With the new wave of droids coming out soon I'm expecting a big buff to the ugnaughts. If you all have played against an "Ugh" list aka ugnaught swarm you know it can be both challenging and frustrating. There is plenty of strategy involved, but it isn't what I would call "fun" strategy.
Facing the ughs is death by a thousand cuts. You have to sit back and wait for these little 1-3 damage attacks to hit you over and over again. It's a slow process and it is incredibly frustrating. It's absolutely not the type of experience that is going to encourage new people to get into the game.
"Shared experience" is a new droid command card coming out which lets you trade 3 movement points for a focus and you redraw it every time a droid dies. This card has so much potential in an Ugh swarm with how often the junk droid dies. There are still some unreleased command cards which could improve the junk droid's attack even further. Cards like this will certainly push the ughs from viable to top tier.
I'm not saying Ughs are too strong (right now), I'm just saying that they're not a fun list to play against. I wouldn't mind the ugh swarm as a niche list that counters something specific, but I really don't want to see ughs dominating the meta. If the droid uprising wave pushes them into the forefront, the competitive scene is going to be a lot worse off. Judging from just what we've seen so far, I think there is a strong chance of this happening. I could see this being a major problem for the game.
Edited by brettpkelly