SoR Event is going to be very limited...

By ReaverRandall, in Star Wars: Destiny

So just heard through the grapevine that the SoR event is going to be extremely limited, on the order of only about 10-15% of stores will have kits to run it.

What's up with the supply issues?!

Going to be a fun time...

Edited by ReaverRandall

Well, my local shop is getting it, and we're tiny up north. They were contacted by the distributor as well. Then again we've recently started getting Heroclix releases, and the store's been doing large scale Magic events for quite a while

I heard back from one store out of the three I've checked with today and they reported that the kits sold out within an hour. Take it with a grain of salt.

It would be a shame if an event designed to promote a new expansion that already has concerns with limited production, was itself, limited in production.

1 minute ago, Hawkman2000 said:

I heard back from one store out of the three I've checked with today and they reported that the kits sold out within an hour. Take it with a grain of salt.

It would be a shame if an event designed to promote a new expansion that already has concerns with limited production, was itself, limited in production.


Seems like your store got lucky.

Down here in the southeast it is apparently a 1 in 10 type deal.

The distributors said that they didn't even list it as available stock because they knew the numbers were going to be super low

Edited by ReaverRandall

Kind of crappy to announce something like that and then have such low numbers available

If any of those kits are on eBay before April 1 it should be a blacklist for the store involved

Edited by ReaverRandall
2 hours ago, ReaverRandall said:

Seems like your store got lucky.

Down here in the southeast it is apparently a 1 in 10 type deal.

The distributors said that they didn't even list it as available stock because they knew the numbers were going to be super low

Why is caring about their players lucky. It seems some are on top of it and some aren't.

Well, with so few boxes coming over, I guess they did air mail them over. That is just poor planning and thinking.

15 minutes ago, Mep said:

Well, with so few boxes coming over, I guess they did air mail them over. That is just poor planning and thinking.

You sound surprised.

52 minutes ago, ozmodon said:

Why is caring about their players lucky. It seems some are on top of it and some aren't.

I swear, they could announce that the dice are made with ground up kittens to give them that shiny feel, and you'd think it was awesome.

An event to promote the game shouldn't require stores to react within an hour to be involved.

Even ignoring that, this is awful, AWFUL PR. The biggest running theme with this game right now is that FFG can't produce enough. A lot of people are seriously worried about this, and it's basically creating chaos around the game. People are exiting because of it. And now they run a promotional event, where the primary theme is going to be that only about 1 in 10 that wants to run it will?

They're basically putting out a press release that says "Worried about availability for Destiny? You should be!!"

And while the hardcore fanboys like you may think that's just awesome, it's not going to do the game, the players, or the shops any favors.

20 minutes ago, Buhallin said:

I swear, they could announce that the dice are made with ground up kittens to give them that shiny feel, and you'd think it was awesome.

Umm, you mean you didn't know? It's what gives the dice that clunky feel when they hit the table.

18 minutes ago, Mep said:

Umm, you mean you didn't know? It's what gives the dice that clunky feel when they hit the table.

That explains it... When opening my first pack I got a minor paper cut. Turns out it gave me cat scratch fever :)

And I thought it was bad waiting half an hour in line for the Awakenings preview event and walking away empty handed...

2 hours ago, ozmodon said:

Why is caring about their players lucky. It seems some are on top of it and some aren't.

my store was on the phone and sending emails to FFG Direct and their other distributors within an hour of the announcement. if that's not on top of it i don't know what is ...

there was such little product the distributors didn't even bother to create a listing on the site. they are basically having to draw names out of hats to see who gets the imagine 30 shops want to get the kit while the distributor only has 3 avail and no more information avail on if there will be more...

pretty messed up

I have to wonder how many stores are just jumping on this kit to flip. By now everyone knows Destiny is hot and limited promo material? Even hotter.

FFG does not learn a thing, there still doing the same crap over and over again. This clearly says to me that they don't care for the players at all and going to do it there way and hell with the other players that want to play.

here is rare actual picture of them at work


Hoping this is not the norm, but we'll have to wait and see

Edited by JediGeekGirl

They better get more flown in.

Spoke to my local store today and they were told by the distributor that 400 orders had been placed and they only were alloted 70. I get it is collectable people but so is Magic and you can buy that anywhere with no issue. As awesome as this game is I fear it may just burn bright and fast and then fizzle out because no one can get their hands on it

I hope they will at the very least allow prerelease events to be had without the promos so most everyone will be able to get a few packs that want a few packs. Myself, the promos do not interest me at all but limiting the prerelease event to so very few will hurt a bit. Enough to make players leave the game all together? Some, however who are we kidding as when Spirit of Rebellion releases we will see it fly off the shelves. Between those of us who want Destiny to play and those who pick up a box or boxes to resell unless this print run is huge it will sell out and fast.

FFG really needs to stop it with this nonsense.

Either allocate enough that a lot (90%+) of stores that want it can get it, or just flat out STOP with this style of event.

There is nothing but negative PR coming from this.
Many players at my FLGS are royally pissed. We have not been able to get any of these release events.
We have been desperately trying to grow the community. We have players who want to play, but if FFG is not going to support the players and the stores...

Right now my entire city (the largest in my state of residence) will not have one of these events, and there is a REALLY good chance my entire state will not.

Edited by KryatDragon

So will this settle next year? I hope so. What a waste of a good and well received game. The lost sales on impulse buys and people giving into the hype band wagon is fading. Selling the game to many people, isn't that what any CCG maker hopes for upon release? In this case I guess not. I will wait but I have never heard of being punished for waiting to see if a game takes off. Really? C'mon that is how these game communities usually grow.

My store sold through 120+ boxes of Awakenings. They don't even know is if they can host this event.

Wow. This was limited too? Yeesh. I am glad I am getting out. Stuff like this is just nonsense.

Looking like at least 2 shops in the Atlanta area got kits, word is a third and fourth did but haven't confirmed the time yet so they don't overlap.

Edited by Engine25