SoR Event is going to be very limited...

By ReaverRandall, in Star Wars: Destiny

Cool. You know, it suddenly dawns on me that you haven't really talked about much else yourself (except to be deliberately contrary whenever I post). Why don't you model being a good internet citizen for me and create a strategy or deck building thread, hmm?

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Just posted the team covenant pod cast and them stating the rotation is every two years. Ball in your court.

1 hour ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

You didn't quote anyone, it didn't seem like you were responding to the poster immediately above you, and I scrolled up and still don't see anyone saying that Destiny isn't popular. The conversation was mostly about whether or not being sold out / unable to obtain preview kits is an indication of poor decision making on FFG's part, and then you posted the link. I'm not offended, it just didn't seem like there was a more relevant post that you were referring to.

What are you talking about?

The post of mine you responded to quoted GamerGuy1984. In that post I referenced the initial post that I responded to with the sales rankings link, which was a post made by Soview Prince. I quoted his post within the post containing the link.

Is there some issue with your display that isn't showing when someone quotes another post? Do you have people on ignore perhaps?

I posted the link in response to this post:

" sold out don't really mean nothing I can sell out of cards as well but only had stock of 2 in the first place"

It was that post I was responding to with that link. It was that post asserting that Destiny did not sell well, just sold out because of very limited stock. I'm confused as to how this is unclear to you.

It does appear that you were originally talking to soviet prince, I apologize. I haven't been keeping track of his previous posts, so it felt like the link you provided was in response to my earlier comment about data.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

I've been able to sign up for two of these without much trouble and I'm waiting on two more stores that are confirmed to be running it to see what their time slots are.

8 hours ago, Mep said:

Hey now, it's all about the sWAAAGH.

Game has been out 3 months. Can't judge or come to conclusions about anything other than it sold out. A year from now you can start ranking it and deciding if it is going to over take this or that game.

yes I can, and from what I hear lack if supply is not a new thing for this company.

7 hours ago, Mep said:

It wouldn't be worth anything at this point since you are just trolling these forums with the same repeated negativity. You are upset about the supply issues, you've made that clear in just about every topic in this forum. We get it and FFG knows. If you think it is that bad, move on already. Just about all new products that are successful have supply issues. They stated their plans on the supply and put their plans in motion. It doesn't need to be reexamined until June when we will find out if they succeeded getting the supply up or not and certainly not several times a day in almost every topic posted here especially when you offer nothing new or anything of substance. A good olive branch would be to stop all the spam trolling and I'll stop being grumpy about it.

all good games don't have supply issues, I played lots of tcg's and ccgs in past and this is the first time this has happened. Yes they stated there plains which read were printing it one more time and if this dont solve it to bad.

On 10. marts 2017 at 2:28 AM, soviet prince said:

some ppl will praise them no matter what they do, if you can't see the problem now your delusional putting your fingers in your ears refusing to see whats right in front of you.

But what is the point of complainting? Will more cards magically appear if you sabotage ever single thread with your incessive whining and bitching over lack of product and how horrid FFG are because they haven't made enough for everyone?

You have no 'right' to cards, you can't demand that they produce more stuff just because you want it. It's fine that you do want cards and want your friends to have cards, but you're not getting them if you just scream loud enough at FFG. You'll likely get them when they're ready. Not a second before.

People on these forums seem to think they're inclined to get cards, as if it's some sort of human right to get them also everybody seems to know much more about how to run a business than FFG. It's arrogant, childish and spoiled. What could you possibly hope to accomplish with these posts?

Patience is a virtue, and it seems several forum goes aren't particularly virtious.

Edited by sejestephan

I invested my money in this game and I have the right to demand it's not run into the ground by an company that does not know what it is doing. If no one complained nothing would change if they felt they can continue to half ass it and no one complained they keep half assing it .

Investment? this is a hobby, not a retirement plan.

19 minutes ago, JediGeekGirl said:

Investment? this is a hobby, not a retirement plan.

Awwww, and I was hoping to become independently wealthy and game my children out of the will. :rolleyes:

3 hours ago, sejestephan said:

But what is the point of complainting? Will more cards magically appear if you sabotage ever single thread with your incessive whining and bitching over lack of product and how horrid FFG are because they haven't made enough for everyone?

You have no 'right' to cards, you can't demand that they produce more stuff just because you want it. It's fine that you do want cards and want your friends to have cards, but you're not getting them if you just scream loud enough at FFG. You'll likely get them when they're ready. Not a second before.

People on these forums seem to think they're inclined to get cards, as if it's some sort of human right to get them also everybody seems to know much more about how to run a business than FFG. It's arrogant, childish and spoiled. What could you possibly hope to accomplish with these posts?

Patience is a virtue, and it seems several forum goes aren't particularly virtious.

The point is to tell FFG they need to fix things. What they have offered is more platatudes than Fixes. "We will print more Awakenings", well HOW much more? Another run the same size wont help. If they simply said they where printing 10x the Awakening as the initial run, and that much of SoR nobody would have an issue. But saying more is coming but not knowing if its 10x or 1.5x times help to convince people you are printing enough.

1 minute ago, Amanal said:

Awwww, and I was hoping to become independently wealthy and game my children out of the will. :rolleyes:

It's not football season so the armchair quarterbacks had to land somewhere. I bet the Magic forms are relieved they moved on

25 minutes ago, JediGeekGirl said:

Investment? this is a hobby, not a retirement plan.

Investment as in the time to play and build decks, the effort to get leagues going. Investment is not exclusive to money but anything of value, which to many time is MORE valuable than money.

46 minutes ago, soviet prince said:

I invested my money in this game and I have the right to demand it's not run into the ground by an company that does not know what it is doing. If no one complained nothing would change if they felt they can continue to half ass it and no one complained they keep half assing it .

No. You do not.

They could cancel the game tomorrow if they'd like to, and you wouldn't be able to do squat about it. You have no right. You bought their stuff, didn't turn out like you wanted it to. Sucks being you.

2 minutes ago, GamerGuy1984 said:

Investment as in the time to play and build decks, the effort to get leagues going. Investment is not exclusive to money but anything of value, which to many time is MORE valuable than money.

true that

1 minute ago, sejestephan said:

No. You do not.

They could cancel the game tomorrow if they'd like to, and you wouldn't be able to do squat about it. You have no right. You bought their stuff, didn't turn out like you wanted it to. Sucks being you.

So we have no right to express our issues with how they handle the game? You are right they can cancel it tomorrow if they want. Doesnt me i cant say they have done a less than stellar performance on dealing with issues or easing worries of the community. When a company makes mistake after mistake with a product it tends to indicate a trend.

Every game ive seen that had issues that then righted themselves was because people in mass brought the issues up till they where fixed.

1 hour ago, GamerGuy1984 said:

The point is to tell FFG they need to fix things.

You are right on the card count, we don't know how many cards will be in the next set or the reprint. It is clear from the re-print announcement that FFG wanted to keep some of the details to themselves as there are some operational factors that they didn't want communicated. This has sadly meant that there are details that are either not being communicated or being communicated in a very unclear manner.

We have elsewhere the claim that they have a second factory on line so have double the production capacity. This to me seems reasonable. We also have in their statement that they have gone from 3 expansions to 2, thus allowing 4 months on each card set rather than 3. Which will add 33% extra to what can be produced. So FFG has increased their capacity to produce by about 250% of what they had originally, through longer production cycles and more production.

Take from the announcement what you will. I think Destiny and SoR will be about 150-200% in size as the changes take effect and our November/December Expansion may benefit from the full 250% increase. Which may need some further adjustments made in the 4 months it is in production by adding more plant and labour.

FFG's announcement has in essence said that they are solving the problem, within their capacity to do so. I don't think the operational detail on how this will be achieved is something I as a consumer deserve.

For all of you who think you can do better would you, for the sake of all that is good, either purchase the rights for Destiny from Asmodee or start your own business and do better all the while pumping out more than a handful of solid games. No, really, Destiny is not the only game that FFG/Asmodee is handling and it is not their sole purpose in life to make sure they produce enough for everyone to get it that wants it. While I am for sure they wish this was the case it is not and as a business you have to keep going forward.

I understand the worry about getting product, being upset that you can not get product and/or wishing that the game would grow but feel it will not because of lack of product. I, to some degree, do as well however at the end of the day this is just a game. While I really, really enjoy Destiny and the dice rolling and card playing at the end of the day I can walk away and be happy with what I played. As a matter of fact I am more than happy with this set but I can see myself jumping off by the third set just because I feel I will have enough to keep me happy for years to come.

No company owes me anything nor in turn do I owe them anything. This includes releasing more information than said company has and/or wishes to release. Bottom line, you do not like the way FFG/Asmodee handles their business you have the right to take your business elsewhere.

Enough of you that use these forums as a place to vent and carry on MOST of you have either made the comment(s) or at the very least have read the comment(s) that this is how FFG does things. Game after game you have seen this done and have said it yourself that this the way FFG does things. So with that in mind why are you here carrying on like you expected this to change and so surprised that it didn't? Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

What is sad is how much time you have invested in making so many negative comments/post about a game. Carrying on about how a company OWES you an explanation (or whatever else you think they owe you) and demanding that they answer to you. Once again, want to make your voice heard loud and clear, stop buying their titles. I know they make more than Destiny but if dislike how FFG runs their business (or any business runs their business) you will speak loudest with taking your money elsewhere.

Destiny is far from dead and just because you deem it so I think you need to look at how it is Sold Out and how supply and demand work. As I said from the start I do wish that there was more product for those who want it so everyone can play however FFG has stated what they were doing and made it clear as to how they are going to go forward with Destiny. It is up to you to decide how you wish to spend your money and what games to play. While Destiny may look like a HUGE hit to us how much of a profit is it for them? Like it or not there are other factors into making games and I bet you FFG knows a thing or two about making a solid game...just sayin'.

Enjoy Destiny for what it is, a game. If you have found yourself at a huge loss of income because of Destiny, welcome to the world of gaming. If said loss has put your world into a tail spin and you are hanging on by a thread, you might want to stop gaming and pay bills, that is a game that never ends. Many of us love this hobby but that is what it is, a hobby and something we do for fun. If a title is sold out and/or limited supply, we find another game to play, trust me, there are plenty out there. But at the end of the day if you have friends to play games with, food on your table, and a job to go to you are at a place that a many today find themselves wishing to be at.

Do not mean to turn this so serious however it is a known fact that this is a hobby and while we love it, it does not pay the bills (OK maybe for a few...very few) nor does it last forever. Look at how many games, good games, have fallen to the side because of one reason or another. Games come and go and the reasons are to many to list. Have fun with said title and treat one another with kindness and respect. We are all in this hobby together and we do it because we are passionate about our hobby.

Edited by johnwiser


4 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:


I agree, and regardless of you agreeing or disagreeing with his opinion, such passion is nice to see.

I'm not sure I agree with you agreeing with me either agreeing or disagreeing.

10 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I'm not sure I agree with you agreeing with me either agreeing or disagreeing.

I learned a long time ago, regardless of us agreeing or not, you and I (and everyone in said discussion) all want to see the game thrive and prosper. As such even though we may have differences of opinion, our passion is to see the game do well.

Of course in 4-6 weeks time when we start discussing decks, spoiled cards and dice and all, it may be far less emotionally charged and far more fun for all.

6 hours ago, sejestephan said:

No. You do not.

They could cancel the game tomorrow if they'd like to, and you wouldn't be able to do squat about it. You have no right. You bought their stuff, didn't turn out like you wanted it to. Sucks being you.

1 hour ago, johnwiser said:

For all of you who think you can do better would you, for the sake of all that is good, either purchase the rights for Destiny from Asmodee or start your own business and do better all the while pumping out more than a handful of solid games. No, really, Destiny is not the only game that FFG/Asmodee is handling and it is not their sole purpose in life to make sure they produce enough for everyone to get it that wants it. While I am for sure they wish this was the case it is not and as a business you have to keep going forward.

I understand the worry about getting product, being upset that you can not get product and/or wishing that the game would grow but feel it will not because of lack of product. I, to some degree, do as well however at the end of the day this is just a game. While I really, really enjoy Destiny and the dice rolling and card playing at the end of the day I can walk away and be happy with what I played. As a matter of fact I am more than happy with this set but I can see myself jumping off by the third set just because I feel I will have enough to keep me happy for years to come.

No company owes me anything nor in turn do I owe them anything. This includes releasing more information than said company has and/or wishes to release. Bottom line, you do not like the way FFG/Asmodee handles their business you have the right to take your business elsewhere.

Enough of you that use these forums as a place to vent and carry on MOST of you have either made the comment(s) or at the very least have read the comment(s) that this is how FFG does things. Game after game you have seen this done and have said it yourself that this the way FFG does things. So with that in mind why are you here carrying on like you expected this to change and so surprised that it didn't? Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

What is sad is how much time you have invested in making so many negative comments/post about a game. Carrying on about how a company OWES you an explanation (or whatever else you think they owe you) and demanding that they answer to you. Once again, want to make your voice heard loud and clear, stop buying their titles. I know they make more than Destiny but if dislike how FFG runs their business (or any business runs their business) you will speak loudest with taking your money elsewhere.

Destiny is far from dead and just because you deem it so I think you need to look at how it is Sold Out and how supply and demand work. As I said from the start I do wish that there was more product for those who want it so everyone can play however FFG has stated what they were doing and made it clear as to how they are going to go forward with Destiny. It is up to you to decide how you wish to spend your money and what games to play. While Destiny may look like a HUGE hit to us how much of a profit is it for them? Like it or not there are other factors into making games and I bet you FFG knows a thing or two about making a solid game...just sayin'.

Enjoy Destiny for what it is, a game. If you have found yourself at a huge loss of income because of Destiny, welcome to the world of gaming. If said loss has put your world into a tail spin and you are hanging on by a thread, you might want to stop gaming and pay bills, that is a game that never ends. Many of us love this hobby but that is what it is, a hobby and something we do for fun. If a title is sold out and/or limited supply, we find another game to play, trust me, there are plenty out there. But at the end of the day if you have friends to play games with, food on your table, and a job to go to you are at a place that a many today find themselves wishing to be at.

Do not mean to turn this so serious however it is a known fact that this is a hobby and while we love it, it does not pay the bills (OK maybe for a few...very few) nor does it last forever. Look at how many games, good games, have fallen to the side because of one reason or another. Games come and go and the reasons are to many to list. Have fun with said title and treat one another with kindness and respect. We are all in this hobby together and we do it because we are passionate about our hobby.

I think I have been civil enough but now the %^&* sucking is getting to a frustrating point, I mean you all let them get by with anything and everything even if they feed you all cow $hit you would thank them for it. I will enjoy this game how I want to and I will keep posting what I want no matter how much you all preach the scripture to me on how I am greedy and selfish for wanting the game I invested my time and money into to be ran like an actual ccg and not the half ass way there doing it now.

This is Not an LCG, board game, or chess this is a ccg and needs to be treated as a ccg or they need to change the title so players won't expect it to be treated like one. It's clear that you all ( the worshipers ) don't know the difference between a ccg and an lcg.

I expect them to provide enough content so I actually have ppl to play and compete against, and I expect at least a decent toruney and prize program which all ccg's have, I expect them to actually care what players want and not have a policy of print one and after that tough ****.

There's a definite culture in a lot of FFG games communities that borderlines and professionalism. I don't mean this in a good way. There's such an air of self intitlement in a lot of gamers in general, I think people assume that FFG owe them more for the time they've spent playing already as if they are building towards something.

Too many people focusing on testing or practice games as if they're training for a profession, rather than just playing the games in the first place.

Posting vitriol about FFG after you've played your 100th game of destiny for not constantly feeding you with entertainment at your whim seems rather impudent.

Please remember this is a game, not a profession, or a way of life.

Edited by jiffk

I especially love how eight paragraphs of insult-laden ranting ends with "Treat each other with respect".