Team Covenant weighs in on if the game is dead.

By Mep, in Star Wars: Destiny

56 minutes ago, Gibbilo said:

Wait so a starter isn't even a full ready to play deck? At least starters in MTG are ready to play even if they are crappy.... Definitely not gunna get in the game now.... that's horrible.

And I don't recommend you do get in the game now. I'm hoping when the new Starters come out that they will revisit this decision. Filling a 30 card deck is not as easy as buying a few boosters. By December, I think the state of this game will be in a much more friendly place for new players.

I think the booster design was influenced by how they saw it originally doing: Ok, but kinda niche without major demand so there would be plenty of stock available. Which didn't happen because they had a huge hit. Now come wave 4 and the new Starters, I think they may revise it into being a full deck, albeit perhaps by event/diceless supports rather than adding in more dice.

3 hours ago, Gibbilo said:

Wait so a starter isn't even a full ready to play deck? At least starters in MTG are ready to play even if they are crappy.... Definitely not gunna get in the game now.... that's horrible.

Well good luck with MGT. It's been around a long time and landfills are full of their cards. Now if you are looking for something different and Star wars. Don't complain, have a little patience and look at what being in on the ground floor of something amazing might be like. Good luck on whatever you choose.

Edited by ozmodon
On 3/12/2017 at 10:58 AM, ozmodon said:

We played with less until we had more. Like it or not the starter decks being short is their hook. They want you to have to open a few boosters so you can get the rush. They want that addiction. I can't see that I blame them. Judging from the lack of product, I'd say that it worked perfectly.

Bingo, you get a dopamine squirt in your brain, which makes buying packs addicting in the most literal sense.

6 hours ago, Gibbilo said:

Wait so a starter isn't even a full ready to play deck? At least starters in MTG are ready to play even if they are crappy.... Definitely not gunna get in the game now.... that's horrible.

I would not ditch it yet , i think it will be changed next set .

15 hours ago, soviet prince said:

I would not ditch it yet , i think it will be changed next set .

When the new starters come out, this game will be ready for Prime Time.

I enjoyed the podcast and thought they made a lot of good points.

Destiny will be fine, it is very far from dead.