DOOM additions you would like to see

By MeeKey, in DOOM: The Board Game

Hello, just a general discussion on what you would like to add to the current board game on terms of new rules and expansions. I'll start with:


• Close combat attack: in DOOM (2016) I've died countless of times from a Imp striking me with his claw on my back, or a Possessed Soldier hitting me with the barrel of his gun. Do you guys think it could have been implemented into the board game somehow? Maybe adjacent figures can perform an additional combat attack. Even with the DOOMguy, I've attacked with the butt of my gun to save on ammo until I get the demon to stager. Demons' close combat attacks would be more powerfull (claws, teeth, demonic strength) compare to the Marines (punch, whack).

• Additional weapon mods: this could go under expansions. Would have loved to see the Mobile Turret or the Heat Wave added. Even better, the Combat Shotgun's explosive shot!!!


• Hell Knight: the reason I think they didn't add our bold friend is because he would have been too similar to the Barron of Hell. When/if they do add him however, I hope to see a nice speed value and some sort of stomp attack which inflicts adjacent damage, even to demons.

• Hell Razor: similar to Possessed Soldier but with a stronger gun and maybe the laser to go through enemies. Not sure if that happens in the game but do it anyway. Plus the demon just looks badass!!

• Lost Souls: I absolutely HATE these guys!! The scream, the speed and dying from 2+ Of them even with full health!!

Any more thoughts on your favourite demons and weapons?? Thank you!!?

Edited by MeeKey

In base box we got 21 frag token, so I'd like to see deathmatch mode in an expansion. And more marines miniatures for that, include the Doomguy :)
For demons I agree with you about the Hell Knight and the Hell Razer. I think we need the Summoner, probably he can spawn the Lost Soul, because spawn squishy suicidal demon from a portal is not a good idea. And of course the Spider Mastermind.
Some weapon might get alternative deck, like Micro Missiles for the Heavy Assault Rifle.

On top of the The Summoner instead of having the normal card deck she should have her own deck which contains which demons to spawn. In order to spawn demons though she needs to use argent tokens. The level of the demon equals how many argent tokens are needed.

Also if the Lost souls get put in the game it should be a roll between the marine and the Lost Soul. Who ever rolls higher wins, giving the Lost Soul a black die a marine a red one. The only reason I think the rules should be different for the Lost Soul is because it's the fastest and honestly the most annoying demon in the game.

I just bought the game. I'm getting trigger happy?

Hi, I would like to see development of an online Operations and missions editor, similar to descent. So we can share some home-brewed content easily and add to the two operations and 12 mission from the base game. Extra dice sets would be good. The extra demons already mentioned and along with them some extra counters like some more stun and portal counters, med packs etc.

I'd like to see new demons such as Spider Mastermind, Pain Elemental, Arch-vile, Hell Razer, Lost Souls, Gore Nests and the Possessed.

I WANT TILES!!! Descent 2 core game: 48 tiles / IA expansion "Return to Hoth": 37 tiles / DOOM core game: 24 tiles (???) Seriously?

I think the editor that has been featured in the PC game was called "SnapMap". I guess there has never been a feature in video gaming so close to board games, and we only get 24 tiles?

We love to create our own maps and campaigns, but with that little pile of tiles, there are not many options to be creative. And unfortunately the design of the rooms and corridors is quite boring. No Mars surface, no infested rooms, no eye catching objects.

I really hope, there will be an expansion featuring lots of tiles so that we can create dozens of deathmatch maps (assuming there will be a future deathmatch expansion).

I'm totally with you on that. I got lucky and found someone with an extra set of tiles, so I got those and now I have twice the tiles (thank Romero for that, the base set really didn't give enough small hallway-connectors and corner-hallways.)

I also took a sharp knife, some glue, and the sprues I got the new tileset on. Cut off the board spots next to the tiny endcap pieces, the ones with the connector shape from where you snap the actual tiles off. Guess what? That's exactly half as wide as the full piece, meaning two of those cut out with care and stuck together match the actual short connector hallway piece precisely. I even got a little crazy with it, and did that but flipped one of the pieces. So now I have a pair of UAC>|-|3LL connector pieces. Gonna paint little pentagrams on them surrounded with argent lightning. (A select number of the |-|3LL tiles could be used as Mars tiles too, the ones without overly hellish stuff on them. So I might make more connectors and just paint them like airlocks.)

......are you serious? I can't say /-/3LL on a DOOM forum?

Edited by Arracor

Yeah more tiles would be good, as would official rules for DM and TDM.

A solo wave/horde spawn arena could be kinda fun for practice.

That last one would be easy enough to make as a custom map/ruleset. Maybe I'll look into it later.