SoR Event is going to be very limited...

By ReaverRandall, in Star Wars: Destiny

They're celebrating the fact that people want to throw money at them and they have nothing to offer in return? Might want to remember why they're sold out in the first place - demand is only half of the equation.

3 hours ago, GrandMoffMatt said:

I don't even want to think of the scalper price for these either. And these won't even have dice with them!

well unless you get one of the cards in a pack.

Just think of the stores who claim that they aren't going to get it just so they can sell the singles on ebay

Edited by ozmodon
5 hours ago, Mep said:

Observations is what provides data for decisions. The words "sold out" and "poor decisions" don't actually go together all that much. While we are complaining about the game being sold out, they are celebrating their success.

sold out don't really mean nothing I can sell out of cards as well but only had stock of 2 in the first place

I got three boxes myself. They made a lot of the game and sold out in a hurry. They are very happy about this. They even get to do a reprint which will sell out in a few days after that is released. They don't feel like failures just because you are frustrated.

Just heard from a second store that they will not be running it. Both are considered major gaming stores in the area, so they were some of the best hopes.

Still tracking it down.

I live in a small town in the north of England and I have 2 stores within 10 miles of each other that are running the pre release. Also they are taking bookings for the event to make sure that those who get in are guaranteed the good stuff. I don't know if it's good management on their part or a better distribution model in the UK.

11 hours ago, soviet prince said:

sold out don't really mean nothing I can sell out of cards as well but only had stock of 2 in the first place

Destiny, with just one set and one month of sales, is #4 in collectible games overall (despite no mass-retailer sales). Only behind MtG, Pokemon, and Yugi-oh.

So you can stop with your #AlternativeFacts on the subject.

2 minutes ago, ScottieATF said:

Destiny, with just one set and one month of sales, is #4 in collectible games overall (despite no mass-retailer sales). Only behind MtG, Pokemon, and Yugi-oh.

So you can stop with your #AlternativeFacts on the subject.

Just imagine where it would be if it wasn't just for hardcore gamers and could be purchased by casuals...

6 minutes ago, Stu35 said:

Just imagine where it would be if it wasn't just for hardcore gamers and could be purchased by casuals...

This. Pretty much EVERY SINGLE CCG shows up fourth behind the big three in the first month after launch. Its where it ends up 6 months to a year.

Just now, Stu35 said:

Just imagine where it would be if it wasn't just for hardcore gamers and could be purchased by casuals...

Probably still number 4.

It's going to be very rough breaking in to the Top 3. MtG and Pokemon are not moving any time soon. Yugioh is the only vulnerable one by comparison, but you aren't supplanting that with just one set and one month of sales even if your stock was less finite. Yugioh may not be the thing that keeps most gaming stores in business (MtG) or expericing huge surges in popularity (Pokemon) but it's still a big game.

Hypothetically speaking Destiny may have the ability to push up to #3 in Hobby sales, but without being present in mass-market retailers Destiny likely would be unable to supplant Yugioh as #3 overall.

I would have actually expected Heroclix to jump over Destiny in the overall rankings with the combo of hobby and mass-market retailers.

Just now, GamerGuy1984 said:

This. Pretty much EVERY SINGLE CCG shows up fourth behind the big three in the first month after launch. Its where it ends up 6 months to a year.

For sure. But the idea that Destiny only sold out because they made so little is unsupportable with this information.

1 minute ago, ScottieATF said:

Probably still number 4.

It's going to be very rough breaking in to the Top 3. MtG and Pokemon are not moving any time soon. Yugioh is the only vulnerable one by comparison, but you aren't supplanting that with just one set and one month of sales even if your stock was less finite. Yugioh may not be the thing that keeps most gaming stores in business (MtG) or expericing huge surges in popularity (Pokemon) but it's still a big game.

Hypothetically speaking Destiny may have the ability to push up to #3 in Hobby sales, but without being present in mass-market retailers Destiny likely would be unable to supplant Yugioh as #3 overall.

I would have actually expected Heroclix to jump over Destiny in the overall rankings with the combo of hobby and mass-market retailers.

As i said pretty much every CCG comes in 4th the first month after release. Take a look at Vanguard and Force of Will for example. They hit huge for about 6 months to a year and a half after launch. Now? They are pulling up 8th and 9th now.

Just now, ScottieATF said:

For sure. But the idea that Destiny only sold out because they made so little is unsupportable with this information.

Oh no doubt they would be sold out regardless of amount printed. Think the bigger point is saying its doing fine because its number 4 overall in Collectable games is the issue. As I said every ccg has pretty much done that and almost all have dropped quickly out of the top 10. See Vanguard and Force of Will as examples of games that hit big early and now flounder.

That link doesn't show us how much of the market they've actually managed to capture. Destiny sales could make up 5% of the overall market and still land in fourth place, considering how big the other games are.

I want to see data, not rankings; the information presented doesn't actually debunk the notion that Destiny sold out because of limited supply.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

There is another logistical issue that hasn't been mentioned here: the event is "open play," which requires people who attend to bring their own decks in to play with. I am one of a very small number of people who were able to get hands on product in my area. Many people I know are interested in getting into Destiny, but can't (we already know this). How can I generate interest in an event when people have no decks to bring with them? Three boosters is not enough to make a playable deck, and there are no starters to be found! Even if my lgs could get an event kit, only three people could attend.

Lucas Litzsinger himself said that they had not planned for any type of limited play format (draft, sealed, etc...). This means that any "open play" event is reliant upon players having previous access to product. If the event also gave some kind of stripped-down starter set, with enough generic cards / dice to support a deck, then maybe it could work. Instead, the only people who can play are people who already play, further increasing the barrier to entry.

6 minutes ago, GamerGuy1984 said:

Oh no doubt they would be sold out regardless of amount printed. Think the bigger point is saying its doing fine because its number 4 overall in Collectable games is the issue. As I said every ccg has pretty much done that and almost all have dropped quickly out of the top 10. See Vanguard and Force of Will as examples of games that hit big early and now flounder.

I'm not disagreeing with you there. Just note the post that I originally responded to with that link. That specific poster has repeatedly asserted that the only reason Destiny sold out was because they made so little, not because there is real demand for the game.

As you're saying it's not a huge feather in their cap being #4 at launch, but it certainly ruins this idea that is a super small game that only sold out because made even less.

12 minutes ago, ScottieATF said:

I'm not disagreeing with you there. Just note the post that I originally responded to with that link. That specific poster has repeatedly asserted that the only reason Destiny sold out was because they made so little, not because there is real demand for the game.

As you're saying it's not a huge feather in their cap being #4 at launch, but it certainly ruins this idea that is a super small game that only sold out because made even less.

I'm not sure if you're talking about me or someone else, but I can assure you that wasn't my point. Plenty of people are upset about the production issues, and rightfully so. It just seems silly to me for certain posters to be dismissive of those complaints by saying something as ludicrous as "the game sold out, so clearly they're doing everything right and you have no grounds for complaint." The fact that Destiny is popular right now is not in dispute.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
1 hour ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I'm not sure if you're talking about me or someone else, but I can assure you that wasn't my point. Plenty of people are upset about the production issues, and rightfully so. It just seems silly to me for certain posters to be dismissive of those complaints by saying something as ludicrous as "the game sold out, so clearly they're doing everything right and you have no grounds for complaint." The fact that Destiny is popular right now is not in dispute.

Why would you think I was responding to you? I never quoted your recent posts or referenced them in any way. You can see exactly which post and poster I responded to with that link. The very post I quoted and responded to was disputing the current popularity of Destiny. It's 10 posts back.

Hey now, it's all about the sWAAAGH.

Game has been out 3 months. Can't judge or come to conclusions about anything other than it sold out. A year from now you can start ranking it and deciding if it is going to over take this or that game.

48 minutes ago, ScottieATF said:

Why would you think I was responding to you? I never quoted your recent posts or referenced them in any way. You can see exactly which post and poster I responded to with that link. The very post I quoted and responded to was disputing the current popularity of Destiny. It's 10 posts back.

You didn't quote anyone, it didn't seem like you were responding to the poster immediately above you, and I scrolled up and still don't see anyone saying that Destiny isn't popular. The conversation was mostly about whether or not being sold out / unable to obtain preview kits is an indication of poor decision making on FFG's part, and then you posted the link. I'm not offended, it just didn't seem like there was a more relevant post that you were referring to.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Pretty sure he meant Soviet Prince.

15 minutes ago, Mep said:

Hey now, it's all about the sWAAAGH.

Game has been out 3 months. Can't judge or come to conclusions about anything other than it sold out. A year from now you can start ranking it and deciding if it is going to over take this or that game.

It would be a bad company that sees three months worth of data as meaningless. FFG wants to make money (I think... ), I can promise you they'd laugh if you told them to wait a year before worrying about how they fair in the competitive marketplace.

Is there a good reason why you're trying to make this personal? I mean, it's adorable, but you wouldn't be the first stalker I've had.

I'm just tired of you reposting the same stuff over and over and over again. You've been at it for a couple of months now. Even every post is all about you. Give it a rest.

The rumor is they set up a second factory, the reality is they would do something along those lines. The supply issues will take time, we shall see in the future not the present how that shakes out.

Three months worth of data isn't meaningless, it is just so incomplete that one can't come to any conclusions though many seem to wrongly do so.

TBH the biggest issue this game has right now is a lack of cards, as in choices of cards, not supply, which is an issue and has been way over discussed. So for now, it isn't possible to even say if this is a good or bad game, supply issues put aside.

8 minutes ago, Mep said:

I'm just tired of you reposting the same stuff over and over and over again. You've been at it for a couple of months now. Even every post is all about you. Give it a rest.

The rumor is they set up a second factory, the reality is they would do something along those lines. The supply issues will take time, we shall see in the future not the present how that shakes out.

Three months worth of data isn't meaningless, it is just so incomplete that one can't come to any conclusions though many seem to wrongly do so.

TBH the biggest issue this game has right now is a lack of cards, as in choices of cards, not supply, which is an issue and has been way over discussed. So for now, it isn't possible to even say if this is a good or bad game, supply issues put aside.

I can tell you where the ignore option is, if you'd like. Or you can report me, but policing my habits or opinions is ultimately not your responsibility. I offered you an olive branch, but at this point I'm getting increasingly closer to just reporting you myself for harassment (for whatever that's worth).

Three months is an entire financial quarter, which I assure you is not an incomplete picture in the business world. FFG will be making important decisions based off those three months... just like all of us are.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

It wouldn't be worth anything at this point since you are just trolling these forums with the same repeated negativity. You are upset about the supply issues, you've made that clear in just about every topic in this forum. We get it and FFG knows. If you think it is that bad, move on already. Just about all new products that are successful have supply issues. They stated their plans on the supply and put their plans in motion. It doesn't need to be reexamined until June when we will find out if they succeeded getting the supply up or not and certainly not several times a day in almost every topic posted here especially when you offer nothing new or anything of substance. A good olive branch would be to stop all the spam trolling and I'll stop being grumpy about it.