ;) ). The squadrons with relay were insane. A gozanti, flying at the edge of the map, commanding squadron on the other side, is total crazy.
Good luck to hunt down the flotilla when they are scattered all over the map (in 6 rounds...) :P .
It is easier to take down the shuttles as it is to take down the Gozantis.

Yes, i might get battered on Vassal (extremly likely). But mostly because of the (for me new) Vassal :rolleyes: . It is like starting all over again.

The " unbeatable " was more a reference to the fact, that i never lost a match with it so far. I know, that there is no unbeatable list. There is a counter for every list. This is why i love Armada. No real Meta (at least not as extreme as it is for X-Wing). And i know damm well what lists are beating me (or even make it really hard) without any problems.

Anyway, i have a List, i am not at worlds, and if anyone want to mess up with all others (the comments last year were a blast :D ) he can have it.

i held off purchasing a ticket till i figured out overall costs from flight hotel and stuff and then missed the tickets... oh well. next year I can plan better.

This will be the only light non american worlds. After this there should be lots of nationals preceeding.