SoR Event is going to be very limited...

By ReaverRandall, in Star Wars: Destiny

Asmodee presentation at GAMA, video floating around. They basically acknowledged a massive screwup with the prerelease event. So the white knights can just sit down for a change.

They also said that the initial run was determined well before the preorders, which knocks down that little excuse, and that the print run was very, very large - to the point that they were freaking out a bit over the low preorders. So it looks like everyone got that one a little wrong, if in different ways.

Anyone know if any shops in the Spokane, WA area will be getting this??


13 minutes ago, Buhallin said:

Asmodee presentation at GAMA, video floating around. They basically acknowledged a massive screwup with the prerelease event. So the white knights can just sit down for a change.

They also said that the initial run was determined well before the preorders, which knocks down that little excuse, and that the print run was very, very large - to the point that they were freaking out a bit over the low preorders. So it looks like everyone got that one a little wrong, if in different ways.

Really interesting, thanks for sharing. I admire their candid reflection.

But I'm a little puzzled why, if they're prepared to be this honest at GAMA, they haven't said something along these lines sooner? Certainly the second part, which is basically a good problem to have.

5 minutes ago, ellhaynes said:

But I'm a little puzzled why, if they're prepared to be this honest at GAMA, they haven't said something along these lines sooner? Certainly the second part, which is basically a good problem to have.

FFG has never been good about sharing information with their customers. They basically seem to want as little to do with them as possible, and only through very controlled channels such as the customer support line. I think the audience for the presentation at GAMA was mostly shop owners, rather than average customers. I know it had a much different feel than, say, the GenCon presentations.

42 minutes ago, Mep said:

Yes, lets complain about the complainers complaining about the complaining.

I know, I know. The comment that irked me was aggressive and lewd. I don't take issue with a complaint or two. I do take issue with childlike mockery.

Companies in general say as little as they have to, especially in the internet age, where everything they say will be used against them.

Yes, the prerelease was clearly a screw up. No idea what they were thinking but droning on and on about it changes nothing. The earliest indications of this game's poor reception was from GenCon and people hating on it being a CCG. I was one of them and all my bitching didn't make this game an LCG. This game was on the boat when the preorders went out though clearly the lack of preorders was also a concern.

Also, the amount of destiny out there is a hell of out more than anything else FFG puts out, so I believe they made a huge print run for what they are use to even if it was smallish compared to something like Magic.

Edited by Mep
8 hours ago, ellhaynes said:

I feel for you - I'm in the exact same situation with my 9yr old. He loves Destiny, and we would like to follow the same purchase pattern - a few boosters every now and then. He even said that it wasn't fun if I went on eBay and bought singles for him, he wants the element of surprise that comes with opening a booster.

I've always accepted that I may not fit the main demographic of Destiny players, but it doesn't feel right that my son and I can't really enjoy Destiny at the most basic level - as a nice pick up game we can add to at low cost on an irregular basis.

I walk into hobby and comic stores, as well as gaming stores, and see CCG boosters for other games easily available. Just sucks that the prospects of being able to do that with Destiny any time soon are slim - and realistically, a 9yr kid will let his interests go elsewhere.

I've ended up massively over ordering for SOR, to ensure we get at least of the boosters, and also on the basis that I should be able to re-sell any unopened packs if I do actually receive everything I've ordered (an unlikely scenario). In effect I've made the situation worse by taking this approach, but I'm not sure there were any other options.

Hope you and your daughter stick with it - I've really enjoyed sharing the experience with my son - and let's hope customers like ourselves don't get completely squeezed out of the market.

Completely agreed. I'm enjoying the game with my 10-year old son, but it is difficult with the shortage. I have hope that it will end soon and plan on taking him to the preview event and (hopefully) that will be a good starting point for continued involvement. At this point, I'm giving the game some time to figure out it's growing pains. But...if after SoR issues are still unresolved...well, there are plenty of other fun activities to focus on.

4 hours ago, Buhallin said:

FFG has never been good about sharing information with their customers. They basically seem to want as little to do with them as possible, and only through very controlled channels such as the customer support line. I think the audience for the presentation at GAMA was mostly shop owners, rather than average customers. I know it had a much different feel than, say, the GenCon presentations.

Is this presentation available somewhere specific? It would be interesting to watch, just as the Team Covenant video posted on the forums was interesting to watch/listen to. Thanks!

16 hours ago, netherspirit1982 said:

That's not necessarily true.

Now, I'm not saying the way FFG is doing things right now is right, but there is something to be said for trying something different, trying to be a innovative in the CCG space.

"We've always done it this way." is when you become complacent and nothing changes.

Magic has been around a long time, that's true, they do things a certain way and it's been successful for them, but that doesn't mean that isn't another successful path a CCG can take.

well I don't think doing less is a good way to handle things

3 hours ago, Mep said:

Companies in general say as little as they have to, especially in the internet age, where everything they say will be used against them.

Yes, the prerelease was clearly a screw up. No idea what they were thinking but droning on and on about it changes nothing. The earliest indications of this game's poor reception was from GenCon and people hating on it being a CCG. I was one of them and all my bitching didn't make this game an LCG. This game was on the boat when the preorders went out though clearly the lack of preorders was also a concern.

Also, the amount of destiny out there is a hell of out more than anything else FFG puts out, so I believe they made a huge print run for what they are use to even if it was smallish compared to something like Magic.

all ccg companies I dealt with were very open on there dealings esp way more then ffg has been.

Looks like one location store is now running the event. So far, the only one close to my area...

16 hours ago, Impulse411 said:

Completely agreed. I'm enjoying the game with my 10-year old son, but it is difficult with the shortage. I have hope that it will end soon and plan on taking him to the preview event and (hopefully) that will be a good starting point for continued involvement. At this point, I'm giving the game some time to figure out it's growing pains. But...if after SoR issues are still unresolved...well, there are plenty of other fun activities to focus on.

Same with us. My daughter likes playing X-wing too. So if this doesn't have readily available product then we'll most likely find something else. Sad really, this would kill in a big box stores sitting next to Pokemon and Magic

Edited by mnguy12000
On 3/15/2017 at 1:24 AM, soviet prince said:

well I don't think doing less is a good way to handle things

I didn't say it was, all I was saying was there is room to do something new and different and not just the same thing that every other CCG does. You seem to be stuck in the mindset that since it's a CCG, it should be run like every other CCG out there, or more specifically Magic. I don't think that's necessarily true.

You're comparing a game that's been around for 20 years to one that's around 3 months old. The other game has had 20 years to develop and change (more than once) it's model. It's had 20 years to learn how it's player base works and thinks. It's had 20 years of sales data to look at when determining print runs.

Check out the link that Zordren posted above, they addressed quite a few concerns at GAMA this week.

On 3/14/2017 at 6:08 PM, Buhallin said:

Asmodee presentation at GAMA, video floating around. They basically acknowledged a massive screwup with the prerelease event. So the white knights can just sit down for a change.

They also said that the initial run was determined well before the preorders, which knocks down that little excuse, and that the print run was very, very large - to the point that they were freaking out a bit over the low preorders. So it looks like everyone got that one a little wrong, if in different ways.

What the low pre-order numbers did was make them not pull the trigger right away and order more Awakenings which they would have needed to do since they stated there is about a 6 month lead time from ordering product to getting it out to people.

My distributor stated:

Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate your request for a prerelease kit. We did not have a lot to allocate and it was very rough on my sales director who had to go through the list and attempt to allocate fairly.

Thanks and have a great day,

Needless to say, I'm loosing player interest.

So it seems we will not be carrying Destiny on our shelves.

Steven Crouch

Jubilee Games

Don't you mean... Steven Grouch... :o

5 hours ago, Croste said:

My distributor stated:

Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate your request for a prerelease kit. We did not have a lot to allocate and it was very rough on my sales director who had to go through the list and attempt to allocate fairly.

Thanks and have a great day,

Needless to say, I'm loosing player interest.

So it seems we will not be carrying Destiny on our shelves.

Steven Crouch

Jubilee Games

We'll see about that in 6 months when this product is hotter than ever. He can choose pride or money at that point. His loss.

On 3/14/2017 at 4:24 PM, ellhaynes said:

Really interesting, thanks for sharing. I admire their candid reflection.

But I'm a little puzzled why, if they're prepared to be this honest at GAMA, they haven't said something along these lines sooner? Certainly the second part, which is basically a good problem to have.

They said that they wanted to have their facts straight and everything moving in a positive way before announcing anything.

11 hours ago, netherspirit1982 said:

I didn't say it was, all I was saying was there is room to do something new and different and not just the same thing that every other CCG does. You seem to be stuck in the mindset that since it's a CCG, it should be run like every other CCG out there, or more specifically Magic. I don't think that's necessarily true.

You're comparing a game that's been around for 20 years to one that's around 3 months old. The other game has had 20 years to develop and change (more than once) it's model. It's had 20 years to learn how it's player base works and thinks. It's had 20 years of sales data to look at when determining print runs.

Check out the link that Zordren posted above, they addressed quite a few concerns at GAMA this week.

exactly they had been around for 20 years, why not learn and follow them

1 hour ago, soviet prince said:

Exactly they had been around for 20 years, why not learn and follow them.

They are, 20 years ago Magic was under printed and couldn't print their cards fast enough either. :P

Legends around here was only sold by the box, no opening them to sell individual boosters and at a 400% mark up and that was the third set released for Magic. So if they follow them we have quite a lot of painful releases ahead.

7 hours ago, Amanal said:

They are, 20 years ago Magic was under printed and couldn't print their cards fast enough either. :P

Legends around here was only sold by the box, no opening them to sell individual boosters and at a 400% mark up and that was the third set released for Magic. So if they follow them we have quite a lot of painful releases ahead.

that was 20 years ago now they got 20 years worth of information to go on

1 hour ago, soviet prince said:

that was 20 years ago now they got 20 years worth of information to go on

You never base your model off another games success, especially when the the initial reactions were poor. They can learn from this and correct it now though.

3 hours ago, soviet prince said:

that was 20 years ago now they got 20 years worth of information to go on

I wish, but I have been playing destiny for 4 months, not 20 years.

12 hours ago, soviet prince said:

exactly they had been around for 20 years, why not learn and follow them

So we get another Magic clone that's dead in a year or two? No, thanks.

Production and distribution issues have been addressed and should be improved going forward. That is everyone's main concern at the moment.

What exactly do you want them to follow?

magic has not been around for 20 years for no reasion