Goddamn inferno pistols! Pretty much everyone in our group seems to have acquired one of these combat-destroying beasts. Nothing can withstand them. Even a chaos space marine (based on the one in Purge the Unclean) lasted no more than a couple of rounds.
Surely firing inferno pistols on a starship is a bad idea? If they can fire through space marine armour like a laser through butter, isn't there the risk of puncturing the hull, or at least some vital internal ships system? I don't want to take away the PCs' toys but would like there to be some combats that don't end as soon as someone manages to hit with their inferno pistol.
Also, these things are supposed to be so rare there are only a few in every sector but they're the same rarity as heavy bolters. Shouldn't they maybe be classed as Extremely Rare or even Near Unique?