2nd CC at Pegasus Games In Madison, WI

By Church14, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

We are going to start up a second CC campaign at Pegasus with a few changes.

Starting Fleet is at 300SP. Max is still 500 if a fleet is retired, it comes back at 300 unless at least 3 of the remaining 5 players are over 400 total then it comes back at 400

None of the commanders used last time can be chosen as a starting commander time. They can be chosen if a fleet needs to be retired. The previous commanders were Vader, Screed, Tagge, Dodonna, Reeikan, Sato.

Imperials (Tarkin, Ozzel remaining ):

Grand Admiral Mani (Mott Jerjerrod)

- Uniques: IG-88, Jendon, Saber / Demolisher

Luke (Admiral Konstantine)

- Bossk, Valen

Nick (Motti)

Rebels (Mothma, Cracken remaining):

Grand Admiral Armand (Madine)

- Uniques: Han, Dash

Mason (Ackbar)

- Uniques: Home One

Matt (Garm)

- Uniques: Tycho, Shara, Hera

We will start the first time we have 6 players at Pegasus on a Monday. In the meantime, free play night.

A 7th player is available, so if an 8th is interested, we will find a way to incorporate them

1st round:

Matt over Mani (hyperlane raid): 80 resources taken

Nick over Mason (Show of Force): 80 resources taken

Luke over Armand (repels an assault)

1-0 Imperials

Edited by Church14

Change of plans, I think I will be running jerjy now because I want Tarkin for a quasar fleet.

I'll reserve saber and jendon, and maybe minister tua, but not certain yet.

Edited by Jukey

I will act as an available 7th player if an 8th is interested.

Edited by Church14

Gah the Quasar makes Konstantine soooo much more appetizing. That turns my (planned) squad screen in to a fully functioning delightful bomber ball.

I'll reserve this for posting my initial fleet once we get to that stage.

Rosters are in. Mani is Imperial Grand Admiral by virtue of nobody else asked. Armand is Rebel Grand Admiral by virtue of being the last one to say no to the role

Edited by Church14

Sounds good! Grand Admiral has a nice ring to it. I am still working on my list and bouncing some ideas in my head. That being said, do we know if Mason and/or Matt have accounts on here? I will also update this post to include my list when I get it sorted out.

Also, I am in the process of laminating the map and going to magnetize the stickers so we can reuse the map!

Monday might be our chance at starting this

To my fellow imperial players, this is my list for CC.

Jerjinator 1.0

Faction: Galactic Empire
Points: 300/300

Commander: Moff Jerjerrod

Assault Objective: Blockade Run
Defense Objective: Jamming Barrier
Navigation Objective: Sensor Net

[ flagship ] Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer(120 points)
- Moff Jerjerrod ( 23 points)
- Electronic Countermeasures ( 7 points)
= 150 total ship cost

Gladiator I-Class Star Destroyer (56 points)
- Demolisher ( 10 points)
= 66 total ship cost

1 IG-88 ( 21 points)
1 Colonel Jendon ( 20 points)
1 Saber Squadron ( 12 points)
1 TIE Advanced Squadron ( 12 points)
1 TIE Interceptor Squadron ( 11 points)
1 TIE Fighter Squadron ( 8 points)

I am leaning towards relentless for the ISD

Edited by Jukey
Changed an objective

Here is my list going in:

Madine's Merry Men

Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 300/300

Commander: General Madine

Assault Objective: Advanced Gunnery
Defense Objective: Jamming Barrier
Navigation Objective: Superior Positions

MC80 Battle Cruiser (103 points)
- Spinal Armament ( 9 points)
= 112 total ship cost

CR90 Corvette A (44 points)
- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits ( 7 points)
= 51 total ship cost

[ flagship ] GR-75 Medium Transports (18 points)
- General Madine ( 30 points)
= 48 total ship cost

2 YT-2400s ( 32 points)
1 Han Solo ( 26 points)
1 Dash Rendar ( 24 points)
1 Z-95 Headhunter Squadron ( 7 points)

Here is what I'm going to start out with

Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 300 /300

Commander: Garm Bel Iblis

Assault Objective: Most Wanted
Defense Objective: Hyperspace Assault
Navigation Objective: Dangerous Territory

MC-80 Battle Cruiser (103 points)
- XI7 Turbolasers (6 points)
= 109 total ship cost

[Flagship] Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
- Gunnery Team (7 points)
= 104 total ship cost

1 x Hera Syndulla (28 points)
1 x Shera Bey - A-wing Squadron (17 points)
1 x Tycho Celchu - A-wing Squadron (16 points)
2 x X-wing Squadron (26 points)
= 83 total squadron cost

Edited by Caboose1994

After some discussion, we came up with some custom rules to spice up our second round of the campaign:

  • Show of Force and Hyperlane Raid special assaults may not establish bases. While use of a Show of Force or a Hyperlane Raid gets fewer victory points, a successful resource-collection mission effectively eliminates the cost of the base and removes the choice between strategic gains and economic development.
  • Refit, and only refit , points may be used to switch between versions of a ship. This represents use of shipyard resources to refit and redevelop ships. To make this a real choice, rather than a no-brainer (free points!), we decoded to apply the following modifiers:
  1. For a small base ship, the cost is twice (2x) the difference between the ship versions.
  2. For a medium base ship, the cost is triple (3x) the difference between the ship versions.
  3. For a large base ship, the cost is quadruple (4x) the difference between the ship versions.
  • This cost is the same whether "upgrading" or "downgrading" ships, as the second version of a ship is not a strict upgrade in all cases. For example, the Assault Frigate MK2 B provides better squadron support, while the Assault Frigate MK2 A provides better firepower.
  • For example:
  1. Upgrading an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer I to an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer II would cost 40 refit points (120-110 = 10; 10*4 = 40 )
  2. Downgrading a Flotilla of Gozanti-class Assault Carriers to a Flotilla of Gozanti-class Cruisers would cost 10 refit points (28-23 = 5; 5*2 = 10 )

My starting fleet was as follows:

Strike Force Green
Author: Conscientious Objector

Faction: Galactic Empire
Points: 300/300

Commander: Admiral Motti

Assault Objective: Station Assault
Defense Objective: Fire Lanes
Navigation Objective: Sensor Net

[ flagship ] Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer (120 points)
- Admiral Motti ( 24 points)
- Electronic Countermeasures ( 7 points)
= 151 total ship cost

Imperial I-Class Star Destroyer (110 points)
- Commandant Aresko ( 7 points)
= 117 total ship cost

4 TIE Fighter Squadrons ( 32 points)

Corellian Conflict Statistics

  • Refit Points : 45
  • Upgrade points (this round ) : 94
Edited by Conscientious Objector
Fixed wording; fixed incorrect objective.

If anyone can remember which solar system Mason and I fought in, I'd appreciate it! I like tracking these things.

Konstantine successfully defends against a Rebel incursion attacking a Contested Outpost at Aurea. He promptly builds an Imperial base there, earning the Imperial Admiral Diplomats for the next round. The initial fleet:

Points: 300/300
Commander: Admiral Konstantine

Assault Objective: Station Assault
Defense Objective: Contested Outpost
Navigation Objective: Salvage Run

--[ flagship ] Interdictor-class Suppression Refit (90 points)
- Admiral Konstantine ( 23 points)
- Grav Shift Reroute ( 2 points)
= 115 total ship cost

*Interdictor-class Suppression Refit (90 points)
= 90 total ship cost

*Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
- Slicer Tools ( 7 points)
= 30 total ship cost

*1 Maarek Steele ( 21 points)
*1 Valen Rudor ( 13 points)
*1 Bossk ( 23 points)
*1 TIE Fighter Squadron ( 8 points)


Also @picotheguyyo , I wanted to double check on my Slicer Tool ruling, and I was correct. As long as any portion of the base is at distance three it would work. Cardboard is just for firing arcs.

Jerjy got cocky this week and couldn't protect his hyperlane shipment. This is my new updated fleet.

Jerjinator 1.1
Faction: Galactic Empire Points: 391/500

Refit: 0
Resource: 2
Commander: Moff Jerjerrod
Assault Objective: Blockade Run Defense Objective: Jamming Barrier Navigation Objective: Sensor Net

[ flagship ] Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer(120 points) - Moff Jerjerrod ( 23 points)
- Electronic Countermeasures ( 7 points)
- Gunnery team ( 7 points)
- Leading Shots ( 4 points)
- Xi7 ( 6 points) = 167 total ship cost

Gladiator I-Class Star Destroyer (56 points) - Demolisher ( 10 points)
- Engine Techs ( 8 points)
- Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
- APT ( 5 points) = 83 total ship cost

Gozanti-Class Cruisers (23 points)
= 23 total ship cost

1 IG-88 ( 21 Points)

1 Colonel Jendon ( 20 points)

1 Saber Squadron ( 12 points)

2 TIE Advanced Squadron ( 24 points) 1 TIE Interceptor Squadron ( 11 points) 1 TIE Fighter Squadron ( 8 points)
1 Decimator ( 22 points)
Total: 118

Also I believe the points now stand at 1/0 Empire, giving you rebel scum initiative again

After the first round, Hera has gained veterancy, and Shera & an X-wing were scarred, but have been refit.

Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 383/500

Commander: Garm Bel Iblis

Assault Objective: Most Wanted
Defense Objective: Hyperspace Assault
Navigation Objective: Dangerous Territory

MC-80 Battle Cruiser (103 points)
- Gunnery Team (7 points)
- Leading Shots (4 points)
- XI7 Turbolasers (6 points)
= 120 total ship cost

[Flagship] Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
- Electromagnetic Countermeasures (7 points)
= 104 total ship cost

Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
= 72 total ship cost

1 x Hera Syndulla (28 points)
1 x Shera Bey - A-wing Squadron (17 points)
1 x Tycho Celchu - A-wing Squadron (16 points)
2 x X-wing Squadron (39 points)
= 87 total squadron cost

Edited by Caboose1994
Update of Fleet

The Alliance has failed in their latest hyperspace raid against Moff Jerjerrod's fleet.
Rebel Losses:
- [Flagship] Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
- 1 x Hera Syndulla (28 points)
- 1 x Shera Bey - A-wing Squadron (17 points)
- 1 x Tycho Celchu - A-wing Squadron (16 points)
- 2 x X-wing Squadron (39 points)
Imperial Losses:
- Tie Interceptor Squadron

With 45 refit points to spend, all fighters have been refit. Garm's Flagship is now scarred.

Here is my fleet for round 3. I had 2 extra points from last round and 48 earned from round 2. Only spent 48 points.

Faction : Rebel Alliance
Points : 431/500

Commander : Garm Bel Iblis

Assault Objective: Most Wanted
Defense Objective: Hyperspace Assault
Navigation Objective: Dangerous Territory

MC-80 Battle Cruiser (103 points)
- Gunnery Team (7 points)
- Leading Shots (4 points)
- XI7 Turbolasers (6 points)
= 120 total ship cost

[Flagship] ( *Scarred* ) Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
- Electromagnetic Countermeasures (7 points)
= 104 total ship cost

Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
- Gallant Haven (8 points)
- Flight Controllers (6 points)
- Boosted Comms (4 points)
= 90 total ship cost

1 x Hera Syndulla (28 points)
1 x Shera Bey - A-wing Squadron (17 points)
1 x Tycho Celchu - A-wing Squadron (16 points)
2 x X-wing Squadron (26 points)
2 x E-wing Squadron (30 points)
= 117 total squadron cost

The Alliance has failed in their latest hyperspace raid against Admiral Constantine's fleet.
Rebel Losses:
- Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
- 1 x Hera Syndulla (28 points)
- 1 x X-wing Squadron (13 points)
- 2 x E-wing Squadron (15 points)

I had 69 earned from round 3. With 45 refit points to spend, 3 command points earned from this round, and the 2 extra points from last two rounds, Hera and Gallant Haven have become unscarred.

Garm's Flagship, an E-wing, and an X-wing are scarred.

Here is my fleet for round 4.

Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 495/500

Commander: Garm Bel Iblis

Assault Objective: Most Wanted
Defense Objective: Hyperspace Assault
Navigation Objective: Dangerous Territory

MC-80 Battle Cruiser (103 points)
- Mon Karren (8 points)
- Intel Officer (7 points)
- Gunnery Team (7 points)
- Nav Team (4 points)
- Leading Shots (4 points)
- Spinal Armament (9 points)
- XI7 Turbolasers (6 points)
= 148 total ship cost

[Flagship] ( *Scarred* ) Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
- Flight Controllers (6 points)
- Bootsed Comms (4 points)
- Electromagnetic Countermeasures (7 points)
= 114 total ship cost

Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
- Gallant Haven (8 points)
- Wing Commander (6 points)
- Flight Controllers (6 points)
- Boosted Comms (4 points)
- Electromagnetic Countermeasures (7 points)
= 103 total ship cost

1 x Hera Syndulla (Verteran) (28 points)
1 x Shera Bey - A-wing Squadron (17 points)
1 x Tycho Celchu - A-wing Squadron (16 points)
2 x X-wing Squadron (26 points)
1 x ( *Scarred* ) X-wing Squadron (13 points)
1 x E-wing Squadron (15 points)
1 x ( *Scarred* ) E-wing Squadron (15 points)
= 130 total squadron cost

Edited by Caboose1994