Hello, just a general discussion on what you would like to add to the current board game on terms of new rules and expansions. I'll start with:
• Close combat attack: in DOOM (2016) I've died countless of times from a Imp striking me with his claw on my back, or a Possessed Soldier hitting me with the barrel of his gun. Do you guys think it could have been implemented into the board game somehow? Maybe adjacent figures can perform an additional combat attack. Even with the DOOMguy, I've attacked with the butt of my gun to save on ammo until I get the demon to stager. Demons' close combat attacks would be more powerfull (claws, teeth, demonic strength) compare to the Marines (punch, whack).
• Additional weapon mods: this could go under expansions. Would have loved to see the Mobile Turret or the Heat Wave added. Even better, the Combat Shotgun's explosive shot!!!
• Hell Knight: the reason I think they didn't add our bold friend is because he would have been too similar to the Barron of Hell. When/if they do add him however, I hope to see a nice speed value and some sort of stomp attack which inflicts adjacent damage, even to demons.
• Hell Razor: similar to Possessed Soldier but with a stronger gun and maybe the laser to go through enemies. Not sure if that happens in the game but do it anyway. Plus the demon just looks badass!!
• Lost Souls: I absolutely HATE these guys!! The scream, the speed and dying from 2+ Of them even with full health!!
Any more thoughts on your favourite demons and weapons?? Thank you!!?
Edited by MeeKey