Ugnaughts after the droid uprising

By brettpkelly, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

With the new wave of droids coming out soon I'm expecting a big buff to the ugnaughts. If you all have played against an "Ugh" list aka ugnaught swarm you know it can be both challenging and frustrating. There is plenty of strategy involved, but it isn't what I would call "fun" strategy.

Facing the ughs is death by a thousand cuts. You have to sit back and wait for these little 1-3 damage attacks to hit you over and over again. It's a slow process and it is incredibly frustrating. It's absolutely not the type of experience that is going to encourage new people to get into the game.


"Shared experience" is a new droid command card coming out which lets you trade 3 movement points for a focus and you redraw it every time a droid dies. This card has so much potential in an Ugh swarm with how often the junk droid dies. There are still some unreleased command cards which could improve the junk droid's attack even further. Cards like this will certainly push the ughs from viable to top tier.

I'm not saying Ughs are too strong (right now), I'm just saying that they're not a fun list to play against. I wouldn't mind the ugh swarm as a niche list that counters something specific, but I really don't want to see ughs dominating the meta. If the droid uprising wave pushes them into the forefront, the competitive scene is going to be a lot worse off. Judging from just what we've seen so far, I think there is a strong chance of this happening. I could see this being a major problem for the game.

Edited by brettpkelly

You will see more tinkerer splash than swarm is my current feeling once droid wave comes out. Swarm list can be hit or miss vs certain lists imo

1 tinkerer for terminal control (with junk) and objective runner (tinkerer). Junk droid procs the 2nd part of that card when it dies. It's a pretty good use of 3pts

4 hours ago, frotes said:

You will see more tinkerer splash than swarm is my current feeling once droid wave comes out. Swarm list can be hit or miss vs certain lists imo

1 tinkerer for terminal control (with junk) and objective runner (tinkerer). Junk droid procs the 2nd part of that card when it dies. It's a pretty good use of 3pts

While I do forsee that, getting to redraw shared experience every time a swarm's junk droid dies seems like a pretty discouraging time for an opponent. Not only do they earn no points for killing your droid, they come out even further behind when they inevitably get paper cut again with TWO dice instead of one.

Edited by mellowthello

I'm surprised to hear you don't find the Ugnaught swarm fun to play against. I've introduced a couple people to this game recently, and a few games in we tried the swarm and everyone loved it. Sure the droid can be annoying, but we found it rather hilarious, and relatively easy to counter since the Ugnaughts themselves are so squishy. But in the end that all is just personal preference I suppose.

As for problem for the game, I think Jabba alone will keep this in check. Sure you get to redraw this card, but every time the Junk Droid dies, Jabba gives your opponent 1 VP.

Edited by CruzinToVictory
1 hour ago, CruzinToVictory said:

I'm surprised to hear you don't find the Ugnaught swarm fun to play against. I've introduced a couple people to this game recently, and a few games in we tried the swarm and everyone loved it. Sure the droid can be annoying, but we found it rather hilarious, and relatively easy to counter since the Ugnaughts themselves are so squishy. But in the end that all is just personal preference I suppose.

As for problem for the game, I think Jabba alone will keep this in check. Sure you get to redraw this card, but every time the Junk Droid dies, Jabba gives your opponent 1 VP.

I'm equally surprised to hear that. Might come down to the matchup but the crux of it is that it feels like a different game. Anecdotally, we had somebody run an ug swarm at a recent kit tourney and a new player actually put back the box he was about to purchase. Ultimately he came back when we told him "look, the game is not normally like this," but that's enough to make my inner designer feels that something is off here.

Edited by mellowthello

I can't imagine how death by 1000 cuts with nothing but careful avoidance and slow attrition attacks with nothing dramatic happening all game would be ideal for new players....

that said our meta has never seen the ugh swarm so my opinion is just that.

53 minutes ago, mellowthello said:

I'm equally surprised to hear that. Might come down to the matchup but the crux of it is that it feels like a different game. Anecdotally, we had somebody run an ug swarm at a recent kit tourney and a new player actually put back the box he was about to purchase. Ultimately he came back when we told him "look, the game is not normally like this," but that's enough to make my inner designer feels that something is off here.

That's exactly how I feel, doesn't feel like the same game at all. It's can be fun to play around with it in casual play, but I really don't want to see it become a staple of competitive. Shared experience in an ugnaught list is just a nightmare

that triangulate card also seems pretty good with a horde of disposable droid bots like a cut with construction paper at very little cost

6 hours ago, mellowthello said:

I'm equally surprised to hear that. Might come down to the matchup but the crux of it is that it feels like a different game. Anecdotally, we had somebody run an ug swarm at a recent kit tourney and a new player actually put back the box he was about to purchase. Ultimately he came back when we told him "look, the game is not normally like this," but that's enough to make my inner designer feels that something is off here.

Yeah, to each their own, I suppose. I guess it was different in our case in that we were playing a casual game and just thought it was funny. But I think the larger point is that I think Jabba will keep this from ever being a top tier list.

11 hours ago, SummonMoreZiggurats said:

that triangulate card also seems pretty good with a horde of disposable droid bots like a cut with construction paper at very little cost

There is only ever 1 junk droid on your side, no matter how many tinkerers there are

there are certain maps where if you're playing Rebels for example, you may not be able to get enough stuff over to the enemy deployment zone to kill ugnaughts en masse. So it's a pretty dismal game and you know it from turn 1. Not a great player experience. You may say "why don't you play Luke Skywalker then?" I believe the last thing I want to see is a Rebel force where I feel I have to take a certain figure that costs 1/3 of your force. I'd prefer a more wide open spread of options

23 hours ago, frotes said:

There is only ever 1 junk droid on your side, no matter how many tinkerers there are

then why can't you just run past it or attack other figures? Why is shared experience a problem? You just don't kill it so it can't keep focusing. If they do have Hk's or other attack heavy droids those would be top priority anyways

I haven't seen anyone play a ugnaught tinkerer swarm list but it seems like it would be very weak to have a 5 point figure perform 2 green die attacks with a +1 damage, against shyla that seems absolutely worthless with the automatic surge block and black die. Maybe the bleed could be annoying

If you really wanted to stop them I would think any of these guys would be good against them if they are really that threatening. Terro and dewbacks probably could wipe out the ugnaughts pretty early if need be, luke could do the same, obiwan is immune from the droid's attack like shyla, any of the mercenaries creature units can kill ugnaughts early with beast tamer

Edited by SummonMoreZiggurats
1 hour ago, SummonMoreZiggurats said:

then why can't you just run past it or attack other figures? Why is shared experience a problem? You just don't kill it so it can't keep focusing. If they do have Hk's or other attack heavy droids those would be top priority anyways

I haven't seen anyone play a ugnaught tinkerer swarm list but it seems like it would be very weak to have a 5 point figure perform 2 green die attacks with a +1 damage, against shyla that seems absolutely worthless with the automatic surge block and black die. Maybe the bleed could be annoying

If you really wanted to stop them I would think any of these guys would be good against them if they are really that threatening. Terro and dewbacks probably could wipe out the ugnaughts pretty early if need be, luke could do the same, obiwan is immune from the droid's attack like shyla, any of the mercenaries creature units can kill ugnaughts early with beast tamer

Generally against ugnaughts if you don't kill the junk droid it gets more attacks on you. Sure you can ignore it, but then you're letting it nip at you for 1-2 damage per attack more times. On some of the maps in the current rotation you won't be able to get to the ugnaught swarm to attack until round 2 or 3, whereas the junk droid will be in your face early in round 1.

2 hours ago, SummonMoreZiggurats said:

then why can't you just run past it or attack other figures? Why is shared experience a problem? You just don't kill it so it can't keep focusing. If they do have Hk's or other attack heavy droids those would be top priority anyways

I haven't seen anyone play a ugnaught tinkerer swarm list but it seems like it would be very weak to have a 5 point figure perform 2 green die attacks with a +1 damage, against shyla that seems absolutely worthless with the automatic surge block and black die. Maybe the bleed could be annoying

If you really wanted to stop them I would think any of these guys would be good against them if they are really that threatening. Terro and dewbacks probably could wipe out the ugnaughts pretty early if need be, luke could do the same, obiwan is immune from the droid's attack like shyla, any of the mercenaries creature units can kill ugnaughts early with beast tamer

It's not Shyla dying you have to worry about. It's 3PO. Then Gideon. And any of your support units the droid can fly across the map and kill. If you've ignored the droid, now you have 4 activations and more dead units at the end of turn 1. Enjoy!

I've played against it and with it. If you don't kill it you are in for trouble, you have to kill the droid or the ugnaughts. When I played it against an opponent I could tell he definitely didn't have much fun.

I think the list is strong, but if enough people know how to play against it you won't see it dominate the meta. This card could definitely change that though. I'm excited to try it out. If it did get out of hand I'm sure it can be errata'd pretty easily.

Never even seen it in Aus and it didn't make the cut at last year's worlds so I wonder how meta dominating it is.

I don't think anyone played ugnaughts in the main worlds tournament.

9 hours ago, DTDanix said:

I don't think anyone played ugnaughts in the main worlds tournament.

But didn't an ugnaught swarm win the side tournament at worlds?


2 hours ago, ryanjamal said:

But didn't an ugnaught swarm win the side tournament at worlds?


I think it did, and it was dtdanix ;)

Edited by Masterchiefspiff

No, I lost one match.

9 minutes ago, DTDanix said:

No, I lost one match.

Fair enough. I knew it was close if it didnt win the whole thing. What did?

and are you going back to worlds this year?

The guy that beat me in the warmup had estorms, esnows, blaise, officers. The main reason he won was that it was the dianoga map and he got all the points for it by doing max damage with 3 storm shots in a row with no rerolls avoiding my tough luck and preventing boba from sniping it. He was able to kill enough stuff to win with 40 points even though he only had a single estorm group left and there was no way all my guys were dying.

Yes, I'll be at worlds.

Guys i played Moisture Farm, my Rebels against Scum with¨: Jabba , eJawa, eSentry Droids, eWeequays, rUgnaught x2, C3p0, Temporary All.

My scum opponent had 8 activations against my 6 activations : 2xEcho Base Troopers (w Combat suit) Luke Jedi, Jarrod Kelvin +JAX and R2-D3, C3p0

in 3 games i managed to beat this scum list only once with Drokatta - Solo combo.

Yesterday with the above Luke Jedi config, i lost, although i killed 1 ugh , 1 sentry, 1 Weequay, he has so many cheap activations, 4 units (sentrie and weequays) that if left untreated can destroy u, so i focus on them and get burchered by the Junk Droid near my forces and also Elite Jawa which manages to be close and does finishing damage with its pierces....if only eAlliance Smuggler had Pierce.

After the introduction of eJawa and the inclusion of Sentry droids in scum lists, going against them especially with rebels is a really hard trick