SoR Event is going to be very limited...

By ReaverRandall, in Star Wars: Destiny

Time to move on. You have been given more than enough information and if you are that unhappy with Destiny it sounds like Magic is your go to game, enjoy. No matter the game at the end of the is just that...a game.

sorry but you have no say when the topic ends, I will post what I want and your got nothing you can do about it. I am sorry if that sounds mean but I am tired of he ffg does no wrong supporters thinking they can tell us not to complain, call us names( greedy, childish, ect), or act like nothing went wrong. the does no wrong supporters are one reason this has gone on so long every time it settles down another one pops up to tell us how " we are wrong and greedy" to keep us on the defense. We like the game as well or we would not be here, but we also not blind when we see missteps just because we do like it, we know what this game could become and hate the fact FFG did not capitalize on it.

Negative people will be negative. Right now I'm so happy the negative threads have lessened. It's my belief the negative threads do more damage then the problems being complained about ever did. But complainers will complain, even complain about people complains about complainers.

its a good game have fun

it was not negative though it was FACTS

20 hours ago, soviet prince said:

sorry but you have no say when the topic ends, I will post what I want and your got nothing you can do about it. I am sorry if that sounds mean but I am tired of he ffg does no wrong supporters thinking they can tell us not to complain, call us names( greedy, childish, ect), or act like nothing went wrong. the does no wrong supporters are one reason this has gone on so long every time it settles down another one pops up to tell us how " we are wrong and greedy" to keep us on the defense. We like the game as well or we would not be here, but we also not blind when we see missteps just because we do like it, we know what this game could become and hate the fact FFG did not capitalize on it.

Your words have become hallow and without meaning because of what you have chosen to say.

Edited by ozmodon
1 hour ago, ozmodon said:

Tour words have become hallow and without meaning because of what you have chosen to say.

would be true if your the one that decides what words have meaning but your not, face it they messed up they may get better but it still don't change that fact.

2 hours ago, soviet prince said:

it was not negative though it was FACTS


There is nothing left to say at all.

i not the one beating the horse they are by telling us were wrong to complain

The "facts" stance is a hard sell from the poster that has continually insisted that Destiny did not in fact sell well by virtue of selling out, but only sold out by virtue of FFG not making much.

FFG screws up on the daily. It's bound to happen. I've played X-wing since its release and they still have yet to get their release windows right and lately their prize kit support has been wonky (last year's cluster mines, this year's oversized play mats). I think most understand your frustrations. Thing is though, you are being completely biased and coming off like a cranky two year old. They are working on making it better, they have given the closest thing to a press statement with that recent con footage that they knew they screwed up, and that they need to make good on this. If you try to base this game off how magic is done though, you already set yourself up for failure.

It sucks, the game will contiune on though, and more product will be available shortly. Now it's just a waiting game.

On 14/03/2017 at 0:01 AM, soviet prince said:

I am entitled to get what was promised just by being a ccg, which is what there supposed to be running with this game hence it being star wars destiny ccg. CCG'S are reliant on there being product to buy, ccgs are reliant on having a well run organized play with prizes that justify ppl spending so much on the game and driving out and playing in tourneys. If they don't want to do that then they can change the name to something else maybe like lcg(limied card game), you can not have chutes and ladders game packaged in a monopoly game board.

Sorry but I think you misunderstand the word 'entitled'. You are entitled to your opinion, however wrong it appears to be it is still yours and no one can take that away from you.

A CCG does not have to have regular releases to be a CCG, you have random distribution in the packs already released therefore it fits the CCG moniker, again I think this is another linguistic concept you appear to be struggling with.

This is supposed to be a hobby, you know something you do for fun. You are obviously not enjoying it so I suggest you find something that you actually do enjoy.

Why is it specifically magic people compare it to?

Magic is, without wanting to hurt any feelings, an out and out "Nerd" game - its seen by the general populace as being for a very specific type of geek with no social skills (which is ridiculous because it's a game that requires socialisation to play, but i digress.)

I'd compare it to Pokemon. Its a previously existing universe that people can recognise, and whilst they may consider it nerdy it doesn't look out of place on mainstream supermarket shelves.

To put it this way; they're selling the pokemon tcg at my local Morrisons. If Destiny did that too it'd sell. Magic might not.

55 minutes ago, Stu35 said:

Magic is, without wanting to hurt any feelings, an out and out "Nerd" game - its seen by the general populace as being for a very specific type of geek with no social skills (which is ridiculous because it's a game that requires socialisation to play, but i digress.)

Really!!!!!! Did you even think what you typed?? A lot of us here are magic players and not X-wing players. So trying to say we have no social skills if kind a.....F@#& it not worth getting banned here.

Hmmm, we're all here posting on a Star Wars CCG gaming thread, and Stu35 wants to single out some of us as nerds... I think we all got are nerd cards when we made our forum accounts.

58 minutes ago, bravo29 said:

Really!!!!!! Did you even think what you typed?? A lot of us here are magic players and not X-wing players. So trying to say we have no social skills if kind a.....F@#& it not worth getting banned here.

Dude, calm yourself. He said "seen by the general populace" as lacking social skills, then immediately disagreed with that statement.

That progressed quickly. And with that...


2 hours ago, bravo29 said:

Really!!!!!! Did you even think what you typed?? A lot of us here are magic players and not X-wing players. So trying to say we have no social skills if kind a.....F@#& it not worth getting banned here.

The excessive whining proves that there are magic players here

4 hours ago, bravo29 said:

Really!!!!!! Did you even think what you typed?? A lot of us here are magic players and not X-wing players. So trying to say we have no social skills if kind a.....F@#& it not worth getting banned here.

Learn to read.

3 hours ago, RookiePilot said:

Hmmm, we're all here posting on a Star Wars CCG gaming thread, and Stu35 wants to single out some of us as nerds... I think we all got are nerd cards when we made our forum accounts.

Learn to read.

5 hours ago, jiffk said:

Sorry but I think you misunderstand the word 'entitled'. You are entitled to your opinion, however wrong it appears to be it is still yours and no one can take that away from you.

A CCG does not have to have regular releases to be a CCG, you have random distribution in the packs already released therefore it fits the CCG moniker, again I think this is another linguistic concept you appear to be struggling with.

This is supposed to be a hobby, you know something you do for fun. You are obviously not enjoying it so I suggest you find something that you actually do enjoy.

Oh they found it and it's called WINNING! I'm surprised that they are even able to get the Internet from inside that bomb shelter. You know with the world ending and all

Edited by ozmodon

Sweet Jesus.

Umm, they are all nerdy games. I wouldn't call pokemon mainstream. It is clearly for children and gets creepy when people above a certain age play it, though I do realize people who grew up with it still play it but you grew out of the target demographic.

FFG is actually turning away from main channel retailers and focusing on game stores. This is a fairly resent shift so you won't be finding as many of their products at Walmart or the UK Walmart equivalent, not that they have product to sell at those places anyways.

I think the real problem is they are running out of Chinese to make their goods and the long shipping times hurt them. The US has 40% of its adult population which are unemployed, shipping is a hell of a lot faster, problems get solved a lot faster when you can just drive down to the factory, and since people are paying north of $150 a box for destiny right now, paying an extra dollar per pack for US made destiny isn't an issue. That whole prerelease problem they are having - a non-issue if made in the US. Yeah, prices will go up by just a little bit but a whole lot of problems get solved.

3 minutes ago, Mep said:

Umm, they are all nerdy games. I wouldn't call pokemon mainstream. It is clearly for children and gets creepy when people above a certain age play it, though I do realize people who grew up with it still play it but you grew out of the target demographic.

FFG is actually turning away from main channel retailers and focusing on game stores. This is a fairly resent shift so you won't be finding as many of their products at Walmart or the UK Walmart equivalent, not that they have product to sell at those places anyways.

I think the real problem is they are running out of Chinese to make their goods and the long shipping times hurt them. The US has 40% of its adult population which are unemployed, shipping is a hell of a lot faster, problems get solved a lot faster when you can just drive down to the factory, and since people are paying north of $150 a box for destiny right now, paying an extra dollar per pack for US made destiny isn't an issue. That whole prerelease problem they are having - a non-issue if made in the US. Yeah, prices will go up by just a little bit but a whole lot of problems get solved.

First of all, where on Earth did you get 40% from? Unemployment rate right now is hovering around 5%.

Second of all, manufacturing accounts for 8% of US economy. The infrastructure and experienced labor isn't there for making cards in the US. It's not like FFG can magically create a new factory with supply chains and a work force, even if they wanted to.

Third, and this is really the most important point here, this is a forum to debate strategy and analyze card spoilers. I don't think anybody wants this to devolve into socioeconomic policy discussions.

Okay, there are two very different numbers out there. One is the unemploy ment rate. These are people collecting unemployment benefits and/or using government services to find work. That number comes from the Department of Labor. That number does not and cannot contain the total number of people looking for employment or would want to be employed. It is simply the number the DoL knows about because its the number of people reported to them looking for work. The DoL is not clairvoyant and omniscient. It is not realistic for them to know about people they have never been in contact with. So the unemployment rate is an indicator of unemployed people looking for work. It is never an absolute number. People often and wrongly think it is.

Then there is the unemployed rate. This number comes from the IRS and that number is the percentage of working age adults who do not report wages as income but are included on the census. This is straight forward math and a number the IRS can know about. Now not all of the unemployed can or want work (early retired, disabled, stay a home care givers, students), though there are many people in that 40% who simply gave up on finding legitimate employment and found other ways to survive. People with a criminal record or with bad credit often fall into the, want to work but can't get a job, category (see also, ebay price gougers). If there were more jobs available, many of that 40% would be enticed to join the work force. The IRS is not clairvoyant and omniscient so they can not tell how many of that 4 in 10 people without a job would be willing to work if they had the opportunity to do so. However only having 60% of the working age adult population responsible for generating the entire economic output of the country is rather unrealistic and not maintainable without taking on huge amounts of debt. This is a huge problem for US right now.

People get these numbers confused all the time and simply don't understand how they are generated or what they even mean let alone the consequences.

FFG has just not so magically created a new factory for Destiny production, in China. They train the workers over there all the time. We have the same ability. We are not stupid or incapable of doing things. We actually do have a lot of infrastructure and make more all the time.

This particular topic is about the lack of supply for the SoR prelease, which was caused by FFG's production overseas and them simply not air mailing over enough product to actually host a reasonable amount of events. This problem is completely solved by domestic production. What this topic isn't about is strategy, spoilers or economic ignorance.

I will agree no one wants to talk about the economy, tax laws and overseas manufacturing capacity short falls here. It was however a very valid point about how FFG can solve their production problems. One they won't even look into, sadly.

I hope you don't mind indulging my curiosity here Mep, but what do you do for a living?