difference between ccg vs lcg

By soviet prince, in Star Wars: Destiny

It has come to my attention that most people playing this game has came from FFG’s other LCG Games resulting in players confusing the LCG model with a CCG model. The only similarities to these models is that both use cards as a way to play the game but otherwise the differences is apple to oranges.

The first thing is the amount you need to ship out to meet demand. In a CCG you need multiple packs/boxes to achieve all the cards, resulting in more boxes/packs being purchased per person. A LCG is a one and done experience and players are only required to buy one box in order to get everything that set has to offer. LCG you don’t need to print as much boxes to meet demand so FFG would not have to print as much as a CCG where the typical player buys multiple boxes/packs per set which requires a company to print more to meet demand. FFG has treated the product as a LCG which resulting in a lack of supply to meet demand.

Another thing a ccg needs that a lcg don’t is excess boxes to be purchased by your local card shop to host and run tourneys. Packs and boxes are a very typical prize that many ccg players look for when attending an event.

I am not complaining to complain I enjoy this game which is why it frustrates me the FFG is not pushing this game in the direction it needs to go to succeed.

I agree, they are handling it like a LCG when they are selling it as a CCG. Me and others feel it should of been handled as a LCG like game.

60$ starter with 2 of all the dice cards in the starters. Then 40-50$ expansion sets themed to side and color, Scum Heroes/Force Villians/Etc.

Edited by GamerGuy1984

I like the ccg model, but it has to be done right

8 hours ago, soviet prince said:

I like the ccg model, but it has to be done right

I'll agree. If your going to do a game Collectable you have to print ENOURMOUS amounts of product. The LCG line was simply what I and seems like some others would of prefered. The Rares have dice and you need dice to win just kind of skews Rare prices on singles and further hoses those who pop bad rares in packs. But as you said if they are going to do it as a CCG then they need to do it right.

Edited by GamerGuy1984

Now can we talk about the difference between a CCG and a CDG or CMG?

My big problem with this game coming in was the build pattern as if they were creating a CCG instead of a CDG.

I guess I am spoiled that, for the last 15 years, all the collectible games I play (Dicemasters, Heroclix, Star wars Minis, D&D minis) I have been able to purchase a booster pack (or $10 worth of packs for dice masters) and just play what I get.

It still angers me that I can only make a half a dozen "teams" to play with even though I have a TON of product.

I'll agree that FFG in general and this game specifically is far better suited as an LCG and should have always been an LCG or rather, LDG. I don't think they treated this game as one of their typical LCGs, though they are clearly out of their element. It won't be until the end of the year before they are running this game to anyone's satisfaction.

I actually not to much a fan of lcg's due to the lack of surprise and the thrill the chase, lcg's felt to much like a board game to me ( not that board game are not fun, I love the alien deck builder game)

11 hours ago, soviet prince said:

I actually not to much a fan of lcg's due to the lack of surprise and the thrill the chase, lcg's felt to much like a board game to me ( not that board game are not fun, I love the alien deck builder game)

But really what does that chase add to the game itself. The answer is nothing. It is a thrill dont get me wrong, but it doesnt really benefit the game itself. Its there to egg people into buying more which makes them money. Thats the only reason to have random product pull in any game.

Edited by GamerGuy1984
On 3/13/2017 at 8:18 PM, soviet prince said:

FFG has treated the product as a LCG which resulting in a lack of supply to meet demand.

According to what was said at the GAMA trade show, the Awakenings original print run was the largest print run of a game in FFG history....so it seems to me like they are treating as something entirely new to them which it is...

Well collecting is a game in of itself. A very expensive game too.

1 hour ago, Mep said:

Well collecting is a game in of itself. A very expensive game too.

Depends on the player. For tournament players or completionists, yes. For people who want local-level tournaments or competitive games with friends and the community, not really any more expensive than their LCG lines. For casual players who play at home with family, could be cheaper. I tend to fall in the middle. $200 per set isn't unreasonable, $600 a year. That's not crazy expensive as far as table-top gaming habits go.

3 hours ago, pstalker said:

According to what was said at the GAMA trade show, the Awakenings original print run was the largest print run of a game in FFG history....so it seems to me like they are treating as something entirely new to them which it is...

And yet they still end up with massive shortfalls. I think they obviously underestimated the popularity, but I think the game itself pushes people to buy more in ways that they didn't fully anticipate. The base requirement that half your deck be rares, the need for specific characters for decks, the big-name characters as Legendary... all of these things that make the collectability side worse than a typical CCG would be, and IMHO led people buying far more than they might have otherwise.

"Treating it as new" and "doing it well" are not the same thing.

another thing about ccg's is your cards are actually worth something and can be sold to help pay back some of your expense or to trade for cards you need