SoR Event is going to be very limited...

By ReaverRandall, in Star Wars: Destiny

5 hours ago, soviet prince said:

I think I have been civil enough but now the %^&* sucking is getting to a frustrating point, I mean you all let them get by with anything and everything even if they feed you all cow $hit you would thank them for it. I will enjoy this game how I want to and I will keep posting what I want no matter how much you all preach the scripture to me on how I am greedy and selfish for wanting the game I invested my time and money into to be ran like an actual ccg and not the half ass way there doing it now.

This is Not an LCG, board game, or chess this is a ccg and needs to be treated as a ccg or they need to change the title so players won't expect it to be treated like one. It's clear that you all ( the worshipers ) don't know the difference between a ccg and an lcg.

I expect them to provide enough content so I actually have ppl to play and compete against, and I expect at least a decent toruney and prize program which all ccg's have, I expect them to actually care what players want and not have a policy of print one and after that tough ****.

I think the answer is pretty obvious -- play something else.

Doesn't sound like this game is for you, and FFG has already laid our their plan just so folks like you can see what's coming.

You're not liking it isn't going to make them change. If anything is going to, it's going to have to come from your end.

Of course, keep posting how you want, just don't be surprised if you're treated like a petulant child in response.

There there, Soviet. There there.

9 hours ago, soviet prince said:

This is Not an LCG, board game, or chess this is a ccg and needs to be treated as a ccg or they need to change the title so players won't expect it to be treated like one. It's clear that you all ( the worshipers ) don't know the difference between a ccg and an lcg.

Well technically, this is not a CCG either. It's a CDCG. There's dice involved, and they are not as easy and cheap to print as cards.

Edited by Red Castle
12 hours ago, Amanal said:

You are right on the card count, we don't know how many cards will be in the next set or the reprint. It is clear from the re-print announcement that FFG wanted to keep some of the details to themselves as there are some operational factors that they didn't want communicated. This has sadly meant that there are details that are either not being communicated or being communicated in a very unclear manner.

We have elsewhere the claim that they have a second factory on line so have double the production capacity. This to me seems reasonable. We also have in their statement that they have gone from 3 expansions to 2, thus allowing 4 months on each card set rather than 3. Which will add 33% extra to what can be produced. So FFG has increased their capacity to produce by about 250% of what they had originally, through longer production cycles and more production.

Take from the announcement what you will. I think Destiny and SoR will be about 150-200% in size as the changes take effect and our November/December Expansion may benefit from the full 250% increase. Which may need some further adjustments made in the 4 months it is in production by adding more plant and labour.

FFG's announcement has in essence said that they are solving the problem, within their capacity to do so. I don't think the operational detail on how this will be achieved is something I as a consumer deserve.

That still wont be enough.

Now that people know how popular, and how valuable, the stuff in Destiny is the Scalpers will be buyin 2-3 times what they did before. Meaning just doubling or tripling your print runs will NOT fix the issue. What they need to do at minimum is produce 5 times as much, and if they want to guarantee to fix the issue and eliminate scalpers 10 times.

13 hours ago, soviet prince said:

I think I have been civil enough but now the %^&* sucking is getting to a frustrating point, I mean you all let them get by with anything and everything even if they feed you all cow $hit you would thank them for it. I will enjoy this game how I want to and I will keep posting what I want no matter how much you all preach the scripture to me on how I am greedy and selfish for wanting the game I invested my time and money into to be ran like an actual ccg and not the half ass way there doing it now.

This is Not an LCG, board game, or chess this is a ccg and needs to be treated as a ccg or they need to change the title so players won't expect it to be treated like one. It's clear that you all ( the worshipers ) don't know the difference between a ccg and an lcg.

I expect them to provide enough content so I actually have ppl to play and compete against, and I expect at least a decent toruney and prize program which all ccg's have, I expect them to actually care what players want and not have a policy of print one and after that tough ****.

I get where you're coming from, and I am truly sorry you feel so frustrated with FFG, it must suck big time to be so passionate about something that isn't delivering what you want it to.

That said, I feel like the boards have been spammed a lot with these kinds of threads and that is really discouraging for people who just want to read some stuff about the game and have a good time.

I fully expected FFG to drop the ball immidiatly on Destiny, which was why I was reluctant to buy into it in the first place. The Jabbas Realm wait in IA and several delayed, postponed and dragged out other releases from the company has taught me that they are very good at making high quality fun games, but they're not particularly good at meeting deadlines or making enough product to meet the demand. (Check out Boba Fett in IA)

Now, I agree that it sucks that there isn't enough cards to go around, but we as consumers can really only do two things. A) wait it out and see what happens or B) vote with our money and take our business elsewhere.

You want FFG to 'treat this game as a CCG' whatever that means, and from your posts you come of as if you really believe that you have certain rights or anything to say in the matter. Sadly you do not and FFG does not care about your posts telling them how to do business. The only thing you might achieve is scaring away interested new or coming players, because if these are the forums they visit to check things out, they will most certainly go somewhere else to spend their money and their time.

Other than that you also obstruct what little community feeling we have here with your negativity. I understand what you're saying, but nobody really cares that you think FFG is doing a poor job and those few who do know this already.

This is coming of as an attack against sovietprince, and I'm sorry to use you as an example, there are many posters with this attitude because there are many frustrated players. But please, take that frustration somewhere else and let the rest of us enjoy the game and the forums.

Or don't, it's just getting old.

23 minutes ago, sejestephan said:

But please, take that frustration somewhere else and let the rest of us enjoy the game and the forums.

Or don't, it's just getting old.

Why don't you take it somewhere else? I'm sure you could start a new forum and have a purity test that people could pass before they're allowed to post. You could even start with a purely positive discussion of why FFG won't play thought police on their own forums, reducing them to a disastrous cesspool of differing opinions that people just won't change!!

5 minutes ago, Buhallin said:

Why don't you take it somewhere else? I'm sure you could start a new forum and have a purity test that people could pass before they're allowed to post. You could even start with a purely positive discussion of why FFG won't play thought police on their own forums, reducing them to a disastrous cesspool of differing opinions that people just won't change!!

More arguing and negativity. Your trademark is consistent.

So turns out we didn't get it. Between our two local distributors they got a total of 5 kits for the area, and due to us only getting in during the final wave of the first Awakenings run we didn't qualify to get one yet. Oh well. Hopefully the actual print run will be early May

28 minutes ago, Buhallin said:

Why don't you take it somewhere else? I'm sure you could start a new forum and have a purity test that people could pass before they're allowed to post. You could even start with a purely positive discussion of why FFG won't play thought police on their own forums, reducing them to a disastrous cesspool of differing opinions that people just won't change!!

All things in moderation. A little complaining is necessary and even a good thing when things go south. We are well into the beating a dead horse stage on this topic.

Its the continuous complaining on a topic that's been rehashed for the last 2 months. At this point FFG knows about the problem and have even given us a vague (possibly too vague) plan to fix it.

I would hope we could call a truce and take a wait and see attitude until we find out if their fix worked. If it didn't there will be plenty of opportunities to complain about that and in the beginning it may even prove productive.

Edit: I'm speaking complaining about shortages in general as their fix was in regards to SoR, the Awakenings reprint and sets moving forward.

Edited by Starbane
14 hours ago, jiffk said:

There's a definite culture in a lot of FFG games communities that borderlines and professionalism. I don't mean this in a good way. There's such an air of self intitlement in a lot of gamers in general, I think people assume that FFG owe them more for the time they've spent playing already as if they are building towards something.

Too many people focusing on testing or practice games as if they're training for a profession, rather than just playing the games in the first place.

Posting vitriol about FFG after you've played your 100th game of destiny for not constantly feeding you with entertainment at your whim seems rather impudent.

Please remember this is a game, not a profession, or a way of life.

I am entitled to get what was promised just by being a ccg, which is what there supposed to be running with this game hence it being star wars destiny ccg. CCG'S are reliant on there being product to buy, ccgs are reliant on having a well run organized play with prizes that justify ppl spending so much on the game and driving out and playing in tourneys. If they don't want to do that then they can change the name to something else maybe like lcg(limied card game), you can not have chutes and ladders game packaged in a monopoly game board.

FFG is dropping the ball all over the place when it comes to releases. Whoever is in charge of forecasting for FFG needs to be FIRED! Whoever thought having a SUPER LIMITED prerelease was a good idea, should be FIRED! The person in charge of customer relations needs to be FIRED! This thread wouldn't be 6 pages long if FFG didn't do a "prerelease." And by having a super limited secret squirrel type prerelease gives me no indication that FFG will have their forecasting corrected in time for the SOR release. Of course no one knows what is going to happen on the release and I hope, I REALLY HOPE, FFG will, for ONCE, get it right. They have a great opportunity to break into the CCG market and have some staying power, especially since Standard MTG is in the toilet. The stars couldn't be more aligned for them to succeed. If they don't, by screwing up the forecast, they have them selves to blame.

The ball is in your court FFG, DON'T CHOKE!!!

All I read....WWWAAAAHHHHHH!! Boohoo...woah is me.

If you dont like it, go spend your money on something else.


1 hour ago, Frydaddy said:

FFG is dropping the ball all over the place when it comes to releases.

Except this is not a release but a preview special event.

My past experience here was that FFG takes delivery of a small quantity of product via air freight and sends it out. The cost of prize kits and card boxes will be born by the stores and the players who buy boosters, FFG took the hit on the Air Freight last time they did this. So how FFG distribute the quantity of kits they have and in what priority is pretty much up to them. It's like the acrylic cards or the fun cards they did by taking a player photo and printing a card with say the text from Jabba, Rey or Kylo. Not everyone gets them.

This is not a pre-release, as far as I can tell, that will perhaps follow in two weeks or so on the 15/16th April with general release of the cards a week or two later on the 21/28th April or early May as Pedro and his mates in shipping can get the booster boxes into the stores.

1 hour ago, HoodieDM said:

If you dont like it, go spend your money on something else.

They have to spend their money on other stuff. Not much Destiny around to buy is there?

You got yours, to hell with those that can't.

"Who gives a $h!+ if you can't find Destiny." I don't know if it's your intent, but that's what it sounds like you're telling would-be or want to be fellow players. Most of which would prove to be good opponents and provide you excellent games, judging by their passion for the same game you're passionate about.

Edited by anthemius

Might we tame the vulgarity and sexual innuendo? The same points can be made in a much more civil manner. These forums are not restricted to adults, you know.

14 hours ago, ArbitraryNerd said:

I think the answer is pretty obvious -- play something else.

Doesn't sound like this game is for you, and FFG has already laid our their plan just so folks like you can see what's coming.

You're not liking it isn't going to make them change. If anything is going to, it's going to have to come from your end.

Of course, keep posting how you want, just don't be surprised if you're treated like a petulant child in response.

There there, Soviet. There there.

I agree, go play something else. This is not Magic and no amount of whining is going to make it become Magic. All the winning is doing is driving people away from these forms. The thing that sickens me is how they pretend to speaking for others, while outright attacking those who show even a glimmer of hope.

1 hour ago, anthemius said:

They have to spend their money on other stuff. Not much Destiny around to buy is there?

You got yours, to hell with those that can't.

"Who gives a $h!+ if you can't find Destiny." I don't know if it's your intent, but that's what it sounds like you're telling would-be or want to be fellow players. Most of which would prove to be good opponents and provide you excellent games, judging by their passion for the same game you're passionate about.

Sounds to me like he's saying shut the f........ winning up Already and get the F..... out if you don't like it! But hey some people just can't take a hint.

7 hours ago, HoodieDM said:

All I read....WWWAAAAHHHHHH!! Boohoo...woah is me.

If you dont like it, go spend your money on something else.


wow we got a real mature one here, it has nothing to do with me I got 2 of everything.It has to do with everyone else that wants to play and can't

4 hours ago, ozmodon said:

I agree, go play something else. This is not Magic and no amount of whining is going to make it become Magic. All the winning is doing is driving people away from these forms. The thing that sickens me is how they pretend to speaking for others, while outright attacking those who show even a glimmer of hope.

it not being magic is irreverent, but it is a ccg model game and needs to run like one if they expect this game to grow.

3 hours ago, soviet prince said:

it not being magic is irreverent, but it is a ccg model game and needs to run like one if they expect this game to grow.

That's not necessarily true.

Now, I'm not saying the way FFG is doing things right now is right, but there is something to be said for trying something different, trying to be a innovative in the CCG space.

"We've always done it this way." is when you become complacent and nothing changes.

Magic has been around a long time, that's true, they do things a certain way and it's been successful for them, but that doesn't mean that isn't another successful path a CCG can take.

Edited by netherspirit1982
4 hours ago, soviet prince said:

wow we got a real mature one here, it has nothing to do with me I got 2 of everything.It has to do with everyone else that wants to play and can't

it not being magic is irreverent, but it is a ccg model game and needs to run like one if they expect this game to grow.

Im not the one bitching and whinning on a forum. If you have a complaint, call their customer service!! If you dont like the way they handle your "suggestions" then dont support them!! Simple logic. If you dont like something then DO something about it. Dont sit idealy behind a computer and play keyboard hero. ******* people now a days are ******* lazy and think their opinion is entitled for everyone. Sure you can say my statements are an opinion too, but at the end of the day, at least im trying to encourage people to stop complaining about a game and do something about it. Hell you can do most of this from the comforts of your own home still for all those people with social anxieties!! (Which makes no sense youre even playing a social game to begin with) Oh the irony!!!!!


AS a new player with a child who is 10, that plays pokemon and collects the cards, I thought this would be a great way to expand her gaming into something a little more challenging then Pokemon. While we have tried and played the game a few times I feel FFG has missed the boat by not having this available mainstream. Heck I can't even get it at FFG headquarters.

I purchased each starter, then got two more for Christmas not knowing my wife picked it up for me. I also was able to buy 4 boosters with the initial buy on launch day. That's it. I am not they type of player who wants to buy boxes, and play in tourneys. I want to be able to go to Target/Wal-Mart and just pick up a booster like we can do for Pokemon now.

I understand how the game has die and upgrade that are faction specific and that makes booster buying pretty useless IMHO for casuals like myself. Heck the out of 4 boosters I got only a couple are actually usable, rest I already have because of the starter decks, or are a different faction.

I think moving forward for me to buy into the game, it needs to be READILY available. That means I can go to FFG's OWN store and get a booster or two ANYTIME. I realize BBRs are not likely this early but I just don't understand why they are running such limited print runs.

So I signed up for 4. One Saturday night and 3 on Sunday. Still waiting to hear from another LGS.

4 hours ago, mnguy12000 said:

AS a new player with a child who is 10, that plays pokemon and collects the cards, I thought this would be a great way to expand her gaming into something a little more challenging then Pokemon.

I am not they type of player who wants to buy boxes, and play in tourneys. I want to be able to go to Target/Wal-Mart and just pick up a booster like we can do for Pokemon now.

I feel for you - I'm in the exact same situation with my 9yr old. He loves Destiny, and we would like to follow the same purchase pattern - a few boosters every now and then. He even said that it wasn't fun if I went on eBay and bought singles for him, he wants the element of surprise that comes with opening a booster.

I've always accepted that I may not fit the main demographic of Destiny players, but it doesn't feel right that my son and I can't really enjoy Destiny at the most basic level - as a nice pick up game we can add to at low cost on an irregular basis.

I walk into hobby and comic stores, as well as gaming stores, and see CCG boosters for other games easily available. Just sucks that the prospects of being able to do that with Destiny any time soon are slim - and realistically, a 9yr kid will let his interests go elsewhere.

I've ended up massively over ordering for SOR, to ensure we get at least of the boosters, and also on the basis that I should be able to re-sell any unopened packs if I do actually receive everything I've ordered (an unlikely scenario). In effect I've made the situation worse by taking this approach, but I'm not sure there were any other options.

Hope you and your daughter stick with it - I've really enjoyed sharing the experience with my son - and let's hope customers like ourselves don't get completely squeezed out of the market.

5 hours ago, HoodieDM said:

Im not the one bitching and whinning on a forum. If you have a (...)

Except, you are. Mocking those who amiably express their frustration with the lack of product online is just as much "whinning" as the complaint itself.

Players can't find product for a game that they enjoy and are frustrated. Calling FFG's customer service isn't going to make product appear in the player's local store. They could elect to quit playing and not support FFG (as some have), but there are many who are just expressing their frustration - not genuinely wishing financial ruin for FFG. Those players like the game and want to support the game, but are simply frustrated with supply issues and want to talk about it. You are playing the keyboard (anti-) hero much more passionately then those simply expressing their frustration.

You speak of irony, but yours is the most ironic of any post in this thread.

Yes, lets complain about the complainers complaining about the complaining.

FFG has a hit on their hands and all indicators before the game released indicated it wouldn't be a hit. This created the current problem. The complaints have been logged. Action has been taken. Further whining about it won't change anything. It just adds more "I CAN"T BUY IT!" spam and frankly, just wastes your time posting it.

Save all that energy and frustration for June when SoR and the Awakening reprint are sold out. Whining now won't get them to contract out another factory but then it probably will.

18 hours ago, RookiePilot said:

Might we tame the vulgarity and sexual innuendo? The same points can be made in a much more civil manner. These forums are not restricted to adults, you know.

This is very true. Reading some of these posts, it is clear there are many children here.