SoR Characters

By Ywingscum, in Star Wars: Destiny

I've noticed the spoiled characters seem to have higher health than Awakenings. Jyn, Obi Wan, Darth Vader, Chirrut all at 11. Director Krennic and Ig-88 at 12 and Palpatine at 15. Only the Death Trooper is at 10 and that is the highest non-unique in the game.

Jango does not like this! Haha

I had noticed that, too. I feel with the second set they may be creeping up on the HP front specifically to even out Jango and It's a Trap decks. Not a huge jump, (emperor excepting but he's you're whole list), but the average may be a point or so higher than Awakenings.

I'll also point out that all of the characters we've seen are also rather pricey. The Death Trooper may have the highest HP of any generic but it also has the highest cost. Elite Obi-Wan is 20 points, isn't he? That's prohibitively expensive.

Edited by Engine25
11 minutes ago, Engine25 said:

I had noticed that, too. I feel with the second set they may be creeping up on the HP front specifically to even out Jango and It's a Trap decks. Not a huge jump, (emperor excepting but he's you're whole list), but the average may be a point or so higher than Awakenings.

I'll also point out that all of the characters we've seen are also rather pricey. The Death Trooper may have the highest HP of any generic but it also has the highest cost. Elite Obi-Wan is 20 points, isn't he? That's prohibitively expensive.

It's a super bummer Obi-Wan is so expensive....

I can't think of anything to add that would justify that stupid cost. Maybe a guardian only support or upgrade?

For my favorite character in the series, it is sad that I might have to pass on making a deck with him. It is too soon to say though if he will be viable or not. It Just doesn't look good.

I've found (when decks are well crafted and practiced) that 3 character decks beat 2 character decks the mass majority of the time with Awakening cards. I think this set may help to even that out.

I've found (when decks are well crafted and practiced) that 3 character decks beat 2 character decks the mass majority of the time with Awakening cards. I think this set may help to even that out.

3 hours ago, Ywingscum said:

I've noticed the spoiled characters seem to have higher health than Awakenings. Jyn, Obi Wan, Darth Vader, Chirrut all at 11. Director Krennic and Ig-88 at 12 and Palpatine at 15. Only the Death Trooper is at 10 and that is the highest non-unique in the game.

Jango does not like this! Haha

As you can't see their costs, it may also be that they are expensive too?

In the first set, we got a low-middle-high cost unique for each color/side. I suspect we'll see a similar set up in Spirit of Rebellion. Based on their costs, Jyn, Obi-Wan, Krennic and Palpatine would fit into the high cost slots. Based on IG-88's die, he's probably expense and also fits in a high-cost slot. Darth Vader and Chirrut both fall into the middle slot. If you only saw the high-cost and a couple middle-cost characters from Awakening, the set would seem to have a higher average health total than it does as well.

5 hours ago, Ywingscum said:

I've noticed the spoiled characters seem to have higher health than Awakenings. Jyn, Obi Wan, Darth Vader, Chirrut all at 11. Director Krennic and Ig-88 at 12 and Palpatine at 15. Only the Death Trooper is at 10 and that is the highest non-unique in the game.

Jango does not like this! Haha

Jango will still put them down by turn 3

Not really.

Obi-Wan and Jyn are both priced around the same as Luke, both have less health. Krennic is slightly cheaper and has more health, but he's also more of a support character, and there's a few examples of support characters getting a slight health boost in Awakenings (e.g. Jabba). Palpatine is about in line with Vader when you consider the points increase.

Death Trooper 10 for 10 is possibly a little high, but I can see that being a way to distinguish them from other glass jawed non uniques - they feel more like a counterpart to the more robust Hired Guns instead of Troopers. Anakin is about right for his cost and the fact that he's got a self damaging ability, but he does feel high when you compared him to other aggro options - though you could argue some of them are a little low (Hi Grievous). Also, he's Darth ****ing Vader, so probably gets a bonus point of health based on that alone.

Chirrut, I remember being able to sort of see the start of his cost from one of the photos, and he's either 12/13 for regular, so likely 16/17 for Elite. 11 fits into that. For IG-88, 2/3 damage and 12 Health is comparable to Luke, so it's to be expected if he comes in around the same cost.

IG-88's Elite cost is 20 , It has been spoiled from the Italian retailer of Destiny.

Furhermore they spoiled it has a total value of its dice equal to 8 (So it has 2R, 3R, 1S, 2S, Special, null probably)

Edited by blackholexan

I think 16/20 is fair cost for that die and 12 health. It's as good as Luke's or Vader's. IG-88's special will probably do the damage. He's a killer.

Edited by NetCop

I super duper want IG-88 I assume he'll be legendary. After Bossk, after Boba Fett, IG-88 is my favourite. Can't wait to see the rest of yellow so I can what can be paired with him. Not sure what would be a good pairing if he's 20, no word on single cost eh?

5 hours ago, Abyss said:

Not really.

Obi-Wan and Jyn are both priced around the same as Luke, both have less health. Krennic is slightly cheaper and has more health, but he's also more of a support character, and there's a few examples of support characters getting a slight health boost in Awakenings (e.g. Jabba). Palpatine is about in line with Vader when you consider the points increase.

Death Trooper 10 for 10 is possibly a little high, but I can see that being a way to distinguish them from other glass jawed non uniques - they feel more like a counterpart to the more robust Hired Guns instead of Troopers. Anakin is about right for his cost and the fact that he's got a self damaging ability, but he does feel high when you compared him to other aggro options - though you could argue some of them are a little low (Hi Grievous). Also, he's Darth ****ing Vader, so probably gets a bonus point of health based on that alone.

Chirrut, I remember being able to sort of see the start of his cost from one of the photos, and he's either 12/13 for regular, so likely 16/17 for Elite. 11 fits into that. For IG-88, 2/3 damage and 12 Health is comparable to Luke, so it's to be expected if he comes in around the same cost.

It looks like IG88 has a special side to his die, so we will have to see what that does.

It's all relative; 16 points is a fair price for a single Ben die, if he can be paired with a couple of 7 point non-uniques. The new Trooper is a little on the low side, especially considering the fact that an all Trooper team could have upwards of 40 health (using Endless Ranks), but the tradeoff is that you might be limiting yourself to a single color. Considering the fact that most ranged upgrades are already in red, I fully expect to see mono red Trooper decks become a thing post-release.

3 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

It's all relative; 16 points is a fair price for a single Ben die, if he can be paired with a couple of 7 point non-uniques. The new Trooper is a little on the low side, especially considering the fact that an all Trooper team could have upwards of 40 health (using Endless Ranks), but the tradeoff is that you might be limiting yourself to a single color. Considering the fact that most ranged upgrades are already in red, I fully expect to see mono red Trooper decks become a thing post-release.

No doubt! I'm already planning such a deck with just the cards I have now! 30 health, easy to use dice, and plenty of great Red and Grey cards to bring speed and more pain.

2 hours ago, Ywingscum said:

I super duper want IG-88 I assume he'll be legendary. After Bossk, after Boba Fett, IG-88 is my favourite. Can't wait to see the rest of yellow so I can what can be paired with him. Not sure what would be a good pairing if he's 20, no word on single cost eh?

Well him and Bala Tik would be pretty good. Or him and a death trooper could be pretty sick

I plan to pair Ben with elite Padme. Draw Attention, Heroism, Guardian to draw the damage to Obi-Wan; Willpower, Defensive Stance, etc. to keep him, too. Patience, Jedi Temple, Padme to mill. It'll be great*!

*Okay, I expect it'll actually be terrible, because I'll empty the deck and not my opponent's hand, but I plan to try it anyway.

12 minutes ago, Stone37 said:

No doubt! I'm already planning such a deck with just the cards I have now! 30 health, easy to use dice, and plenty of great Red and Grey cards to bring speed and more pain.

I am excited to try a three death trooper deck. I just have no idea how the deck will get any money...

5 minutes ago, msieder said:

I am excited to try a three death trooper deck. I just have no idea how the deck will get any money...

Keeping card costs to 2 and under will be needed for the most part. There are a few Red cards that help gain resources. A pair of Drudge Work would be welcome in this deck.

15 minutes ago, Stone37 said:

Keeping card costs to 2 and under will be needed for the most part. There are a few Red cards that help gain resources. A pair of Drudge Work would be welcome in this deck.

yes, nothing over 2 cost for sure. But Endless ranks will be really tough to pull off without a better money generator than drudge work.

5 minutes ago, msieder said:

yes, nothing over 2 cost for sure. But Endless ranks will be really tough to pull off without a better money generator than drudge work.

True, and it might turn out to not be a very good fit for this deck. We have yet to see all the new red and grey cards this new set will bring in though.

(Also, I'm not sure if a 30 health list NEEDS endless ranks! Squad Tactics is going to be BRUTAL with this list.)

1 hour ago, msieder said:

yes, nothing over 2 cost for sure. But Endless ranks will be really tough to pull off without a better money generator than drudge work.

Drudge work will be over powered by new cards. I'm sure that the lightning fast damage is already being curved to get some other options going. Other than the person playing Jango, no one is liking being dead 15 cards into their deck. The personal force field seems to show the shift already.

Remember that it's still to early to judge and it will take time to add cards to counter new concerns. Set 2 is on it's way, 3 is being printed , and set 4 is in the middle of being designed.

Datapad will help with money.


Characters--Hoping for a Chewbacca yellow with both Melee and Range damage. I really can't wait to see IG-88's special, I think it'll be nasty damage.

For upgrades I'm hoping Chirrut's Lightbow will be included and sort of like a Rey staff. I'm pissing my pants for Force Lightning in a Holocron Phasma deck.