Hornets succesfully defend Krayt Cup title in Charlotte, NC
What an excellent tournament and congrats on the win. I'm just happy we could take enough vinegar out of the Nova boys to have the locals win the day.
Where were all the teams from? I see some guys I know
I'm assuming a lot of standard Meta list were brought. What was the most unexpected list flown by anybody?
We had 4 teams from Charlotte, 2 from Greensboro, 3 from Raleigh, 1 from Durham, 1 from Atlanta, and 1 from Wisconsin/NOVA.
We'll see if we can get a list juggler made for it, but I think most of the teams took their squad sheets home (we used them for pairings). Most teams had a pairattanni, and there were a couple of Kannan/biggs, but other than that, there was quite a lot of variance. The format allows captains to choose some of their matchups, so you are free to bring a list with a glaringly bad matchup or two if it fits well into the team.
The list that caught me off guard was on the winning team, Dan flew Quickdraw, O-leader, and Tomax and beat Jeremy Howard with it!